MR. JONES: Organization. I like organization.
bET. S'rURGIS: Sounds like your dad let you down.
MR. JONES: (laughs) That's his hobby.
bET. S'rURGIS: So you go your own way.
MR. JONES: Mother's the- Necessity's the mother of invention.
(laughs) Thank you, Herr Freud.
bET. S'rURGIS: Getting back to mom for a minute MR. JONES: let's not.
bET. S':rURGIS: The way she died-Valium O.D plastic bag over the head guess we'll never prove it wasn't suicide.
MR. JONES: That's because it was. And that's all I have to say about that.
bET. S'rURGIS: Want to say anything about why you hung two pictures she painted in your house but really low to the ground? What was that, a symbolic demeaning or something?
MR. JONES: I have nothing to say about that.
bET STURGIS: Uh-huh... yeah... So what you're trying to tell me is, you're the victim and this is all a big misunderstanding.
MR. JONES: (unintelligible) bET. S'rURGIS: What?
MR. JONES: Context, Detective. Context.
DET. STURGIS: New lens.
MR. JONES: Exactly.
DET. STuRGis: Your reading up on sudden infant death was because you were trying to understand your... Chad's death?
MR. JONES: Exactly.
bET. STURGIS: Did you read up on Munchausen syndrome by proxy because you were trying to understand Cassie's illnesses?
MR. JONES: As a matter of fact, I did. Research is what I'm trained to do, Detective. All the experts seemed to be baffled by Cassie's symptoms. I figured I'd learn what I could.
bET. STURGIS: Dawn Herbert said you were once pre-med.
MR. JONES: Very briefly. I lost interest.
MR. JONES: Too concrete, no imagination involved. boctors are really nothing more than glorified plumbers.
bET. STURGIS: So... you read up on Munchausen syndrome-doing the old professor thing.
MR. JONES: (laughs) What can I tell you? In the end we all revert.
.. It was a revelation, believe me. learning about the syndrome. Not that I ever imagined, in the beginning, that Cindy might be doing something to hen Perhaps I was too slow to suspect, but my own childhood... too painful. I suppose I repressed. But then...
when I read.
bET. STURGIS: What? Why are you shaking your head?