'Then I wouldn't place much stock in that hypothesis. Why would a doctor use something crude like heroin, when he could get his hands on more precise anesthetics? What it does indicate is someone with drug experience, which, unfortunately, is no longer a small club in the country. Anything else?'
'When we talked about Gray Man, you said he would probably be withdrawn, an antisocial loner. Do you feel the same about this one?'
'At the core, all psychopaths are antisocial. They're incapable of achieving intimacy, view people as objects, have no sense of empathy or compassion. Gray Man was impulsive and meek, which led me to guess that he was socially inadequate. But this one isn't so clear-cut. He's cold, calculating, takes great care to wash the body, prepare it, clean it-he's a stage director. Arrogant and intelligent, and those types often come across as sociable, even charming. Some even have apparent romances with women, though when you examine the relationship closely it turns out to be warped or platonic. The more sophisticated sex killer doesn't doesn't necessarily shun the public eye. In fact, he may even jump right into it. He may be attracted to politics because it's also a power game: There was an Englishman-one of the homosexual killers-named Dennis Nilsen. Labor union activist, well liked by everyone, terrific social consciousness when he wasn't strangling boys. The American, Ted Bundy, was a law student, also politically active, good-looking, suave.
Another American, Gacy, entertained children with a clown act, raised funds for the Democratic party and had his picture taken with President Carter's wife. Semipublic figures, every one of them.'
Ben David leaned forward.
'Internally, your man's a cesspool, Dani. Get to know him on an intimate level and the psychopathy starts popping out-lies, false claims, inconsistencies in personal history, poor impulse control, situational conscience. He believes in rules but doesn't believe they apply to him. But outwardly, he may very well look normal. Better than normal-a persuasive manipulator.'
Daniel thought of Fatma's naivete, Juliet's possible brain damage. Easy pickings for someone like that.
'What about religious fanaticism?' he asked.
Ben David smiled. 'The avenging murderer cleansing the world of whores? Movie nonsense. Some of these guys claim they've got some greater moral purpose, but it's more self-serving garbage and if no one buys it, they quickly drop it. Basically, they kill to achieve orgasm.' He looked at the reports again.
'Both your victims were Arabs,' he said. 'One thing you should consider strongly is the political component.'
'Neither Mossad nor Shin Bet has come up with any terrorist connections-'
'That's not what I meant,' the psychologist cut in, impatiently. 'Don't limit your thinking to some organized political cell. As I said, psychopaths are attracted to political issues because politics is power. I'm suggesting to you a solitary psychopathic killer whose violent fantasy life is interwoven with political elements.'
Ben David shot out of his chair, went to the bookshelves, ran his fingers along the spines of the volumes, and pulled out several.
'Here,' he said, placing the books in Daniel's lap.
The first three were American paperbacks. Cheap, cracked editions with brittle, yellowed paper. Daniel studied the cover illustrations: lurid, cartoonish paintings of impossibly voluptuous women, naked, bound and gagged, and tormented by hypermuscular, whip-wielding men in leather costumes so glossy they looked wet. Costumes emblazoned with swastikas and iron crosses and the SS death's-head logo. In one illustration, ribbons of blood ran down the woman's meaty thighs. In another a slavering, razor-toothed Doberman pinscher aimed its snout in the vicinity of the victim's crotch.
The women strained against their bonds and their eyes were wide with terror. Their tormentors grinned and fondled groins bulging grotesquely.
The titles: Eat This, Jewbitch. Nazi Lovemasters. Gestapo Rape.
Daniel opened one of them, read several lines of explicit, sadomasochistic pornography, and put the books down angrily.
'I got them when I was at Harvard,' said Ben David, 'in a used-book store near the campus. There's a small but steady market for this type of thing.'
Daniel opened the fourth book. A hard-cover volume entitled This Must Not Happen Again: The Black Book of Fascist Horror. He turned pages, saw grainy photographs. Mountains of human skeletons. A row of empty-eyed corpses, partially corroded by lime, lying three-deep in a muddy ditch. Several arms and legs, waxily artificial. The leer of a German soldier as he shot a naked woman in the back.
'Read the chapter on 'Murder for Profit,'' said the psycho logist. 'The surgical experiments.'
Daniel found this section, skimmed it, then closed the book, his anger growing. 'What's the point?'
'The point is that racist politics and psychopathy can be comfortable bedfellows. Mengele, all the other camp doctors, were psychopaths. Hannah Arendt claimed they were normal, banal men, but their psychological evaluations indicate otherwise. They were attracted to the Nazi philosophy because it fit with their psychopathic natures. Hitler reinforced and legitimized them with power and status and technology-serial killers in the employ of the State. The point is, Dani, that if Arab girls keep turning up slaughtered, you'd do well to consider that your psychopath has a thing against Arabs.'
'A Jewish race murderer?' Daniel thought of the Ripper book. The shohet theory.
'It could be a self-hating Arab,' said Ben David. 'Serial killers often turn against their own kind. But don't exclude the possibility that a member of our tribe is running around butchering Arabs just because it's an unappetizing contingency. We're not all lambs. There's a reason for the sixth commandment.'
Daniel was silent. Sen David misread the look on his face as resistance and threw up his hands.
'I don't like it either, my friend. You wanted my speculations, you got them.'
'I was reading about psychopathic killers last night,' Daniel reflected, 'and found myself thinking about them in Nazi terms. A phrase came to mind: street-corner Mengeles.'