
Tessa hung her head, defeated. Dawn would come and with it a new day. How would she explain the ruined garment? She had no other. Surely Grandfather would notice her lack of a cloak during this morning's frigid walk to Sunday meeting.

She stood and hung the ruined length of wool to dry in the cow's stall. No one in the family would notice it there. With a heavy heart, she lifted the bucket of lye water.

Did she regret last night? She was foolish for her adventure, but she'd only wanted a brief escape from her grandfather's unhappy home. To skate on the ice and be free, just for a spell. Then the boys came and she had been scurrying off when Jonah Hunter found her.

Jonah Hunter. He was a handsome one. And what a foolish thought! She was too old for romance. No one, especially one so fine, would marry her. She was lucky to live under her stern grandfather's roof, even if she still wished… oh, how she wished, for what could never be.

But what if Jonah Hunter spoke of her midnight adventure? Tessa's meager hopes sank. If he did and Grandfather learned of what she'd done, then there would be no more midnight adventures, no swirling alone on the ice beneath the stars.

The cow shifted in her stall. The horse kicked, hoof against wood. Something was wrong. It was too early for Grandfather to be up for his chores. A scraping sound rasped along the edge of the stable.

Another hungry wolf? Mayhap a bear? She gripped her pail more tightly and hurried toward the unbolted door. The rasping sound ceased. Tessa froze, listening. Mayhap whatever it was had vanished, been frightened by the sound of her approach.

A groan of wood. A whisper of the leather hinges. Something was opening the door. In the flickering lantern light she could see a tall shadow, a big hand nudging the door wider.

'Grandfather?' she whispered.

'Not in your wildest dreams.' Jonah Hunter strode into the stable, dressed in a large black coat that fell to the top of his fine leather boots.

'You.' Her step faltered. 'You have no right to step foot near me, Jonah Hunter.'

'After saving your life, I have every right. You owe me, Tessa Bradford. And I require payment. Now.'

'Payment?' Fear fluttered in her chest. What did he want?

'Yes, payment.' He stalked closer, all darkness and might.

'Now? I have no money.'

'I do not require money.' Still he approached.

She shrank into the shadows. He didn't want any money? 'Then what do you want?'

'You, Tessa Bradford.' His voice shivered over her like candlelight, brief but caressing. 'I want you.'

Heavens, he wanted her virginity. Tessa froze. Air caught in her chest. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't speak. Did he think he could just walk in here and demand her virtue?

'Where is your cloak?'

He towered over her, enormous in the shadows. Tongues of weak light caressed half his face. Standing partly in the light and shadowed by the dark, he seemed more beast than man.

Tessa's hand flew to her throat. Every instinct clenched tight in her gut. It was sensible to be afraid. Rumors of Jonah's imminent return to Baybrooke had grown to legends. Major Hunter, who had killed Indians, saved mothers and helpless babes from scalping, fought bravely for the Crown and the colonies.

No man with eyes so dark could be trusted.

'My cloak is wet.' Her throat choked out the words, 'R-ruined. F-from the wolf.'

Jonah shrugged off his cloak and swung the fine length of cloth around her shoulders. 'Here, this will keep you warm. The night is cold and we have a far way to go.'

'Go? But I have my chores here.' Tessa lifted her chin.

'Then they will wait until you return.' His fingers curled around the back of her neck, hot and possessive.

The thought of touching him made panic squeeze tight in her chest She dropped her bucket, the lye water spilling into the straw at her feet. She swallowed, time slowing as her gaze focused on the wide column of his neck. A strong pulse beat beneath his dark skin. Jonah Hunter was a vital man, with a man's appetites.

'Please.' Fear beat at her heart.

The strength of his fingers cupped the base of her skull and nudged her head back. Her gaze collided with his.

'I need you tonight, Tessa.' A flicker of light hopped across his face, and she saw a steadiness in his bold eyes. A trueness that made the uncertainty drain from her chest.

' 'Tis not right for me to be out in the night with you, Jonah Hunter,' she argued quietly. 'Regardless of what you need.'

In the webby darkness, his face changed. 'Then we'll make a bargain tonight. A pact between you and me.'

Outrageous. 'Only the devil makes bargains.'

'Is that what you think I am?' His laughter knelled deep and rich as rum. Amusement glittered in his eyes and he did not seem so dangerous. He seemed… human.

Tessa relaxed, felt the heat of his fingers biting into the back of her neck, smelled the horse and night scent of him.

'Trust me. I am nothing more than a flawed man.'

She considered that. Considered him standing before her as brash as the night. 'A very flawed man.'

'Deeply so.' Jonah's hand settled on her shoulder. Solid. Unyielding. 'Will you come?'

The heat of his skin burned through the thin layers of wool and flannel. She would be dead if not for his steady aim. Tessa closed her eyes. Her heart stopped at the memory of him kneeling in the moonlight looking as solid as a legendary hero, musket aimed and then firing.

He'd saved her life with those two shots. Still, Tessa was not like her mother. 'I will not go with you. I will not trade my innocence for my life.'

'Innocence?' Jonah shook his head, scattering his long black locks over the stunning breadth of his shoulders. Then merry laughter filled the air. 'Let me understand this. You think I want to bed you?'

' 'Tis no laughing matter.' Tessa curled her fists, ready to fight for her honor. 'I will never give you that. My innocence belongs to the man who will be my husband one day.'

He only laughed harder.

What was so funny? What could possibly be-

Then she knew. Jonah Hunter hadn't wanted her maidenhood. The very thought made him howl with laughter. Why, he must think her ugly, like every other man in this horrible village. Shame jammed against her heart and she spun away, walking fast, blinking hard.

'Tessa.' She heard his step, felt the thud of the earth as he approached.

She kept walking. Pain wedged in her throat. Who did he think he was? He might be one of the richest men this side of Boston but did that give him the right to hurt her feelings? Make her think a man so fine would want her?

Well, she wasn't worthless. What she lacked in looks, she made up in heart, in loyalty. She was too good for the likes of him, fine cloak or no.

Anger bubbled in her chest. 'I am no longer a schoolgirl, Hunter, and you have no right to hurt my feelings just as you did years ago when you were a wretchedly behaved schoolboy.'

'Tessa, I know. I'm sorry.' Jonah choked down his last amused chuckle. His voice came light, not teasing, but not serious either. 'You are right. I was a wretched little boy.'

'And a wretched man.' She paused at the well, curling both hands around the handle. Aye, she might be skinny and disagreeable and probably ugly, but she still had feelings. No man-no matter how fine the cut of his jacket- seemed able to understand that.

A big hand covered hers. Male-hot. Possessive.

'I am truly sorry, Tessa.' Sincerity lined his hard cut face, at odds with the devil's light in his eyes. 'I did not mean to hurt you. I only meant-' He sighed. 'I require other services from you tonight Grab your herbs or whatever

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