‘You get the idea. Oh-the book said it should be someone famous, so that you can collect stuff from newspapers and magazines about them. A celebrity.’
‘You’re making this up,’ Charlie breathed.
‘Does it sound like the sort of thing I’d make up? There was a receipt in the book-Bussey bought it from Word in September 2006.’
‘Exactly when I was newsworthy,’ said Charlie, trying to make light of it.
‘Exactly when you thought the whole country wanted you dead, yeah. You were wrong. At least one person didn’t. If she admired the way you-’
‘Move on,’ Charlie warned him. ‘My self-esteem issues are my business-not yours and not Ruth Bussey’s.’ A sudden surge of emotion made it difficult for her to breathe. She looked down at her hands, picking at her fingernails. ‘Did the book say to cover an
‘Talk to Sellers or Gibbs if you want the details,’ said Simon wearily. ‘At first, yes, you put up everything you can find on whoever you choose, positive and negative write-ups, pictures of them looking their best and pictures of them looking like shit, all together. You look at it every day, if you haven’t got anything else to occupy your time, and you…’ Seeing Charlie’s stunned expression, Simon snapped, ‘Look, don’t blame me if it sounds way-out. I’m only telling you what Gibbs told me.’
‘Go on,’ said Charlie. She wondered if Ruth had drawn up a shortlist. Which other disgraced celebrities had made headlines in September 2006? Not that Charlie was a celebrity. Still, she was curious to know if she’d had competition. ‘You look at it every day, and?’
‘You focus on how whoever you’ve chosen hasn’t allowed their mistakes to defeat them, how they’ve bounced back, that sort of thing. The rest’s predictable: you realise no one’s perfect, everyone has their ups and downs, including you. Once you’ve got that straight in your head, you’re allowed to take down anything that shows the person you admire in a bad light. In place of what you’ve taken down, you put up some of your favourite photographs of yourself, and there’s your finished product: a wall-mounted display of you and the person you admire, both looking your best, having triumphed over all things nasty. I might have got a couple of details wrong, but that’s the essence of it. The book even specifies that it ought to be a bedroom wall, so you can see it first thing in the morning and last thing at night.’
‘Outrageous,’ said Charlie. Still, she felt a little better. The idea of somebody thinking her admirable… Now she knew beyond doubt that Ruth Bussey was nuts.
‘Bussey had scribbled your name on the relevant page and put a big fat tick next to it,’ said Simon. ‘You should be flattered. ’
‘Is she okay?’ Charlie felt guilty for caring more now than she had before. So that’s why Ruth had come to her last Friday. If the person you most admire works for the police, and your boyfriend’s scaring you out of your wits saying he murdered someone, the next step is obvious, surely-almost meant to be.
‘No one knows where Bussey is, Gibbs said. Same with Seed and Trelease.’
‘She hadn’t put any pictures of herself up,’ Charlie said quietly. She looked at Simon. ‘On the wall. Did the book say you’re supposed to put up your
‘I think that’s what Gibbs said, yeah.’
Charlie knew why Ruth hadn’t got that far with the exercise: eighteen months after wasting her money on a self-esteem manual, she still didn’t like any pictures of herself. Flattering or unflattering, it didn’t matter; all images of her were images of a victim, someone to be reviled or pitied depending on your point of view.
‘What? What are you thinking?’
Simon looked stumped. Charlie guessed he was wondering how hard he ought to try to make her talk about her feelings, and hoping that the answer was not at all.
‘I’d live where I live now,’ he said, after a few seconds of awkward silence.
‘You asked me before-where I’d live if I could live anywhere. ’
A quick glance told her he meant it. ‘Where you live now? You mean Spilling, or your house?’
‘My house is in Spilling. I mean both. I like where I am-why would I want to live anywhere else?’
‘I’d live in Torquay,’ Charlie heard her voice harden as she said it. No way was she moving into Simon’s place after they were married. The kitchen was as narrow as a drainpipe and the bathroom was downstairs, behind it. The house was right on the pavement, too; people peered into the lounge as they walked past. And it was too close to Simon’s parents.
‘I’d never live by the sea,’ he said. ‘It’s one big, blue dead-end. I’d feel hemmed in.’
‘You wouldn’t be.’ What other insane opinions was he harbouring that she didn’t know about? ‘You could take a boat.’
‘Mary Trelease killed Gemma Crowther. To get her picture back-
There goes our intimate chat, thought Charlie. She added ‘wouldn’t like to live by the sea’ to the list of what she knew about her fiance.
‘She was outside Crowther’s flat on Monday night, when I was there-the same person who saw me saw her. She stayed after I’d gone. She knew Seed and Crowther were inside having a cosy evening together, with her picture up on the wall…’
‘No one broke in, remember?’
‘Trelease could easily have persuaded Crowther to let her in somehow, or maybe she used the gun from the off, backed Crowther into the flat at gunpoint, down the hall and into the front room where she shot her. She wanted her picture back-perhaps she was jealous, too. If she followed Aidan Seed to London, that suggests he was on her mind.’
‘Maybe you were the one she was following,’ Charlie suggested. ‘Maybe you’re the person she most admires in the whole wide world. No-that really is implausible.’
If she’d been trying to upset him, she didn’t succeed. Usually Simon was easily riled. He only wasn’t when he was in the grip of one of his fixations. Charlie knew the signs: verbal abuse rolled off him like rain off an umbrella. And that occupied look in his eyes, so that you could almost see his brain whirring…
‘Trelease killed Crowther and made Seed go with her somewhere, ’ he said. ‘She had a gun with her, must have had a car too. Wherever she took Seed, they went in her car, having first locked the painting in the boot of his, to make sure any suspicion fell on him.’
‘Why must she have had a car?’
‘She couldn’t hold a gun to his head as they walked along the street, could she? If she had a car, she could make him drive, sit behind him and-’
‘I don’t believe this!’
‘You said the picture hooks in Crowther’s gums was a woman’s touch,’ Simon reminded her. ‘Crowther was shot, then someone carefully knocked her teeth out with a hammer and replaced them with picture hooks. Compare that to Seed’s description of strangling Mary Trelease-a killing at close range, her struggling, naked, right next to him, or under him, or on top of him…’
‘So now he killed her while they were having sex? Another detail you’ve invented.’
‘… Seed feeling his thumbnail pressing into his own flesh as he held his hands closed around her throat…’
‘You forget, you’re describing a killing we
‘I think it did,’ said Simon. ‘Aidan Seed killed someone, exactly as he described to me. Not Mary Trelease- someone else.’
‘Then why say it was Trelease?’
‘That’s what we have to find out. The first step’s obvious.’
‘Not to me it isn’t,’ said Charlie.