Rachel grabbed her purse and her briefcase, then walked out into the hall to the elevator. A few seconds later, Declan joined her. He’d put on a linen sport coat, part of the wardrobe he’d had delivered to the apartment earlier that morning, the outline of the holster was evident through the fabric.

Though she knew it was there to protect her safety, the gun gave her a queasy feeling in her stomach. Declan was taking her case very seriously and he was a professional. If he needed a gun to protect her, then there must truly be danger. Still, she trusted him to keep her safe. As long as he was by her side, then she could go about her business as usual.

“My office on campus is only a ten-minute walk,” Rachel said.

“We’re taking your SUV,” he said.

“But it’s such a nice a day and I thought we could stop and get coffee before we-”

“No stops, no walk,” he said. “The vehicle is safer.”

His expression, so relaxed just a few moments ago, was now tensed. His jaw was tight and his gaze hard. “We follow my rules, all right?”

She stiffened her spine and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “All right. But don’t think you can just order me around. You can simply explain why we have to do things your way and I’ll understand.”

He turned to her. “There may be times I can’t explain,” he said. “I need you to promise me that whatever the situation, if I ask you to do something, you’ll do exactly as I say.”

“We’re both adults and we should both be able to resolve any conflicts we might have with discussion. But we can’t if you get bossy.”

“I am not bossy,” he said. He turned and stared at her, his blue eyes filled with frustration. Declan opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. His fists were clenched at his sides and she wondered if she’d pushed him too far. He probably hadn’t slept well last night and now, she was acting like a bitch. But if she was going to spend the next week or two with this man, she wanted to know what made him tick-and pushing him to the edge was a quick way of finding out.

The bell above the elevator door rang and she moved to step inside, but a heartbeat later, she was in his arms, tumbling backwards until they both stumbled to the back wall of the elevator. He turned her around in his arms, pressing her against the wall, the metal rail biting into the small of her back. His body slid along the length of hers until every nerve was aroused and aflame. Declan’s lips hovered over hers, his breath warm. “Kiss me,” he murmured.

Rachel gasped, stunned by the sudden turn of events. “Is that an order or a request?”

“An order,” he said.

His gaze was fixed on her mouth as if he were contemplating exactly how he would attack. She’d temporarily lost the ability to breathe but Rachel didn’t need oxygen. “All right,” she murmured.

An instant later, his mouth came down on hers in a deep and very thorough kiss. Rachel’s knees turned to jelly and she clutched his lapels in her hands just to remain upright. The kiss hadn’t exactly come as a complete surprise considering the attraction that had been slowly simmering between them.

But Rachel hadn’t even considered that he’d choose this particular moment to give in to his desires. Or that he’d frame it in the form of an order to be followed. She’d determined to remain in control, yet at the very first opportunity, she’d simply capitulated without even an attempt at mounting a defense. Had he asked her to strip off her clothes and dance naked for him in the elevator, she probably would have jumped at the chance.

His tongue teased at hers and Rachel had no choice but to surrender to his fierce assault, wrapping her arms around his neck and furrowing her hands through his hair. Rachel hadn’t kissed a man in a long time, but still, she hadn’t remembered it being quite so wonderful.

In the past, she’d always over analyzed everything when it came to male-female relationships, from basic flirtation to kissing techniques to full-scale seduction. But for some reason, she didn’t feel the need to dissect what she was enjoying with Declan. Instead, she simply wanted to enjoy it.

As he kissed her, his hands wandered over her body, skimming along her spine, smoothing across her hips. The light cotton fabric of her dress was thin enough that she could feel the heat of his palms and the sensation was incredibly arousing. A tiny moan escaped her throat and he drew back.

At first, she thought he was simply coming up for air, but then he stepped away, his hands dropping to his sides. “There,” he murmured. “That’s better. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I can concentrate on work.”

“Out of the way?” she asked in a shaky voice.

“You’re a client. I have to keep my focus on the job.”

“And what if you lose your focus again?” she asked. “Will you kiss me again?”

He considered her question for a long moment, a frown furrowing his brow. He opened his mouth to reply, then snapped it shut, cursing softly.

“You know,” Rachel ventured. “I’m really not your client. Trevor Ross is. He’s the one who pays you, right?”

Declan met her gaze, then swept her back into his embrace. “Good enough for me,” he murmured, his lips soft against hers.

They rode all the way down to the garage without being disturbed and when the doors opened again, Rachel was flushed with excitement, her heart beating wildly and her mind spinning. She wanted to reach over and push the button for the thirty-fifth floor, just so they could ride up and down again. Maybe, given the extra time, they might indulge in something even more intimate.

The valet quickly fetched Rachel’s SUV. But when she made to get behind the wheel, Declan gently took her elbow and led her to the passenger side. “I’ll drive,” he said.

She didn’t bother to argue the point. The after-effects of his kiss had completely numbed her stubborn streak. Gosh, she liked kissing Declan. The way he possessed her mouth, gently invading with his tongue and then retreating, caressing her lower lip with his teeth. Just thinking about it sent shivers coursing through her body.

She’d obviously done everything right, provided all the subtle cues that led him to kiss her. He seemed unable to stop himself, overwhelmed by his need to possess her mouth. As she went back over the past few hours, Rachel really couldn’t pinpoint what it was that had caused him to ignore his better judgment, but she really didn’t care. He’d kissed her, deeply and thoroughly and that was exactly what she’d been hoping for.

When they pulled out of the garage and onto the street, Declan glanced over at her. “I don’t know if your stalker is watching us, but when we’re in public, I think it would be best if we acted as if we were-”

“Friends?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No. More than friends. Close. Very close. I don’t want him to think I’m guarding you.”

“Then you want me to pretend you’re my lover?” she asked.

“Yes, I think that would be best.”

They started off down Westminster Street, then continued across the river to the university. Rachel’s office was located in the southwest corner of the Providence University campus. Though she wasn’t a tenured professor, she was well-respected by the rest of the faculty in the anthropology department. Her course on human sexuality, taught with Professor Ellsworth from the biology department, was among the most popular on campus and she and Daniel had authored several important articles together. Later that summer, they were scheduled to present the results of a new research study at a symposium in Switzerland.

“How many people know about your double life?” Declan asked.

“No one at the university. My graduate assistant Simon doesn’t even know. Most of the people at the radio station do, but they wouldn’t say anything. They’re all really supportive, from Jim, the station manager right down to Jerry, the intern.”

Rachel paused, considering whether she ought to tell Declan about Jerry, then decided against it. The young man had a small crush on her, but Rachel got that from some of her male students as well. They looked at her as a sexually accomplished older woman, the stuff of post-pubescent fantasies.

“There’s been a publisher who’s been trying to track me down through the station,” she continued, “but I told Trevor I wasn’t interested in a book deal. And my clients from my private practice aren’t aware. If they suspected, it definitely would have come up during their group sessions.”

“So your stalker knows where you live and that you work at the radio station. But he hasn’t made any contact here at the university?”

A sliver of fear shot through her. Was that what this was about? Revealing Dr. Devine’s real identity to the

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