ceased to exist for this space of time.

“I was just buying a ticket to Denver,” Lance said, his mouth warm against her ear. “I was coming to bring you home.” His voice caught in his throat. Brook turned her head and their lips met. In that moment, all doubt fled, all questions were answered. The world, which had felt out of kilter and wrong, suddenly righted itself.

They were mostly silent on the drive up the mountain, each struck by the wonder of being together again. Brook sat close to Lance, resting her hand lovingly on his leg as he drove. He kept his arm over her shoulders, holding her snug to his side.

Finally, he pulled Old Reliable through the trees and into her hiding place. He walked around and helped Brook down from the truck, holding her to him for a long moment. She sought his lips with her own and they melded as if designed to fit together perfectly. She could feel his heart pounding against her chest, and Brook thought she might actually swoon.

They could hardly keep their hands from each other as they trekked back to the cabin. The summer sun filtered down through the trees, dappling their path with moving shadows. Brook took a cleansing breath of the mountain air, flinging her arms wide, as if to embrace the entire mountainside. Lance's eyes twinkled as he gazed down at her. He encircled her waist and they shared a deep kiss under the boughs as a breeze rustled through the aspen trees. Brook let fall the bag she was carrying and gave herself over to the moment. The force of their passion nearly drove them to their knees on the forest floor as they clung to each other.

“Brooklyn, Brooklyn,” Lance murmured into her neck, running his lips over her skin. A soft moan escaped her lips as she melted under his touch. A wild mix of feelings coursed through her; joy, excitement, relief, love, and physical yearning.

Reluctantly, they parted and continued on their way. When the cabin came into view, Brook’s eyes filled with tears. Slowly, she placed her bag on the ground at her feet.

“Home,” she whispered, overcome with emotion. She had never seen a sweeter sight.

Lance shrugged off his pack. He lifted her into his arms, and carried her inside. So different from the first time. This time, she was strong and healthy. This time, she was there of her own free will. He lowered her to her feet just inside the doorway and she looked around, drinking in the welcoming comfort of her sanctuary. How she had missed it! And how she had missed Lance, her lover. He stepped out to retrieve their parcels as she wandered through the cabin. Lance returned to find her walking around, touching this and that as if to assure herself she was really here. She noted her book of poems on the mantle and put her hand to her lips.

“Oh, Lance,” she said as she turned. Then he was beside her, clutching her to his chest. Clasping each other, they collapsed on the daybed. The urgency of their lovemaking filled the room with soft groans and tender sighs. After their release, they did not part. Lance stayed inside her until the warm press of their flesh drove them to passion’s heights once again.

When the second storm of fiery ardor had passed, they held each other and talked; all the obstacles to a future together were gone.

“I missed you, Brooklyn. I missed you so much I thought at times my heart would simply stop beating and I would curl up and die.” They were lying on their sides, facing each other. He reached out and traced the side of her face with his fingertips.

“I felt the same way, Lance. It was so hard! At night especially. The hours would pass and I would lie there in agony; longing for you. If I had given in to the torment of it, I would have been here much sooner.” Her eyes were misty.

“Would that have really been so bad?” he asked her.

“No, not bad at all. But, I had things to take care of,” she replied. “You haven’t even asked me about my marriage.”

“That’s because I might not want to hear what you say. And maybe I don’t even care, just as long as you’re here with me now. You didn’t talk about it on the way here, so I thought maybe you didn’t want to tell me. You know, I’m sorry for your husband, but I love you. I love you with everything that’s in me and I’ll take you no matter what. Married or single. For the night, or for a lifetime. I hope it’s forever, but I won’t turn anything down. Whatever you’re willing to give me, Brooklyn.” His voice moved her as it had from the beginning. She smiled at him.

“I’m free, Lance. We’re free to be together. I’ll tell you all the details later. But not now, I don’t want to spoil this moment. It is enough for now, isn’t it?” She caressed his face, her heart swelling with love and tenderness.

“It’s enough for me.” Their mouths met in a long kiss.

Eventually, they roused and dressed. Brook accompanied him outside where the usual chores awaited.

“Gilbert’s a mama!” Brook exclaimed as they approached the pen. Gilbert’s head shot up at the sound of Brook’s voice and she did a couple of turns near the gate. When Lance freed her from the enclosure, she rushed toward Brook and nuzzled her hands. As she reared up on her hind legs for a hug, Lance stepped in.

“Whoa!” He took the hug instead. “Calm down, gal. We don’t want to knock Brooklyn off her feet!”

“You already did that.” Brook smiled at him and reached over to pat Gilbert’s side. The kid wandered out of the pen and stood near her mother, looking up at Brook with curious eyes.

“Oh, how cute!” Brook leaned down to pet the small goat, but it sidled away from her. “I guess she’ll have to get used to me.”

“Well, Gilbert’s glad you’re back,” Lance announced. “She looked for you, you know. At first.”

“She did?”

“So did I, Brooklyn. Even though I knew it was impossible, that I wouldn’t see you. That you weren’t here.” He ducked his head.

Brook squeezed his hand before turning away. She separated from the group and meandered around the homestead as Lance tended to the chores. The feeling of being home intensified with every step.

“How beautiful it is here,” she said. I never want to leave again.

Later that evening, after darkness had fallen and after their meal was finished, Brook sat in her old chair and Lance sat in his. They caught up on all that had happened during their time apart. The radio cooperated, and soft music played in the background. Night sounds drifted in on a sweet clean breeze through the open windows.

In bed that night they both felt right again, as if they had just returned safely from a long, dark, and dangerous journey.

Chapter 61

Brook returned to Denver twice; once to finalize her divorce and once for Jase’s sentencing. As for the dissolution of her marriage, Clark had agreed to all her requests and the papers were signed, requiring only the judge’s approval. She felt nothing during the divorce proceeding and was merely relieved when it was over.

Jase’s sentencing was another matter entirely. While she dreaded the thought of facing her tormenters again, she was determined to have her voice heard. Lance stood by her side as she read her statement to the court. It was a struggle for both of them. For Brook, it meant reliving the horrors she had endured. For Lance, it meant watching his beloved assaulted by unbearable memories and the painful opening of old wounds. It meant remembering how he found her, nearly naked and battered in the forest. And it meant resisting the urge to pummel to death the defendant, sitting smug and unrepentant next to his attorney. Lance kept a hard eye on Jase, but Jase refused to look at him.

Brook found the ordeal so disturbing that she declined to attend the hearings of the others. Instead, she elected to submit her comments to the court in writing. Although she didn’t attend the proceedings, her parents and siblings did, keeping a strong family presence before the court as a reminder of the victim and her suffering.

Chapter 62

Lance and Brooklyn were married in a small civil ceremony. The wedding took place inside the gazebo of the quaint little park where they said their goodbyes not that long ago. With only their families in attendance, the sad

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