Jerome A. Greene
Cast of Characters
Brigadier General George C. Crook—Department of the Platte
Colonel William B. Hazen—commanding Sixth U.S. Infantry, Fort Buford, M.T.
Colonel Nelson A. Miles—commanding Fifth U.S. Infantry, Tongue River Cantonment, M.T.
Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie—commanding Fourth U.S. Cavalry
Lieutenant Colonel Elwell S. Otis—Twenty-second U.S. Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Whistler—Fifth U.S. Infantry
Major Alfred L. Hough—Seventeenth U.S. Infantry, commanding at Glendive Cantonment
Major Henry R. Tilton—Surgeon, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Major Edwin F. Townsend—Commanding Officer, Fort Laramie, W.T.
Captain Charles J. Dickey—E Company, Twenty-second Infantry
Captain Ezra P. Ewers—E Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Captain—Randall—Quartermaster, Fifth U.S. Infantry, Tongue River Cantonment, M.T.
Captain Wyllys Lyman—I Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Captain James S. Casey—A Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Captain Andrew S. Bennett—B Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Captain Edmond Butler—C Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Captain Simon Snyder—F Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Captain Edwin Pollock—Ninth U.S. Infantry, commander of Reno Cantonment
First Lieutenant Frank D. Baldwin—Fifth U.S. Infantry
First Lieutenant Cornelius C. Cusick—F Company, Twenty-second Infantry
First Lieutenant Mason Carter—K Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
First Lieutenant George W. Baird—regimental adjutant, Fifth U.S. Infantry
First Lieutenant Robert McDonald—D Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Second Lieutenant Russell H. Day—Sixth U.S. Infantry, commanding garrison at Fort Peck
Second Lieutenant David Q. Rousseau—G Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Second Lieutenant William H. Wheeler—Eleventh U.S. Infantry
Second Lieutenant Frank S. Hinkle—H Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Second Lieutenant Charles E. Hargous—Fifth U.S. Infantry, commanding mounted infantry to Wolf Mountain
Second Lieutenant Hobart K. Bailey—Fifth U.S. Infantry, aide-de-camp to Miles
Second Lieutenant James Worden Pope—E Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry, commanding Rodman gun
Second Lieutenant Edward W. Casey—Twenty-second U.S. Infantry, assisting Pope’s artillery detail: in charge of Napoleon gun
Second Lieutenant Oscar F. Long—Fifth U.S. Infantry, acting engineering officer
Second Lieutenant William H. C. Bowen—Fifth U.S. Infantry, in charge of supply wagons
Second Lieutenant James H. Whitten—I Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry, in charge of pack animals
Trumpeter Edwin M. Brown
Private Thomas Kelly—I Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Private Richard Bellows—E Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Private Philip Kennedy—C Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry Private
Patton G. Whited—C Company, Fifth U.S. Infantry
Assistant Surgeon Louis S. Tesson
Thomas J. Mitchell—agent at Fort Peck
Elizabeth Burt
Martha Luhn
Nettie Capron
Johnny Bruguier / “Big Leggings”
Luther S. (Sage) “Yellowstone” Kelly
Robert Jackson
William Jackson
Victor Smith
John Johnston
George Johnson
James Parker
William Cross
Jim Woods
Tom Leforge
Joe Culbertson
Edward Lambert
George Boyd