
'And your writ?' Egil said, swinging his stools like bludgeons. 'Where's that?'

One of the stools caught the smaller of the two men full in his midsection. The wood snapped, but the blow sent the man reeling. In desperation, the other man went head down, charged, and grabbed Egil around the waist. The impact drove the priest back a step, but he steadied himself, dropped the stool, bent, picked the man up by his waist, and heaved him sideways. Arms careening, the man slammed into a table. The legs gave way with a snap and man and wood collapsed to the floor. For good measure, Egil stepped over and kicked him while he was down.

'Why don't you just tell us what this is actually about?' Nix said, pegging Beard in his mailed chest with a tankard.

'Damn it!' Beard cursed.

'Let's just kill them!' the hiresword said, and started to draw his sword. Beard halted the draw by grabbing the man's hand.

'Pull that blade and not one of you walk out of here!' Nix promised.

Beard turned and shouted through the open door.

'Derg, send in the rest!'

'The rest!' Nix said, disbelieving, tankards held in each hand. 'Oh, come on!'

Egil grabbed another chair with both hands, lifted it high, and charged toward Beard and the hiresword. He stopped cold when another eight men poured through the Tunnel 's open door, all of them helmed, armed, and armored. More watch.

'Over here, Egil!' Nix said. He leaped over the bar and pulled the wand from its tube.

The priest hurled the chair he held at the men storming into the common room and retreated to Nix's side.

'Don't destroy everything!' Tesha shouted, trying to work her way around the watchman holding her and her workers at the top of the stairs.

'I think she'll work out as manager, don't you?' Nix said.

'You gonna use that wand or not?' Egil said, glaring at the men.

Beard crossed his arms over his chest. 'Beat them senseless if that's what it takes. They come with us and they come with us now.'

'I don't think so,' Nix said, grinning.

As one, the new men and the hiresword charged the bar.

Nix spoke one of the handful of words he knew in the Language of Creation, the syllables odd on his tongue, causing a tingle in his lips. The wand answered the word, warmed in his hand, and he hurriedly touched it first to himself then to Egil, and concluded by pronouncing a second word in the language.

The pearl flashed and a sudden burst of opalescent light staggered him, elicited surprised shouts from the onrushing men. He felt the magic take hold in him and his vision blurred for a heartbeat. His body tingled all over and started to change size, his gear and clothing, too. He knew Egil would be experiencing the same thing. He grinned and raised his fists, imagining himself and Egil wading through the men like giants, their fists like cudgels.

'Ha!' he exulted. 'And now, curs, prepare…'

His voice sounded strange, higher-pitched. Instead of wonder and fear in the eyes of the men, he saw instead eagerness, mirth. They rushed forward anew.

'Nix!' Egil shouted, the priest's ordinarily deep voice also an octave higher.

The top of the bar reached Nix's eyes. The onrushing men looked like the giants.

How could that be?

'Shite,' he muttered, as realization dawned.

The damned wand had shrunk them to half their normal size!

'I'm sorry, Egil. I thought-'

'Describe for me a time when one of your items worked as you thought! One time!'

Mercifully Nix had no time to reply. Nine men came at them in a rush, fists flying. Nix ducked a punch, landed an uppercut that should have floored the man he struck, but which instead barely staggered him. Someone grabbed his arm and flung him against the bar, while another dove at his legs. Nix might as well have been a child. He gave a kick, missed, and the man wrapped his legs and pulled him down. Another man jumped atop him, pummeled him with short punches to the head, again and again. Nix saw sparks, tried to squirm free, but hadn't the strength. He heard Egil roaring in anger before a final punch caused everything to go dark.

Things quieted downstairs, but Tesha could not see past the guard who barred the stairs. 'I want to see whoever's in charge,' she said to the guard, a young man with a lazy eye and scraggly beard. He refused to make eye contact with her.

'Sorry, but-'

Tesha stepped up close to the boy. 'Don't give me 'sorry,' boy. Get me whoever's in charge.'

Tesha turned to her workers, all of them in their nightclothes, frightened-looking.

'Ask them where Nix is, Tesha,' Kiir said. 'Please.'

Tesha nodded. 'I'll see to it. Now, all of you go back to your rooms. Leave this to me. Go on, now.'

Reluctantly, muttering, they headed back for their rooms. As soon as they did, Tesha turned on the young guard, wearing the imperious expression that few men could long endure.

'Now,' she said. 'Your commander.'

Without waiting for him to respond, she pushed past him and descended the stairs. He fell in behind her, a dog at heel.

'That's him,' the guard said, pointing at a large, bearded man who stood near the door. Seeing her approach, the man frowned, barked an order out the door of the Tunnel, and walked toward her. She lost her imperiousness when she looked around at the destruction in the common room. Dozens of Gadd's tankards had been broken, a spilled piss pot stained the floor with filth, two stools were broken, a table.

'You'll be compensated for the damage,' the man said. He nodded at the young guard behind Tesha and the boy scurried off.

'By whom?' she asked.

Baras licked his lips. 'You'll be compensated.'

'Where are Egil and Nix?' she asked. 'Where's your writ?'


'Do not 'madam' me,' she said. 'Where are they? And where are you taking them?'

He studied her face for a long beat, as if taking her measure.

'Madam, Egil and Nix are arrested. That's all you need to know. Should you insist on interfering further, I will ensure that uniformed watchman be permanently stationed outside this establishment. I imagine that will not help with patronage. I will also ensure that one of the Lord Mayor's revenue men checks and rechecks all taxes paid on this property and the goods it sells. Is that something you'd welcome?'

Tesha felt her face color. She clamped her mouth shut lest her rage spill out in a flurry of expletives. She understood well the impulse that had caused Egil to punch the loudmouth hiresword. She'd have done the same to the bearded bunghole before her if she could've.

'So I thought,' Baras said. 'None of this is your concern, madam. Forget you saw anything here tonight.'

With that, the man turned and walked away.

Tesha stomped her foot on the wood floor. 'Shite!'


Nix came to moments or hours later, his head covered in a sack of burlap. He was dizzy from the beating he'd taken, and the sack cocooned him with the sour, fetid stink of his own breath. He feared he might puke and make

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