unless the bad was a warning of some kind that could be acted upon).

This was the second visit Lili had made to this particular woman, a Mrs Ada Clavelly by name, the first time being only a partial success—her husband had come through and given indications that he truly was Ada's late partner in life by referring to things only he and his wife would know about, but his voice had been distant, as if from a long way off (which, of course, in a metaphysical sense it was), and Lili had hoped for a clearer 'sighting' this time.

On that particular late-spring night, however, something occurred that had almost destroyed her confidence as a 'seer'. In fact, something happened that terrified both her and her sitter.

Instead of the spirit or voice of Ada's long-departed husband coming through, Marion, Lili's ex-lover's wife, had made her presence known. Through Ada, herself.

Sometimes Lili could talk to a spirit as if it were in the same room, but on rare occasions it might speak to the client through Lili's own mouth—it had happened to Lili only twice since she'd known she was psychic and clairvoyant, and she had never encouraged the phenomenon, it just happened that way. But this time, the spirit had used Lili's client, Ada, to speak through.

Lili could only stare as Ada's very features seemed to alter. Even though she was sure that this was an illusion conjured by a voice that was instantly recognizable for its husky venom—Lili still clearly remembered the phone calls and the face-to-face confrontations between herself and Marion five years before, the low threatening voice that had risen through the octaves to evolve into a shrill shrieking—it seemed so real. With Marion's words came her visual image, transmuting another living person's features into her own likeness. It was incredible and something Lili had never before experienced. She was stunned by it.

The possessed woman lunged across the table between them and spat and hissed into Lili's face. Ada's grey hair had stiffened as if charged with static (Lili actually heard the faint crackle of electricity coming from Ada's hair) and the room itself sank to a wintry coldness that frosted breaths.

Clawed hands tried to scratch the psychic's face, but Lili pulled back in time and the widow's brittle fingernails scrabbled in the air before falling and raking Lili's blouse. Lili screamed but the malevolent entity that had appropriated the widow's body did not have the power to make it rise from the tabletop. Instead it lay collapsed on the table, where it twitched and writhed as though in seizure.

When she had screamed, Lili had jumped to her feet, knocking her chair over. Hands to her mouth, she could only stare down at the jerking body on the table as Marion's shrieks died, her borrowed power spent, her curses becoming murmurs and finally dying away altogether.

The poor widow woman was left in a state of shock, although she wasn't aware of what had taken place, only that she was very, very frightened. As was Lili.

She had helped Ada sit back in her chair and quickly brought a glass of water from the kitchen for her to sip. But Ada remained trembling for a long while after and Lili was afraid to leave her alone like that, even though she herself was desperate to get out of the room and away from the bungalow lest the transfiguration recur. She had stayed with the suddenly frail, weeping woman for as long as it took to settle her, to reassure her that nothing like it was going to happen again (a reassurance that lacked conviction).

Lili had told Ada that she had been momentarily possessed by a rogue spirit, an evil one that sometimes came through unbidden. The psychic hadn't explained about her ex-lover's dead wife whose soul, tormented by jealousy and reprisal, had somehow reached out from the dimension in which she now existed to hurt the person she still believed had wronged her.

Unsurprisingly, Ada Clavelly had not wanted to see Lili again; as for Lili, she vowed never again to make herself vulnerable to unearthly forces. Since that evening she had endeavoured to block her psychic sensing and refused to contact the dead any more. Nevertheless, she was still susceptible to psychic vibrations, even though she did her best to ignore them.

That had been eighteen months ago and her resolve remained firm. She had tried to help Eve Caleigh because the poor woman was desperate and had pleaded with her. It had not turned out that way: something evil had manifested itself through Lili and she couldn't let it happen again.

But now, on this Friday night, alone in her flat, she was aware of metaphysical disturbances around her, as if there was a riving beginning in the thin dividing fabric between life and death. Somehow she knew Crickley Hall was at its centre.

She gave a little start and almost spilt her wine as the wind outside threw rain at the windowpanes. Lili shivered, but it was because of an inner coldness and had nothing to do with the temperature of the room.

Her hand shaking, she lifted the glass and sipped more wine.


Maurice Stafford, now a man—an old man of more than seventy years who looked and felt much younger—glanced around the room. The inn was filling up despite the storm raging outside. People looked forward to their end-of-week tipple. For some it might be the only social evening of the weekend. Dreary little lives, sad little people. If only they knew the pleasure that comes from fulfilling a duty. He had been looking forward to it for a long, long time, but circumstances had never been right. This night they could not be better.

He drank more brandy and wondered whether to finish it in one big swallow. No, make it last. He had plenty of time, but didn't want to refresh his glass. He wanted to keep a clear head. Too soon to go to the house, though, so take your time with the Hennessy.

Despite the hubbub around him—the telling of stale jokes, the laughter, the complaints and warnings about the inclement weather—Maurice ignored it all.

He easily slipped back into his reverie.

Now Maurice had learned that inflicting pain was so agreeable it thickened the penis (Magda had told him the proper word for his willy or wee-wee thing all those years ago when he shared her bed, although she had emphasized it was a bad word, a dirty word), he was willing and eager to enjoy the experience again. And he soon discovered that the beating was not the only aberration (this particular word one that he learned later—many years later) of Augustus Theophilus Cribben's, in his quest for absolution, for not only did he need his soul to be cleansed by pain but he also wanted the vessel in which his soul resided to be cleansed.

On several occasions, Maurice was charged with the task of scouring Cribben's body from tip to toe, using a strong carbolic soap and a stiff-haired brush of the type used for scrubbing floors. Cribben would stand in three inches of water (the same amount he allowed the children) in the bath and Maurice would start with his face and wiry hair.

'Harder!' the guardian would demand of the boy in a voice that was almost guttural. 'Purge my wicked flesh, boy, drive out the impurities.'

And as with the flogging, Cribben's penis would engorge until it stood fully erect. Maurice scrubbed hard as he was bidden, grimacing with the effort, and Cribben's skin turned blotchy red and raw. How his guardian stood the rough scrubbing of brush and harsh soap, the boy could only wonder. Eventually Cribben's neck and back would arch, his arms rise to shoulder height, and he would stare at the bright light in the ceiling, his eyes wide and glazed as if hypnotized, his mouth stretched open, yellowed teeth laid bare, and Maurice would scrub even harder, aware of the pain he was causing, Cribben's chest, his legs, his groin, livid with the scraping, scored by the hard bristles of the brush.

Finally, the purged man would all but collapse, his hands grabbing the edge of the bath as he bent down, legs almost giving way beneath him, hissing at Maurice to cease, to give him respite, his body chastened, his sins absolved.

In later years, Maurice was also to wonder that Augustus Cribben had never once molested him during a session either of scourging or scouring, even though Cribben was clearly aroused (did he never notice that Maurice was aroused too?). Magda, on the other hand, was a different matter.

He had found her waiting for him outside the bathroom door as usual after the scrubbing of her brother and this time there was a peculiar lustre to her usually cold eyes. After he'd closed the bathroom door behind him, leaving the naked man alone to continue his now-gibbering prayers, she had beckoned Maurice to follow. Cribben's

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