That kind of work takes meticulous planning.'
'I guess that's true. The scenes were designed for shock value, but they were orderly - almost ritualistic.'
'That's so typically Japanese. Last year, when I was in Tokyo, I saw an exhibition of street dancing by these Japanese youth gangs that dress up like fifties greasers. They're called zoku - tribes. There are several rival groups, and each one stakes out its own turf in Yo-yogi Park on Sunday afternoon. They come on like hooks in black leather, sneering and posturing, set down ghetto blasters with cassette decks and dance to Buddy Holly tapes. It shocks the older generation, which, of course, is the whole idea. But if you look closely, you can see that there's nothing spontaneous about any of it. All the dances - every movement and gesture - are rigidly choreographed. Every gang's got its set routine. No deviation, not a trace of individuality. They've turned rebellion into a Shinto ritual.'
I remembered Gary's parting soliloquy about Middleville. In retrospect it seemed chantlike.
She pulled a leaf of romaine out of the bowl and tasted it, then moved away to squeeze more lemon into the salad. I sat down at the kitchen table, rolled up my sleeves, and stared at the tabletop. She tinkered for a while. Reaching for a bottle of Worcestershire sauce, she asked:
'Is something else bothering you, Alex? You look burdened.'
'I was just thinking how odd it is that two out of six kids on the project deteriorated so seriously.'
She came around the counter and sat opposite me, resting her chin in her hands.
'Maybe Gary hasn't really deteriorated at all,' she said. 'Maybe he's just going through one of those teenage identity things, and the next time you see him he'll be enrolled at Cal Tech.'
'I don't think so. There was a fatalism about him that was frightening - as if he really didn't care about living or dying. And a flatness of emotion that went beyond rebellion.' I shook my head wearily. 'Robin, we're talking about two boys with staggering intellects who've dropped out of life.'
'Which supports the old genius-insanity myth.'
'According to the textbooks, it's a myth. And anytime anyone's researched it, superior intelligence seems to be correlated with better, not worse, emotional adjustment. But the subjects in those studies were in the hundred and thirty to the hundred and forty-live IQ range - people sufficiently brilliant to excel but not so different that they can't blend in. The Project 160 kids are a different breed. A three-year-old who can translate Greek is an aberration. A six-month-old baby who talks fluent English, the way Jamey did, is downright scary. In the Middle Ages geniuses were thought to be possessed by demons. We pride ourselves on being enlightened, but exceptional brainpower still scares us. So we isolate geniuses, push them away. Which is exactly what happened to Jamey. His own father saw him as some kind of monster. He neglected and abandoned him. Nannies came and went. His uncle and aunt pay lip service to all they've done for him, but it was obvious mat they resent having been saddled with him.'
She listened, dark eyes sad. I continued talking, thinking out loud.
'Someone once said that the history of civilisation is the history of genius: The gifted mind creates, and the rest of us imitate. And there are plenty of prodigies who develop into superb adults. But lots of others burn out young. The crucial factor seems to be what kind of support the child gets from his parents. It takes exceptional sensitivity to raise a prodigy. Some kids are lucky. Jamey just wasn't.' My voice caught. 'End of lecture.'
She squeezed my hand.
'What's really the matter, sweetie?'
I said nothing for several long moments, then forced the words out.
'When he showed up at my door five years ago, it was because he was starving for a daddy. The time we spent together must have created the illusion that he'd finally found one. Somehow that got turned into romantic love, and when he expressed it, I rejected him. It was a pivotal moment. Handled right, it could have led to a happier ending.'
'Alex, you were caught off guard. No one could have reacted differently.'
'My training should have kept me on guard.'
'You were a part-time consultant, not the director of the project. What about Sarita Flowers's responsibility? Two out of six of those kids freaked out - doesn't that say something about the quality of her leadership?'
'Sarita's more engineer than psychologist - she makes no pretence at supersensitivity. That's why she hired me to monitor their emotional adjustment. But I was too damned sanguine, running my little rap groups and deluding myself that the bases were covered.'
'You're being too hard on yourself,' she said as she let go of my hand, got up, and went back to the salad. After pulling two steaks out of the refrigerator, she engaged in a silent routine of pounding and marinating while I watched.
'Alex,' she finally said, 'Jamey was troubled long before the project started. A moment ago you gave some of the reasons for it. It's just not logical to think that one incident could have made that big a difference. You've immersed yourself in all the horror and lost your perspective. Souza did you a favour when he let you go. Take advantage of it.'
I looked at her. She was solemn, eyes heavy with concern. What a fun guy I was.
'Maybe you're right,' I said, more out of consideration for her feelings than inner conviction.
I spent a good part of the next morning phoning hospitals and nursing registries. Marthe Surtees was nowhere to be found, but Andrea Vann had signed up with the ninth registry I called. I talked to the receptionist, who handed me over to the director, a man named Tubbs with an
elderly voice tinged by a faint Caribbean accent. When I asked him for her current address, all the lilt went out of his speech.
'Who did you say you were, sir?'
'Dr. Guy Mainwaring.' Haughtily. 'The medical director of Canyon Oaks Hospital in Agoura.'
Meaningful pause.
'Oh, yes,' he said, suddenly obsequious. No use alienating a potential client. 'I'd love to help you, Doctor, but we do have to protect our registrees' privacy.'
'I understand all that,' I said impatiently, 'but that's not the issue here. Mrs. Vann worked for us until recently - I assume she noted that on her application.'
'Not having the papers in front of him, he mumbled, 'Yes, of course.'
'Our personnel department has informed us that she is due additional pay for unused vacation time. We mailed the cheque to her home, but it came back, marked addressee unknown, no forwarding. My secretary called your agency about it last week, and someone promised to get back to her, but no one did.'
'I'll have to check that - '
'In any event, I decided to phone myself - cut through the red tape.'
'Of course. Do you need the phone number as well, Doctor?'
'That might be helpful.'
He put me on hold and returned in a minute.
'Doctor, Mrs. Vann registered with us last week, and we found two float jobs for her. But she never responded to our calls, and we haven't heard from her since.'
'Typical.' I sighed. 'A bright, capable woman, but she tends to wander off unpredictably.'
'That's good to know.'
'Absolutely. Now about that address.' I rustled some papers. 'Our records have her living on Colfax in North Hollywood.'
'No, we have her listed in Panorama City.' And he gave me the information I needed.
The phone number was disconnected.
It was a twenty-five minute freeway ride to the downscale part of the Valley. The address Tubbs had given me was on Cantaloupe Street, on a block of three-storey California-fifties apartment buildings - cheaply built rhomboids painted in unlikely colours. The building I was looking for was lemon yellow texture coat flecked with sparkles. A gateless entry in the middle of the building revealed a U-shaped courtyard built around a pool. Green Gothic letters spelled out CANTALOUPE ARMS, which evoked a series of images that made my head reel. In front was a miserly patch of succulents through which sprouted a lifeless plaster fountain. A cement pathway cut through the plants to the entrance.
There was no directory, but to the immediate right of the entrance was a panel of brass mailboxes. Most of the slots were labelled, none with the name Vann. The ones belonging to units seven and fifteen were empty. I walked into the courtyard and had a closer look.