Milam stood behind Julia, one hand touching the back of her chair, but she didn't seem aware of him. He watched her, pain and worry in his eyes.

Sybil, her lovely face pale and haggard, paced like a lithe and dangerous animal, back and forth, back and forth, in front of the fireplace.

Harris Walker leaned against the mantel, his eyes, angry, hurt, dangerous eyes, probing each face in turn.

Lucy Jane sat in a straight chair near the archway to the hall. Her posture was regal, and her face impassive.

Miss Dora thumped her cane against the heart pine floor. 'Our investigation is done.'

Chief Wells shifted his weight.

Annie sensed terror abroad in that room. One of those listening was the quarry, feeling now the hot breath of the pursuing hounds, beginning to weary, quivering with desper­ate lurching fear, hunted with no place to hide.

'Twenty-two years ago Death walked in Tarrant House, setting in motion events brutal enough to sear our souls.' Miss Dora's tar-black eyes touched each face. 'Tonight, let us find peace.'

A long, quiet silence pulsed with feeling.

'Let us,' she said softly, 'finally lay to rest the ghost that has haunted us since that dreadful day.'

Julia's chin sunk on her thin chest. She began to shake.

Miss Dora's gaze focused on Whitney. 'Whitney, what did you see from the window of the garage?' All of the impress of her formidable personality was contained in that simple ques­tion.

Whitney was not her equal; he had never been her equal.

His eyes shifted away from her. The hand he lifted to his chin trembled. 'I didn't'—he paused, took a deep breath—'I didn't see anything. Or anyone.'

Oddly, unexpectedly, Annie believed him. There was a ring of truth in Whitney's voice, yet, at the same time, a tone of abject despair.

What kind of sense did that make?

Miss Dora pursed her lips. Her face was as empty of expres­sion as a skull, but Annie knew she had failed. This was Miss Dora's moment. She had wielded her power—and lost.

What now?

'Very well.' The arrogant voice was as confident as ever. 'I would have welcomed your assistance, Whitney, but I shall prevail. I know what happened. I know who committed mur­der. Not once, but twice. This chapter must be closed. I know, and tomorrow I shall inform the authorities.'to the point. 'No sweat, honey. It's the hoariest ploy in the world.'

Annie muttered, 'Right out of Edgar Wallace.'

Max bypassed a peanut butter cookie for a shiny apple. He took a bite and, between crunches, said, 'Only an old-time melodrama fan would even try it. There's no danger. Chief Wells isn't my favorite cop, but he's not stupid. The security around Miss Dora at this moment is right on a par with the patrols at Kennebunkport, you can count on it.'

Annie picked up two peanut butter cookies and stared moodily at the welter of papers on the golden oak breakfast room table. 'Dammit, Max, we ought to know. We ought to know!'

The fruits of two hours' intensive labor lay before them. She took two bites, finishing off the first cookie, and picked up Max's motive sheet.

'Grandstanding!' Annie poured fresh coffee, but even their best Colombian couldn't warm away the chill in her heart.

Thunder crashed, drowning out Max's reply. Lightning ex­ploded, and the lights quivered, dimmed, returned to full strength. Wind-driven rain lashed against the windows.

Max tried again. 'Relax, Annie. You can bet the chief has men upstairs and down at her house. He's probably in the old monster's boudoir himself, right this minute.' His tone was irritated. Max, too, wasn't pleased with their aged employer's calculated indiscretion.

'Doesn't she have any confidence in us?' Annie demanded, her mood swinging from worry to fury.

Max grinned. 'What do you think?'

Unwillingly, Annie grinned, too. 'So, okay, she decided to short-circuit her way to a solution. She's going to be damned lucky if she doesn't short-circuit her way into the family plot at the cemetery. See how she'd like that!' Annie demanded obscurely.

Max was accustomed to Annie's thought processes. He keptMOTIVES TO KILL JUDGE TARRANT

WHITNEY TARRANT—If the Judge lived, Whitney was out of luck and out of his cushy job in the family law firm.

CHARLOTTE TARRANT—Tarrant House and the Tarrant

family were her life. And the Judge's death?

MILAM—All he'd ever asked for was his father's love. How angry was he when his father orchestrated a public embarrassment? And what was he willing to do to make certain Julia and Missy weren't sent home to Julia's par­ ents?

JuLIA—She was determined not to take Missy home to her father. Determined enough to kill?

LUCY JANE—She was the soul of rectitude. Everyone ad­mired her. When she didn't answer the

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