rear. See, the bresh comes down purty close to the foot of the slope on the other side, and gives us cover. We can do it easy, with somebody keepin' their attention over here. I'll give you part of the reward.'

'I don't want no derned blood-money,' I said, backing away. 'And besides--ow!'

I'd absent-mindedly backed out from behind the big rock where I'd been standing, and a .30-30 slug burned its way acrost the seat of my britches.

'Dern them murderers!' I bellered, seeing red. 'Gimme a rifle! I'll learn 'em to shoot a man behind his back. Gwan, take 'em in the rear. I'll keep 'em busy.'

'Good boy!' said Hopkins. 'You'll get plenty for this!'

IT SOUNDED LIKE SOMEBODY was snickering to theirselves as they snuck away, but I give no heed. I squinted cautiously around the big boulder, and begun sniping at the cabin. All I could see to shoot at was the puffs of smoke which marked the cracks they was shooting through, but from the cussing and yelling which begun to float up from the shack, I must have throwed some lead mighty close to them.

They kept shooting back, and the bullets splashed and buzzed on the rocks, and I kept looking at the further slope for some sign of Sheriff Hopkins and the posse. But all I heard was a sound of horses galloping away toward the west. I wondered who it could be, and I kept expecting the posse to rush down the opposite slope and take them desperadoes in the rear, and whilst I was craning my neck around a corner of the boulder--whang! A bullet smashed into the rock a few inches from my face and a sliver of stone took a notch out of my ear. I don't know of nothing that makes me madder'n to get shot in the ear.

I seen red and didn't even shoot back. A mere rifle was too paltry to satisfy me. Suddenly I realized that the big boulder in front of me was just poised on the slope, its underside partly embedded in the earth. I throwed down my rifle and bent my knees and spread my arms and gripped it.

I shook the sweat and blood outa my eyes, and bellered so them in the hollow could hear me: 'I'm givin' you-all a chance to surrender! Come out, your hands up!'

They give loud and sarcastic jeers, and I yelled: 'All right, you ring-tailed jackasses! If you gets squashed like a pancake, it's your own fault. Here she comes!'

And I heaved with all I had. The veins stood out on my temples, my feet sunk into the ground, but the earth bulged and cracked all around the big rock, rivelets of dirt begun to trickle down, and the big boulder groaned, give way and lurched over.

A dumfounded yell riz from the cabin. I leaped behind a bush, but the outlaws was too surprized to shoot at me. That enormous boulder was tumbling down the hill, crushing bushes flat and gathering speed as it rolled. And the cabin was right in its path.

Wild yells bust the air, the door was throwed violently open, and a man hove into view. Just as he started out of the door I let bam at him and he howled and ducked back just like anybody will when a .45-90 slug knocks their hat off. The next instant that thundering boulder hit the cabin. Smash! It knocked it sidewise like a ten pin and caved in the wall, and the whole structure collapsed in a cloud of dust and bark and splinters.

I run down the slope, and from the yells which issued from under the ruins, I knowed they hadn't all been killed.

'Does you-all surrender?' I roared.

'Yes, dern it!' they squalled. 'Get us out from under this landslide!'

'Throw out yore guns,' I ordered.

'How in hell can we throw anything?' they hollered wrathfully. 'We're pinned down by a ton of rocks and boards and we're bein' squoze to death. Help, murder!'

'Aw, shut up,' I said. 'You don't hear me carryin' on in no such hysterical way, does you?'

Well, they moaned and complained, and I sot to work dragging the ruins off them, which wasn't no great task. Purty soon I seen a booted leg and I laid hold of it and dragged out the critter it was fastened to, and he looked more done up than what my brother Bill did that time he rassled a mountain lion for a bet. I took his pistol out of his belt, and laid him down on the ground and got the others out. There was three, altogether, and I disarm 'em and laid 'em out in a row.

Their clothes was nearly tore off, and they was bruised and scratched, and had splinters in their hair, but they wasn't hurt permanent. They sot up and felt of theirselves, and one of 'em said: 'This here is the first earthquake I ever seen in this country.'

'T'warn't no earthquake,' said another'n. 'It was a avalanche.'

'Listen here, Joe Partland,' said the first 'un, grinding his teeth, 'I says it was a earthquake, and I ain't the man to be called a liar--'

'Oh, you ain't?' said the other'n, bristling up. 'Well, lemme tell you somethin', Frank Jackson--'

'This ain't no time for such argyments,' I admonished 'em sternly. 'As for that there rock, I rolled that at you myself.'

They gaped at me. 'Who are you?' said one of 'em, mopping the blood offa his ear.

'Never mind,' I said. 'You see this here Winchester? Well, you-all set still and rest yourselves. Soon as the sheriff gets here, I'm goin' to hand you over to him.'

His mouth fell open. 'Sheriff?' he said, dumb-like. 'What sheriff?'

'Dick Hopkins, from Grizzly Run,' I said.

'Why, you derned fool!' he screamed, scrambling up.

'Set down!' I roared, shoving my rifle barrel at him, and he sank back, all white and shaking. He could hardly talk.

'Listen to me!' he gasped. 'I'm Dick Hopkins! I'm sheriff of Grizzly Run! These men are my deputies.'

'Yeah?' I said sarcastically. 'And who was the fellows shootin' at you from the brush?'

'Tarantula Bixby and his gang,' he said. 'We was follerin' 'em when they jumped us, and bein' outnumbered and surprized, we took cover in that old hut. They robbed the Grizzly Run bank day before yesterday. And now they'll be gettin' further away every minute! Oh, Judas J. Iscariot! Of all the dumb, bone-headed jackasses--'

'Heh! heh! heh!' I said cynically. 'You must think I ain't got no sense. If you're the sheriff, where at's your star?'

'It was on my suspenders,' he said despairingly. 'When you hauled me out by the laig my suspenders caught on somethin' and tore off. If you'll lemme look amongst them ruins--'

'You set still,' I commanded. 'You can't fool me. You're Tranchler Bixby yourself. Sheriff Hopkins told me so. Him and the posse will be here in a little while. Set still and shut up.'

WE STAYED THERE, AND the fellow which claimed to be the sheriff moaned and pulled his hair and shed a few tears, and the other fellows tried to convince me they was deputies till I got tired of their gab and told 'em to shut up or I'd bend my Winchester over their heads. I wondered why Hopkins and them didn't come, and I begun to get nervous, and all to once the fellow which said he was the sheriff give a yell that startled me so I jumped and nearly shot him. He had something in his hand and was waving it around.

'See here?' His voice cracked he hollered so loud. 'I found it! It must have fell down into my shirt when my suspenders busted! Look at it, you dern mountain grizzly!'

I looked and my flesh crawled. It was a shiny silver star.

'Hopkins said he lost his'n,' I said weakly. 'Maybe you found it in the brush.'

'You know better!' he bellered. 'You're one of Bixby's men. You was sent to hold us here while Tarantula and the rest made their getaway. You'll get ninety years for this!'

I turned cold all over as I remembered them horses I heard galloping. I'd been fooled! This was the sheriff! That pot-bellied thug which shot at me had been Bixby hisself! And whilst I held up the real sheriff and his posse, them outlaws was riding out of the country.

Now wasn't that a caution?

'You better gimme that gun and surrender,' opined Hopkins. 'Maybe if you do they won't hang you.'

'Set still!' I snarled. 'I'm the biggest sap that ever straddled a mustang, but even saps has their feelin's. You ain't goin' to put me behind no bars. I'm goin' up this slope, but I'll be watchin' you. I've throwed your guns over there in the brush. If any of you makes a move toward 'em, I'll put a harp in his hand.'

Nobody craved a harp.

They set up a chant of hate as I backed away, but they sot still. I went up the slope backwards till I hit the rim, and then I turned and ducked into the brush and run. I heard 'em cussing somethin' awful down in the hollow, but I didn't pause. I come to where I'd left Cap'n Kidd, and a-forked him and rode, thankful them outlaws had been

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