“Am I too late?” a soft voice said behind me. I turned as Morgan came toward me and hugged me. She was holding out a completed lavender shawl. The gauntness was gone from around her eyes and she looked happier. She pulled me aside and explained she’d come back a couple of days before. The time with her mother had helped, and she’d seen a professional.

“Thank you for letting me stay with you.” She sighed deeply. “I finally faced the real problem. It might not be the five pounds that’s kept me from getting the parts.” She said she wasn’t giving up, that she was just going to go to auditions with a new attitude. She still hoped she and Samuel could work things out.

She looked down at the shawl in her hands and at the empty dining room. The women from the shelter had already left in their van. “I don’t know what to do with it.”

I said I thought I knew someone who needed it. I looked toward Dinah. The kids were asleep on the floor in the Kids’ Korner. “Do you think we should give this to Patricia?” I asked her.

Dinah nodded. “She’s going to need all the comfort and hugs she can get.”

WHEN I GOT HOME BARRY AND JEFFREY WERE giving Cosmo a bath. Blondie came out and looked at me as if to say, “What’s going on?”

“Good question,” I answered out loud. No matter what I said about not wanting to make a commitment, Barry and Jeffrey had become a part of my life.

But what about Mason?

He was holding me to the dinner I owed him after saving me at the bookstore. He’d suggested a restaurant in San Francisco with a weekend around it. I’d countered with a beachfront eatery in Malibu, dinner only.

Mason wanted what I wanted—a casual relationship. Someone to go places and do things with, no strings, no pressure to make it permanent. That was appealing. And I liked Mason. I really did. He was funny, and yes, there was a spark when he touched my hand. The dinner was coming up the next weekend. But still, I hadn’t figured out what I was going to tell Barry.

Then I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. All during the shawl ceremony I’d been thinking about doing something. I would never stop missing Charlie, but in my heart I knew it was time to let go. I took out the amber bottles of Hefeweizen and touched one of the cold bottles to my warm cheek. My eyes welled as I lowered it and flipped off the top. For a moment I hesitated. Then the yeasty smell filled the air as I began to pour the liquid down the drain. When the last one was empty, I dried my eyes and dropped the bottles in the recycle bag before I turned off the light.

Hugs of Comfort Shawl


Chain 53. Turn.

Row 1: Chain 1 and sc in each chain across. Turn work.

Row 2: Chain 1 and sc in each sc across. Turn work.

Row 3: Chain 1 and turn work; sc in each sc across. Turn work.

Row 4: Chain 4 (counts as first dc and chain 1), dc in third stitch from hook, *chain 1 skip stitch, and dc in next stitch,*. Repeat from * to * across. 27 dc and 26 spaces made.

Repeat Rows 1-4 approximately 47 times, until the shawl measures approximately 71 inches.

Repeat Rows 1-3 once.

Finish off.

Note: When making Row 1 the first time, single crochet stitches will be made in the chain stitches. When repeating Row 1, the single crochet stitches will be made in the double crochet and chain stitches in the preceding row.

Molly’s Cheesecake Cupcakes



1? cups graham cracker crumbs

? cup sifted powdered sugar

? stick butter, melted

Line muffin tins with paper baking cups. Using a pastry blender, mix the graham cracker crumbs and powdered sugar. Pour in melted butter and blend. Distribute in the paper-lined cups and press down firmly.


? cup sugar

1 8-ounce package

cream cheese, softened

2 eggs, beaten

2 cups sour cream

1 teaspoon vanilla

Pinch of salt

Mix sugar and cream cheese until well blended. Add 2 beaten eggs and beat well. Mix in sour cream, vanilla and salt. Spoon into prepared crusts.

Bake at 350° for 25 minutes. Take out, spread on topping (see below) and bake 10 minutes more. Chill before serving.


1 cup sour cream

2 teaspoons vanilla

2 tablespoons sugar

Вы читаете Dead Men Don't Crochet
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