I should have realized. The Terminator knew. He tried to tell us. But I didn't want to hear it. Our destiny was never to stop Judgment Day. It was merely to survive it?together.

Above, in the tunnel, a wind began to howl, fanning the dying flames from the wreckage of the helicopters, sending desert sand under the blast doors to scour the burnt remains of the two terminators.

There are others like us. We will find them. And join together. Take back our world.

Terminator's skull was crushed almost beyond recognition. Wires and hydraulics and processor chips were exposed.

But there was still a faint red glow in one eye.

Maybe the future has been written. I don't know. All I know is what the Terminator taught me. Never stop fighting. And I never will.

A tiny electric circuit in Terminator's skull shorted out.

The battle has just begun, Connor thought

The wind in the tunnel was very strong now and radioactive with early fallout. But Terminator was no longer aware of anything. The feint glow in its eye died.

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