CeeCee and I walked next door to Luxe. As we went inside, as always, I was struck by the exotic smell that came from the combination of coffees, teas, spices and fragrances they sold. It was no wonder Ariel Rose shopped there. With the whole world gone to chain stores, Luxe was one of a kind. And most of the merchandise was, too.

Sheila was in the center of the store behind a counter that held small items like the silver dessert spoons and jewelry. The top had a display of items crocheted by Sheila. She had refined her style but still kept true to the impressionist appearance of her mixtures of greens, blues and lavender yarns, which she crocheted together into shawls, scarves and throws. Much to Adele’s chagrin, Sheila had knitted some of them.

The store was empty of customers, and Sheila offered us samples of the tea of the day. They always had catchy names and claimed some sort of cure. Today’s was Afternoon Slump Begone. It sounded good to me, and I took a sample cup from the pot.

“Try to act nonchalant,” CeeCee said, adding some sugar to her tea as the bell on the door tinkled and we all looked up. Even dressed in jeans and a white shirt, Ariel Rose stood out with her long blond wavy hair and lilting smile. Two little girls dressed similarly rushed ahead of her to the kids’ section. A woman trailed them to the table hand-painted with a pretty design, surrounded by small chairs. There was a toy box of things to play with and nonmessy art supplies. It was obvious the woman was there to take care of the kids, and she stayed next to the table.

Ariel turned her smile on Sheila and said hello. Sheila had figured we were up to something, and the old tension began to show around her eyes. She looked back and forth between the three of us and seemed at a loss what to do.

I covered the awkwardness by telling Sheila that CeeCee and I were in no hurry and to go ahead and wait on the new customer.

This was one of the odd things about seeing some actor type when you were out and about. You were really strangers, yet you knew way too much about them. On the other hand, they knew nothing about you.

The good thing about this time was CeeCee had every reason to know that Ariel crocheted, since CeeCee was heavily involved with the Hearts and Barks charity.

Still, how did you go from smiling and nodding at someone to asking them about some doll they crocheted a while ago?

We were hemming and hawing when I noticed something zip by the window. The door opened and the bell went into a frenzy. When I looked toward the sound, Adele was standing in the corner with a stormy expression.

“Nice work, Pink. Slipping out without telling me.” Adele’s voice was naturally loud, but when she got upset, it got even louder.

If it was possible, Adele had outdone herself in the clothes department. She’d taken a black tee shirt and cut off the short sleeves and then used bedspread-weight thread to crochet elbow-length lacy ones. She had a necklace made of crochet motifs and a beanie with a flower. Any one of them would have been lovely alone. Together, they were overkill but a conversation opener.

Ariel walked over to Adele and looked at her shirt. “Do you sell these here?” she said to Sheila.

“Sell them here, no way. This is a one-of-a-kind piece. I made it myself. It’s CROCHETED,” Adele said, raising her voice for emphasis when she got to the yarn art, then she viewed Ariel with an expectant expression. Ariel touched the sleeves with an admiring gesture, but that was it. Adele seemed frustrated. I guess she was expecting Ariel to get all excited about it being crocheted and then say that she crocheted, which would give Adele the opening she was looking for.

“It’s a great look,” Ariel said, and then looked away.

CeeCee took the opportunity to introduce herself. “You’re involved with Hearts and Barks, aren’t you?”

Of course Ariel knew who CeeCee was but seemed a little surprised by the Hearts and Barks question.

Involved seems like the wrong word. I take my kids to the carnival every year,” she said. “Anything I can do to help the animals,” she said with genuine emotion. “I want them to care, too,” she said, glancing toward her daughters.

Ariel turned to Sheila and asked about her order. Once she got it and paid, she wasn’t going to hang around.

“Wasn’t that terrible about that producer on the Barbara Olive Overton show,” I said ostensibly to CeeCee. “What was her name, Robyn something?” It was a bit of a non sequitur, but there wasn’t time to ease into the subject.

“Freed,” CeeCee said with a nod. “And to think she was murdered right in front of you.” I watched Ariel for her reaction. None.

Now it was getting strange and I began to think that the board member that CeeCee had talked to must have been mistaken about who made the doll she bought. Adele was getting upset, too. Her first shot at a celebrity seemed to be slipping away. While CeeCee and I were trying to be subtle, Adele finally just lost it and stepped closer to Ariel, backing her into a corner. “We want to know about the doll.”

Ariel tried to move away and gave us all a perplexed look. A moment later, her lips curved into the smile so familiar from all those romantic comedies. “I know, this has to do with your reality show. Right? But I don’t get what the point is. A scavenger hunt maybe. You have to get a doll or something.” She glanced around the store.

CeeCee’s eyes flared. “My program is called Making Amends. It has nothing to do with scavenger hunts and everything to do with correcting some wrong in someone’s past.”

I’d brought the girl doll with me, and I whipped it out of my bag. I waved it in front of her and pulled up its skirt and showed off the pink rosebud.

“It looks like this one,” I said.

Ariel’s eyes got big and her smile vanished. “Oh my God,” she said as her mouth fell open. She slipped out of the corner and made a move toward the door, waving at her girls to follow. “How did you find out? I didn’t mean any harm.” She swallowed hard and had pulled out her cell phone. “But isn’t if awfully late to be coming out about it. I’ll reimburse the money if she wanted a refund. I just wanted to help the animals.”

“What exactly did you do?” Adele demanded.

“I know the doll you’re talking about now. Okay, I lied and said I’d made it. The rule for the auction was that the items had to be made by a celebrity. I don’t know how to thread a needle. The kids’ nanny made the doll.”

We all looked toward the woman with the girls.

“That’s not her. Annie doesn’t work for me anymore.”

“What happened?” I asked. It was more out of curiosity than anything else.

Ariel seemed to consider what to say for a moment, then she shrugged to herself as if to say, Why not? “She was a nanny with an agenda.” It seemed like that was all she was going to say, but as I’ve mentioned before, dead air has all kinds of benefits. It makes people uncomfortable, including me, and they attempt to fill it. I struggled with myself to keep silent.

Finally Ariel broke. “We have a fabulous playground set up in our yard. All state-of-the-art equipment. There’s a tree house and a rope ladder, swings and more.” Ariel’s tone changed to irritation as she continued. “The nanny didn’t think it was good for children to be isolated from the real world. So, even though we had everything you could ask for, I found out she was taking the kids to the park.” When she said park, there was a definite ick sound to it.

“I just wanted to dip the kids in hand sanitizer when they came back. They had sand in their shoes from the sandbox.” She wrinkled her perfect nose with distaste.

I didn’t say it, but I was thinking that they probably had much more fun at the park with all the kids than in their pristine yard of perfect equipment.

There must have been something in my expression, because suddenly she got defensive. “I gave her a great reference and didn’t say anything about the park. Her name is Annie Hoover.” She had sunk into a chair by now. “Okay, I admit it, I didn’t tell Annie what I was doing with the doll. I’m sure she wouldn’t have approved.”

“Do you know how I could get in touch with her?”

Ariel seemed distraught. “Why tell her what I did now? What possible difference could it make?”

I had to explain I wasn’t looking for the nanny to turn Ariel in. I started to tell her about Robyn, but as soon as she realized it wasn’t about her, she gave me the information.

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