Even the most innocent caress-a soft nibble on his ear, her nails raking down his back, her foot sliding down along his calf-sent desire spiraling through his body. And when he didn’t think he could take any more, he could. Dec was almost afraid to go further, afraid that the pleasure he ultimately felt would be so profound that it might ruin him for sex with any other woman.

Right now, Rachel was the only woman he wanted and he couldn’t imagine it being any other way. Her pleasure was what he wanted to see, her surrender. He grabbed her waist and pushed her back into the pillows on the end of the sofa. Holding her arms above her head, Dec kissed her neck, her long, lovely arms, her fingertips. Then, he began a slow, sensuous trip lower, kissing and nipping and licking until he reached her belly. Hooking his fingers beneath her panties, Dec pulled them down and tossed them aside.

He stared at her for a long moment, her body completely naked, flushed with the excitement of his touch. He’d always appreciated the special qualities of a woman’s form, the things that made it so different from his own. To his eyes, Rachel’s body was absolute feminine perfection, from her small but full breasts to her narrow waist to the gentle flare of her hips. Everything about her was designed to drive him mad with desire.

His gaze dropped to the neatly trimmed patch of hair below her belly and he reached down and gently parted her lips with his fingers. A sudden cry erupted from her throat and she jerked in response to his touch.

Already, she was hot and damp, as if prepared for him. But Dec had decided that they wouldn’t complete the act tonight. Tonight, she would have her pleasure. He dipped his head and ran his tongue along her tight slit. Her eyes flew open and she looked down at him as he settled himself between her legs, his tongue gently working her clitoris.

She was sweet and damp and with every stroke of his tongue, Rachel grew more wild with desire. Her fingers twisted in his hair as she responded, giving him cues to what gave her the most pleasure. Dec brought her close several times, then backed off and let her relax.

He’d never been quite so careful, so attentive to a woman’s responses. This was not just a prelude to his pleasure, this was meant to prove something to Rachel. He couldn’t be denied. He was the only man who could make her feel this way and she’d be silly to go looking for any other.

He flicked his tongue across her clit again and again and she arched against him. But this time, when he sensed she was close, Dec decided to take her all the way. Gently, he began to suck and her immediate reaction was so strong that he knew he’d found the key to her release.

A few seconds later, she stopped breathing, tensing, her fingers clutching at his hair. And then, in a heartbeat, spasms wracked her body. She cried out, repeating his name over and over as she came, writhing beneath his mouth until she was completely spent. Gasping for breath, she tugged his head away, then laughed in delight.

There was no doubt in Dec’s mind that he’d pleased her. She’d want this again and again and each time, he’d make sure it was as good as the first. He slid up on the sofa, until he was stretched out beside her, gently caressing her belly until the last of her orgasm was spent.

She rolled over and faced him, pressing a kiss to his chest. “Now you,” she murmured.

“Don’t worry about me,” Dec replied, gently biting her shoulder. “I’m just fine.”

“It’s not good to hold it in,” she whispered as she tongued his ear.

“Is that the doctor talking or you?”

“Nature requires that men ejaculate at least once every seven to ten days. It’s dangerous not to. It’s a physiological imperative.”

“Gee, I wonder why the nuns never told us about that,” Dec joked. “Besides, you forget what you did to me last night. I think I took care of my imperative.”

“Let me do this for you,” she begged.

Dec stood up and grabbed her hands, pulling her to her feet. He bent and pressed a kiss to her belly, then pulled her along to the bedroom. They tumbled down onto the bed together. At first, all he’d wanted was for Rachel to sleep again, to do away with the temptation of giving in to her demands.

But she was determined to please him and he was left with no choice but to bring her to her peak once again, simply to distract her. Her second orgasm, this one more powerful than the first, did the trick and before long, she was curled up beneath the covers sound asleep, her body relaxed and sated.

Though Dec laid down beside her, he found himself unable to sleep, his mind filled with images of what he could have enjoyed. He slipped out of bed and walked to the bathroom, certain that a shower would relax him. But the very thought of Rachel, her body twisting and tensing against his mouth, was too much to deny.

He stood beneath the shower, the warm water rushing over him and stroked himself until he found relief, fantasies of Rachel swirling in his head, vivid and arousing. This would be what he was left with until he decided the time was right to surrender to her.

Two could play her game and he intended to win-especially since the prize was something he’d been searching a very long time for.


WHEN RACHEL OPENED HER eyes the next morning, she wasn’t sure where she was. She’d slept so deeply and dreamlessly her mind seemed especially slow to grasp reality. She rolled onto her back and looked at the ceiling until the events of the previous night gradually came to her.

Closing her eyes, she listened to the soft sound of Dec’s breathing, just then aware he was beside her in bed. Rachel rolled onto her side and stared at him, her gaze taking in the boyish features of his face. He looked much younger when he slept, his normally serious and watchful expression replaced by a calm beauty that she found stunningly fascinating.

He had the most incredible face, his features in perfect balance-sculpted mouth, straight nose, strong jaw and lashes that would make any girl envious. But his blue eyes were the most devastating feature he possessed, a color so deep and intense that it made Rachel shiver just to think about them.

Her gaze drifted along his body, then stopped at his belly. He was erect, his shaft pushing the fabric of his boxer briefs out into a little tent. Her thoughts wandered back to earlier that morning, to the two incredible orgasms she’d experienced at his hands-and his tongue. She’d expected him to be good-a man as handsome and charming as Declan would have plenty of practice pleasing women. But Dec was beyond good. Rachel knew the limits of her responses and she’d gone soaring past them the moment his tongue began to work.

Everything she’d known about her body, about her own sexual desire, was now useless. Dec had taken her to a level that she’d never experienced before, a place where she lost the ability to rationalize and analyze and was left with nothing but pure instinct. Though she remembered the wild sensation of coming against his tongue, she couldn’t quite put together the details of how he’d gotten her there. Only that it had felt absolutely incredible.

It didn’t matter, Rachel mused. Next time, she’d pay closer attention. Next time, he’d come with her. She reached out and drew a finger down the length of his penis and Dec didn’t move. Emboldened, Rachel carefully tugged the waistband of his boxers down until she revealed the swollen shaft, the velvety skin hot and taut. Without hesitating, Rachel bent over him and took him into her mouth.

At first, he didn’t move, but then Declan slowly came awake. He shifted slightly, but Rachel didn’t pause, determined to see how immune he was to her seduction. Earlier, he’d been adamant about who would enjoy what. But if she teased him into submission before he was even aware of what was going on, then she’d return some of what he’d given her.

“Oh, God,” he murmured. “What the-” He sighed and shifted again. “Oh, yeah. Oh, that feels good.”

Rachel glanced up to find him looking down at her, his gaze still hazy with sleep, his hair rumpled. She turned back to what she was doing, anxious to please. He seemed to grow with each stroke of her tongue and Rachel shoved his boxers down to expose the full length of his shaft.

He was big, bigger than any man she’d known, but that didn’t frighten her. In truth, it made the anticipation even more intense. It was difficult not to imagine him inside her, filling her, making her moan with pleasure. She ran her tongue along the length of him and heard him suck in a sharp breath, then hold it. Would he stop her? Or was Declan already past the point of no return?

Again, she took him into her mouth, this time deeper, setting up a long, slow rhythm. Though she hadn’t had a lot of experience with oral sex, Rachel simply listened to Declan for her cues. He gradually succumbed to the

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