before the animal leapt from the road and disappeared. In a split second, Brook realized the car was going to go off the side of the road. Reacting instinctively, she threw open the door and jumped. She landed in the muddy road with a splat, uninjured. The car spiraled by inches from her before disappearing down the steep embankment. Brook scrambled to her feet and was taking a step back from the edge of the ravine when the ground gave way. She plummeted into darkness. Sliding and rolling down the scree slope, smashing small shrubs, and banging painfully into tree trunks, she finally came to a stop when her head made contact with a boulder. Blackness descended and Brook knew nothing.

Chapter 12

That night, as Lance settled into bed with a book, he reflected on his day. He had picked up a few more staples while in town dropping off Old Reliable and carted them home in his backpack. He now felt well stocked for winter, and it was a good feeling. He hadn’t completed the electric fence project, finding it more of a challenge than he had at first thought it would be with all the trees and brush in the way.

The area he finally chose would not provide much in the way of forage for Belinda and Gilbert, and he didn’t know about trying to fence in the wilder goats. That damned cougar! He was uneasy, but conceded he would have to reconsider his layout and finish the work tomorrow. Wherever he put the enclosure, it needed to be close enough to the cabin that he would hear if his livestock encountered danger. He wanted to be able to protect his animals.

For tonight, he was comfortably drowsy and all he wanted to do was relax. Lance read until he couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer. He rolled over onto his side and fell into a deep slumber as a cold thin breeze crept around the mountainside, probing for chinks in between the logs, unable to penetrate his cozy den.

Chapter 13

Brook slowly regained consciousness, blinking into darkness, feeling the cold slide its icy fingers over her nakedness as she tried to remember where she was. With amazing clarity, everything flooded back. The days of captivity and abuse, her escape, the deer stepping into the path of the car she had stolen, and her headlong tumble into the ravine. Enormous relief washed through her at the realization that she had escaped, that she was still alive. Then the gravity of the situation sobered her.

She had no idea where she was and not a clue what to do next. Physical discomfort demanded her attention, and she slowly took note of her injuries, running her hands gently over her body. Cuts and scrapes covered her from head to toe. Her eyes were puffy, and one opened only a mere slit. Pain radiated from just behind her left ear. Carefully probing the spot, she found a tender lump, the skin unbroken. She ticked off the injuries in her mind and added a few more. Bruised or cracked ribs. Sore mouth. Abdomen that felt like she had just finished a hundred sit- ups, and the unrelenting torment between her legs. And to top off everything, she now had to endure the cold.

In an effort to calm her violent shivering, she hugged herself. Her naked skin felt like ice. She stood on trembling legs, slipped a little, caught herself, and peered into the surrounding darkness. At first, she saw nothing, but then she detected a glimmer of light below her. A house? Her heart beat rapidly against her chest. Help? Please let it be help. She started to call out but stopped herself. What if they're around? The thought silenced her.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Brook made her way down, toward the light. Sharp stones tore at the soles of her feet, eliciting small whimpers of pain. She moved cautiously, testing every step before putting down her full weight, unable to avoid the jagged edges of rock. As she drew nearer, the insistent beeping of an open vehicle door disturbed the quiet, and she realized the light she saw was from the dome light of a car. The car she had taken. The car she had leapt from before it crashed into this ravine. Her heart fell.

With nowhere else to go, Brook continued easing her way down the slope. At least the car would offer shelter from the night.

Arriving at the vehicle, she found it cocked to one side, leaning towards the passenger side, front end braced precariously against a small tree. She crawled up and into the car, thankful to have a place out of the cold, out of the dark and unknown. Her weight caused the car to shift ominously, but it held its position. Brook sighed in disappointment. She had hoped the interior would still be warm, but the cold had already insinuated itself and there was no comfort.

Cowering on the seat she turned the key, hoping to run the heater. The starter clicked and the motor remained silent. Damn it! I’m so cold, so cold! She rubbed her arms briskly, attempting to generate some heat but the chill was too intense.

Aware the car could topple at any second, she kept her motions deliberate and slow as she scoured the interior for anything useful. The vehicle settled slightly, and Brook held her breath for a long moment before resuming her search. She found a man’s long-sleeved shirt and slipped it on, thankful for the cover even though it stank of sweat and grease. Huddling into it, she sought any semblance of warmth she could find. She was disappointed to find nothing further of use. No shoes, no food, nothing but the shirt. Not even matches she could use to start a fire. She did, however, find her purse. She held it close; at least she had something that belonged to her. Lying on the floor was the dead phone. Brook leaned down carefully, picked it up, and placed it back in her bag. It may not work, but it’s mine.

Easing one of her painful and freezing feet into her lap, Brook examined the sole, horrified by the sight. Oh god! Oh god, my poor feet. How will I ever walk! Long moments passed as she fought the panic that threatened to overwhelm her.

I’ll stay with the car. If I’m careful not to move too much, it should be okay. Someone will see it come daylight and I’ll be safe. She sat very still for a couple of minutes. But what if it’s Jase and his men? Oh god, what should I do?

Eventually, Brook recognized the need to put distance between her and the vehicle. She crawled out and flinched when rocks again gouged her bare feet. I need something, something to put on my feet. Reaching into the car, she rummaged around under the seats and found nothing. She stood and stared into the interior. The seat covers. Maybe I can rip them up!

Climbing carefully back into the car, she dug in her bag and grabbed her tiny travel sewing kit. Removing the scissors, she plunged them into the seat and began cutting in earnest. Working frantically, she tuned out everything around her; she forgot where she was; she forgot the cold. Finally, she had enough material to cover one foot. But, it had taken a long time.

Pulling her foot up, she placed the strip against her sole and realized she had no way to hold it there. God, please help me! Please! Brook remained motionless, crying silent tears. Her thoughts cleared a little and she looked down at the shirt she was wearing. An idea came to her. She cut a couple of narrow strips from the shirt, pulled the upholstery over her foot and tied it on near her toes and around her ankle. It works!

She cut more strips from the shirt and then worked vigorously to obtain a second piece of upholstery. Halfway through, the tiny scissors broke with a snap. No, no, no! Brook sobbed in frustration, near defeat. But her will to survive was strong, and she remembered that she had a nail file in her purse. Fumbling through the bag with cold fingers, she found the file and began to saw at the fabric. It took even longer than the small scissors had, but she eventually had her second ‘shoe’. Batting stuck to her hand and she slapped it away before stopping abruptly. Batting! Stuffing! I can use this for cushioning. She quickly removed the first ‘shoe’, added batting, and then tied it on again, repeating the steps for her other foot. Brook was elated; at least one of her problems was solved. She was partly clothed and now had provided a couple of layers of insulation between her flesh and the cold ground. Thrusting a fist skyward in a gesture of triumph, she shouted, “Yes!” Immediately, she slapped her hand over her mouth, afraid her captors might be around to hear her.

The car rocked gently, and Brook froze until it settled once more. Staring out the windshield at the blackness, she wondered how she would find her way out of this predicament. The dome light flickered, drawing her attention

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