But the heat felt good and the danger made things even more exciting. Rachel wanted to burn, to let their desire burst into flames and consume them both. And if it left her a little scorched, that was all right. A night with Declan would be worth it.

DEC BENT FORWARD TO scan the contents of the refrigerator. Though he’d come home with bags of groceries, nothing he bought really appealed to him. He’d been lying awake in his bottom bunk for nearly three hours, thinking about the woman sleeping in the bedroom across the hall and wondering what she’d do if he crawled into bed beside her.

Since the moment they’d met, they’d played at romance, kissing and touching, knowing the moment would come when they’d both finally forget their reservations and do what their libidos wanted them to. But Declan couldn’t entirely put aside the job he’d been charged to do. Starting a relationship with the woman he was supposed to protect was not the smartest move in the world. They’d have to go back to Providence in a few days and then, he’d return to his role as protector. In truth, becoming Rachel’s lover headed his list of really dumb ideas.

But a woman like Rachel just didn’t walk into his life every day. Hell, he was even willing to give up the celibacy pact with his brothers for a chance to be with her, and Dec couldn’t recall ever deliberately losing a challenge to Ian and Marcus. He’d concede this one though, gladly.

He swung the refrigerator door shut then grabbed a pint of ice cream from the freezer and a spoon from the drawer. He’d returned from his shopping trip ready to prepare a late dinner and enjoy a bottle of wine with Rachel. But he’d found her sound asleep on the bed, curled up like a kitten, a pillow clutched to her body.

The past few weeks had taken their toll on her and for the first time, she could put her worries aside and completely relax. Even if that was all that happened during their stay, it would be worth the trip. So he’d closed the bedroom door and let her sleep.

As he walked out onto the porch, the cool night air hit his skin and he sighed. Though her comfort was important to him, his primary focus was still on catching her stalker. But for the next few days, he’d left that to some of his very qualified investigators. If they did their jobs well and caught the creep, Rachel would be able to return to her everyday life when they returned to Providence.

Strangely enough, he hoped that she’d need his protection for a bit longer. He certainly never expected to enjoy living with her-but he did. He’d never thought he’d be interested in spending all of his time with just one woman-but he did. And though he’d had a few serious relationships in the past, none of them had worked quite like his relationship with Rachel did.

From the moment they’d met, he’d felt completely at ease with her, as if he had nothing to hide. So often, he’d jumped head-first into a relationship, spending the passion and desire quickly before growing bored with what was left over. But now, he was almost afraid to experience further intimacies with Rachel, afraid that there was actually something between them worth exploring.

But what was it? Why did he find her so undeniably alluring? In the past, he’d always felt as if there were someone better out there, just waiting for him. But he couldn’t really imagine anyone more beautiful, more interesting, more intelligent than Rachel. And the way she had of cutting right through all the silly bullshit and ridiculous games, of getting to the heart of their attraction, was refreshing. Rachel didn’t try to manipulate his emotions and Declan liked that about her.

“You’re awake.”

He turned to find her standing behind the screen door, her hair tousled by sleep, her silk robe shifted off one shoulder. “I couldn’t sleep,” Dec said.

“Me, neither,” she said. “I had a bad dream. What time is it?”

“Three, maybe four in the morning. The sun will be up before too long.”

She smiled as she pushed the door open. “I guess I did sleep. I’m sorry.”

“You were lying there so peacefully when I got back, I didn’t want to wake you.”

She nodded, then crossed the porch to lean up against the railing beside him. She had no right to look so damn beautiful, so incredibly kissable. But she did and there was no way he could deny the desire racing through him.

He turned his attention to the ice cream, uneasy with the need that bubbled up inside of him every time she was near. He scooped out a spoonful and held it out to her. Rachel took the spoon in her mouth and smiled. “Ummm.”

A shiver shot through him as her tongue flicked at the corner of her mouth. Dec took a little more ice cream himself, letting it melt in his mouth before swallowing it. He was right to want her, yet at the same time, he knew he shouldn’t act on his feelings. Unless Rachel gave him an open invitation, he wouldn’t make the first move.

He fed her another spoonful and she looked up at him, her eyes wide, her lips damp and gleaming in the soft light filtering through the cabin windows. “Do you want to touch me?” she asked.

Dec swallowed hard. If that wasn’t a sign, then he didn’t know what was. He set the ice cream down on the railing, then cupped her cheek in his cool palm. “Yeah,” he murmured. “I do.” Rachel opened her mouth, but he put his thumb over her lips. “If you tell me that’s normal, I’m going to carry you down to the water and toss you in.”

Rachel giggled. “I wasn’t going to say that.”

“Then what were you going to say?”

“Go ahead.”

Dec released a tightly held breath as he stood. Reaching down, he untied her robe with clumsy fingers, then pushed it aside. His lips came down on hers and he covered her mouth in a long, deep kiss, their tongues cold and sweet from the ice cream. She sank against him, running her fingers through his hair and opening herself to his gentle assault.

Skin met skin as Dec’s hands slipped around to her backside and pulled her closer. She was wonderfully soft and smooth and curvy, everything a woman ought to be. Dec reveled in the feel of her body pressed against his, her breasts rubbing against his naked chest.

She surrendered to every movement of his mouth, opening so that he could taste her more deeply, returning each gentle thrust of his tongue. Her lips invited him to take more, to indulge in something that was fast becoming addictive. Though Dec knew there had to be an end to the kiss, he wanted it to go on forever.

He didn’t wait for an invitation to take more. If Rachel didn’t want to proceed, then she’d have to stop him. Waves of desire washed over his body as she shoved his boxers lower on his hips, until he could feel her naked belly against his stiff cock.

Dec circled her waist with his hands and lifted her up on the porch railing, then stepped between her legs. Smoothing his fingertips along her shoulders, he brushed at the silk of her robe until it fell away, revealing the full beauty of her breasts.

Though the light was dim, Dec didn’t need to see details. Without any barriers, he took his time, enjoying the chance to learn more about her body by touch. “Tell me this is what you want,” he murmured.

Her voice trembled as she answered. “Yes. Don’t stop.”

His desire began to spiral out of control and he drew in a ragged breath and tried to focus. They had all the time in the world, the next few days to explore these feelings. It wouldn’t do to rush. He wrapped her legs around his hips and she moved against him, her feet resting on the back of his thighs. He’d need do nothing more than pull her forward and they’d be there, ready to get lost in each others’ bodies.

Rachel seemed caught up in the sensation of his touch, her head tipped back, her eyes closed, her breath coming in soft pants. He kissed her again, running his tongue along her lower lip, leaving it damp.

With any other woman, Dec would have known exactly what to do next. Seduction was seduction. There was a certain order to events and then it was over. But with Rachel, he sensed it wasn’t quite time for them to consummate this need. From the start, they hadn’t done things in the normal fashion and he didn’t want to start now.

“Why do I want you so much?” he asked, his voice raw. Suddenly, he wanted an explanation.

She opened her eyes and smiled. “I fit your profile,” she replied.

He gently bit her lower lip. “I don’t have a profile.”

“Yes, you do,” she said, running a finger from his chest to his waist and back again. Her hand accidentally brushed the tip of his penis and his breath caught in his throat. “From the moment you were born you began to absorb everything around you, holding on to the things you found pleasing, discarding those you didn’t. Sights,

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