The time had never been right. Not until Helen Lardahl Bentley had given him final confirmation of his experience in life: never, never trust an American.
‘Can I watch an action film, Father? Can I watch-’
‘No. You know very well that they are not good for you.’
Abdallah ruffled his son’s hair. The boy looked up with a sulky pout, before slouching off with bowed head to find his brothers, who had arrived from Riyadh the night before, and were going to stay at home for the whole week.
Abdallah stood and watched his son until he disappeared round the corner of the huge stable building. Then he wandered towards the shady garden. He wanted to take a dip.
Hanne Wilhelmsen was a person who did not have friends. She had chosen to live like this, but it hadn’t always been the case.
She was forty-five years old and had worked for the police for twenty of them. Her career ended abruptly between Christmas and New Year of 2002 when she was shot during the arrest of a quadruple murderer. A heavy- calibre bullet hit her between the tenth and eleventh thoracic vertebrae and for reasons that the doctors could not understand became lodged there. When the foreign object was subsequently removed, the surgeon was so fascinated by the porridge-like remains of what had once been functioning nerves that he photographed them; he kept it to himself that he had never seen a worse injury.
The Chief of Police had begged her to stay on in the force.
He came to visit her frequently during her convalescence, even though she became more and more withdrawn. He offered her special arrangements and equipment. She could choose from the top positions and would want for nothing when it came to aids and assistance.
She didn’t want any of it and resigned from her job two months after the operation.
No one had doubted that Hanne Wilhelmsen had exceptional talents. Younger officers, in particular, looked up to her. They didn’t know her, and had not yet grown weary of the distant, odd behaviour that was increasingly characteristic. Before the catastrophic shooting, she would occasionally take on what amounted to a protege. She could cope with the admiration, because admiration meant distance, and distance was important to Hanne Wilhelmsen. And she was a good teacher.
Her peers and older colleagues had long since had enough. They never tried to deny the fact that she was one of the best investigators that Oslo Police had ever had, but as the years went by, they had tired of her pigheadedness and her sullen opposition to working in a team. And even though everyone in the force was shocked by the fact that a colleague had been seriously injured in the line of duty, there were whispers in several corners that it was a relief to be rid of the woman. Then the waters calmed again and most people forgot about her – out of sight, out of mind.
In all the years that she worked in the force, she really only kept one friend, and when she was lying unconscious in that hut in the forest outside Oslo, bleeding to death, he was the one who saved her life. He had watched over her in hospital for three days and nights, until he smelt so bad that one of the nurses had pushed him out the door, saying that it would be best for everyone if he went home. When it then became obvious that Hanne would survive, he had grasped her hand and cried like a baby.
Hanne had rejected him too.
It was over a year ago now since he last dropped by to see if anything remained of the friendship that could be rekindled. After she had closed the front door behind his broad, stooped back quarter of an hour later, Hanne Wilhelmsen proceeded to get drunk on champagne, lock herself in the bedroom and cut her police uniform to shreds, which she then later burnt in the fire.
For the first time in her strange, twisted life, Hanne Wilhelmsen was happy.
She lived with a woman who had gradually come to accept a divided life. Nefis worked at the university and had her own friends and a life outside the flat, in which her partner played no part. Hanne would wait for her at home in Krusesgate and was always quietly pleased to see her again and never asked questions.
What they did share was their delight in Ida.
‘Where’s Ida?’ Johanne asked.
She was sitting on the sofa with her legs tucked underneath her, watching the newscasts on a huge plasma screen.
‘She’s in Turkey with Nefis. Visiting her grandparents.’
Johanne didn’t say any more.
Hanne liked Johanne. She liked her because she wasn’t a friend and didn’t demand to be one. She knew nothing about Hanne, other than what she had heard and picked up from others. Which could be anything, of course, but she never seemed tempted to dig and ask or demand. She talked a lot, but never about Hanne. As Johanne was the most genuinely curious person Hanne had ever met, this apparent lack of interest was proof of how well Johanne knew her subject. She was a real profiler.
Johanne understood Hanne Wilhelmsen and let her be. And she seemed to appreciate her company.
‘Oh no,’ Johanne exclaimed quietly, and closed her eyes. ‘Not her.’
Hanne, who was sitting reading a novel, looked over at the screen.
‘She won’t jump out of the TV to get you,’ she said and continued to read.
‘But why do they always…’ Johanne sighed and took a deep breath. ‘Why does
‘Because you won’t do it,’ Hanne said and smiled. Johanne had once stormed out of a television studio in protest during a live debate, and had never been invited back.
Wencke Bencke was the most famous crime writer in the country. For years she had been regarded as an eccentric, who was difficult and unapproachable. Then suddenly, a year ago, she had stepped into the limelight. A string of celebrities were killed in a case that the police never got to the bottom of. Johanne had been dragged reluctantly into the investigation, but for a long time the murders seemed to be without motive and random, even to her. And Wencke Bencke became the media’s favourite expert. She glowed as she shared her insight into the character and absurd logic of criminals, and at the same time maintained an ironic distance from the police. Which all made for good TV.
The same autumn, she published her eighteenth and best novel. It was about a crime writer who started to kill out of sheer boredom. In three months, 120,000 copies of the book were sold, and the rights were promptly bought by publishers in more than twenty countries.
Only a handful of people, including Johanne and Adam, knew that the book was in fact about Wencke Bencke herself. They could never prove it, but knew everything. The crime writer had also made sure of that. The clues she had given were useless as evidence, but sufficient for Johanne Vik, and she was certain that they had been left to tease her.
Wencke Bencke had got away with murder.
And every now and then, on sleepless nights, when she had seen Wencke Bencke smiling at her across the freezer in the supermarket, or seen her waving from Haugesvei late in the evening, Johanne found herself thinking that the murders had been committed to provoke her. She just couldn’t understand why. Last autumn, when she was on her way to the cabin with both the children in the back, a car had driven up beside her at the traffic lights on Ullernchausseen; the driver gave her a thumbs-up, honked her horn and then turned right. It was Wencke Bencke.
A coincidence, Adam said, exasperated, time and again. Oslo was a small town, and sooner or later Johanne would have to put the damn case behind her.
Instead, she went to Hanne Wilhelmsen. To begin with, it was curiosity that spurred her. Hanne was a legend among the few left who still talked about her. If anyone was able to help Johanne understand Wencke Bencke, it would be her. The former detective inspector’s calm, almost blase nature was reassuring. She was coldly analytical where Johanne was intuitive; indifferent where Johanne allowed herself to be provoked. But Hanne took the time to