become dependent upon him. He found the potential strength for the destruction of the bourgeois intellectual regime in the newly rising fourth estate of the handicraftsmen, just as once before the bourgeoisie had been the means for the demolition of feudal domination. At the same time, bourgeois stupidity and dishonest lack of principle, avarice and cowardice worked into his hands. He formed the vocational estate of the handicraftsmen into a special class, which he now allowed to take up the struggle against the national intelligentsia. Marxism became the spiritual father of the Bolshevik revolution. It is the weapon of terror which the Jew now applies ruthlessly and brutally.

The economic conquest of Europe by the Jews was pretty much completed around the turn of the century, and now he began to safeguard it politically. That means, the first attempts to extirpate the national intelligentsia were undertaken in the form of revolutions.

He utilised the tensions between European nations, which are in great part to be ascribed to their general need for territory with the consequences which arise therefrom, for his own advantage by systematically inciting them to the World War.

The aim is the destruction of inherently anti Semitic Russia as well as the destruction of the German Reich which, in the administration and the Army, still offers resistance to the Jew. The further aim is the overthrow of those dynasties which had not yet been made subject to a democracy dependent upon and led by Jews.

This Jewish war aim has at least in part been completely achieved. Czarism and Kaiserism in Germany were eliminated. With the help of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Russian upper classes and also the Russian national intelligentsia were murdered and completely extirpated amid inhuman agonies and atrocities. For the Russian Folk, the total number of victims of this Jewish struggle for hegemony in Russia amounted to 28-30 million people in number of dead. This is fifteen times more than the World War cost Germany. After the successful Revolution, he completely tore down [further] the bonds of order, of morality, of custom, and so on, abolished marriage as a lofty institution, and instead proclaimed a general copulation with the aim of breeding a general inferior human mishmash, by way of a chaotic bastardisation, which by itself would be incapable of leadership and which ultimately would no longer be able to do without the Jews as its only intellectual element.

The future will show to what extent this has succeeded, and to what extent now forces of a natural reaction can still bring about a change of this most terrible crime of all times against mankind.

At the moment, he exerts himself to lead the remaining States toward the same condition. Thereby he is supported and covered in his strivings and his actions by the bourgeois national parties of the so called National Fatherland Leagues, whereas Marxism, democracy, and the so called Christian Centre, emerge as aggressive shock troops.

The bitterest struggle for the victory of Jewry at the present time is being waged in Germany. Here it is the National Socialist Movement which alone has taken upon itself the struggle against this execrable crime against mankind.

In all European States at the moment, a struggle, in part quiet and violent, albeit often under wraps, is being waged for political power.

Outside Russia, this struggle has first been decided in France. There the Jew, favoured by a number of circumstances, has entered into a community of interests with French national chauvinism. Since then Jewish stock exchanges and French bayonets have been allies.

This struggle is undecided in England. There the Jewish invasion still meets with an old British tradition. The instincts of Anglosaxondom are still so sharp and alive that one cannot speak of a complete victory of Jewry, but rather, in part, the latter is still forced to adjust its interests to those of the English.

If the Jew were to triumph in England, English interests would recede into the background, just as in Germany today German interests no longer are decisive, but rather Jewish interests. On the other hand, if the Briton triumphs, then a shift of England’s attitude vis-a-vis Germany can still take place.

The struggle of Jewry for its hegemony is also decided in Italy. With the victory of Fascism in Italy, the Italian Folk has triumphed. Even if the Jew is compelled to try to adjust himself to Fascism in Italy today, his attitude toward Fascism outside Italy nevertheless reveals his inner view of it. Only her own national interest is decisive and determining for Italy’s fate, since the memorable day when the Fascist legions marched on Rome.The struggle of Jewry for its hegemony is also decided in Italy. With the victory of Fascism in Italy, the Italian Folk has triumphed. Even if the Jew is compelled to try to adjust himself to Fascism in Italy today, his attitude toward Fascism outside Italy nevertheless reveals his inner view of it. Only her own national interest is decisive and determining for Italy’s fate, since the memorable day when the Fascist legions marched on Rome.

For this reason also no State is better suited than Italy as an ally for Germany. It is consonant only with the bottomless stupidity and dissembling baseness of our so called Folkish representatives that they reject the only State that today is ruled along national lines, and as authentic German Folkish elements they prefer to enter a world coalition with Jews. It is fortunate that the time of these fools is played out in Germany. Thus the German Folkish concept is released from the embrace of these creatures, as petty as they are pitiful. It will infinitely gain thereby.

About the Author

Dr. Gerhard L. Weinberg was born in Germany and came to the U.S. in 1940. After serving in the U.S. Army, he received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Chicago. He was one of the scholars to work on German documents captured in 1945.

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