Arnim, Colonel-General Hans-Jurgen von 581

Arrow Cross 734, 735, 736

‘aryanization’ of the economy xliii, 22, 42, 43, 131, 146

Ashton-Gwatkin, Frank 109

Asia 400, 403, 416, 423, 440, 517

Asia Minor 530

Astakhov, Georgei 196

Astrakhan 529, 536–7

Athens 366

Atlantic Gap 585

Atlantic Ocean 416, 523, 585, 717

Atlas (H’s special train) 307

Attila the Hun xvii

Attolico, Bernardo 120–1, 122, 214, 218–19

Aufbau-Ost (Build-Up in the East) 307

Aufschwung (revival) 8

Augsburg 38, 369

Augsburg region 764

Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp 483, 493, 520, 604, 628, 736, 749, 767–8

Auslandsorganisation (AO; Foreign Countries’ Organization) 14, 15, 376

Austria: agreement with Germany (July 1936) 4, 24, 25, 45, 66, 67; Anschlue xviii, 44, 45, 64–86; and Czechoslovakia 84; Dollfu? assassinated 65, 66; ‘Eastern Marches (Ostmark) of the German People’ 82; elections (1938) 79, 82; geographical position 66, 68; Gleichschaltung (‘coordination’) 77; Goerdeler and 664; H’s meetings with Schuschnigg 61, 69, 70–2; and Italy 4, 24, 65, 66, 68, 69; ‘Law for the Reunion of Austria with the German Reich’ 80; march into xlvi; Ministerial Council 80; Nazi Movement 65, 66, 67, 69–73, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82; the new Austria of 1919 65; plebiscites 65; proposed German expansion 49–50; raw materials 67, 68, 161; reconstituted independence xviii; Zusammenschlu? (merger) with Germany 68

Austrian army 75, 81

Austrian Question 45, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 96

authoritarianism xv, xl, xlvi

Avranches 718, 720

Axis: agreement formalized 98; Bulgaria commits itself to 361; formation 26, 204; H’s efforts to bind Axis partners to the cause 582, 583–4; intentions in Yugoslavia, Greece and Poland 334; Lloyd George and 383; Mussolini the junior partner 298, 347; in North Africa 534–5, 538; Spain and 327, 329, 330, 348; successes and position of 363; surrender of troops 585; and unoccupied France 514

Axmann, Artur 798, 812–13, 828

Azores 585


Baarova, Lida 145, 199

Babarin, Evengy 196

Babi-Yar 468

Bach, Johann Sebastian xlii Bach-Zelewski, SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Erich von dem 466, 725, 735

Backe, Herbert 823

Bad Godesberg 112, 116, 655

Bad Kissingen, Lower Franconia 575

Bad Nauheim 742

Bad Reichenhall 307

Badoglio, Marshal Pietro 593, 594, 595–6, 597, 598, 601

Baillet-Latour, Count Henri 5, 7

Bakhmut river 441

Baku 529, 530, 537

Baldwin, Stanley 4

Balkans 43, 165, 166, 194, 276, 305, 308, 334, 335, 346, 347, 360, 361, 365, 366, 368, 450, 586, 601, 719, 723, 724, 759

Baltic region 345, 346, 406, 408, 413, 463, 464, 470, 485, 617, 647

Baltic Sea 25, 163, 194, 276, 286, 288, 684, 756, 757

Baltic states 196

Bamberg 539

baptism 424–5

Barandon, Dr Paul 770

Baranov bridgehead 756

Barbarossa-Decree (13 May 1941) 357

Bardia 346

Barth, Pomerania (meeting of army high commanders, June 1938) 101–2

Bastogne 744, 747

Bath 510

Battle of Britain 309, 310

‘Battle of the Peoples’ 713

Baum, Herbert 519

Baur, Captain Hans 32, 183

Bavaria: Austrian Nazis in 75; the crucifix issue 425–6; Goebbels in 506; H in 53, 614; the hold of the Church 40; the mood in 1941 424; the peasants’ mood in 186

Bavarian Alps 792

Bavarian State Opera 512

Bayerische Ostmark (Bavarian Eastern Marches): Gau Party Rally, Regensburg(1937) 37

Bayerischer Wald 799

Bayreuth, H at 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 34, 198, 306

BDM see Bund deutscher Madel

Beamish, Henry Hamilton 320

Beaverbrook, Lord 379–80

Beck, Field Marshal Fedor von 393

Beck, Joseph 166, 177, 217, 248

Beck, General Ludwig 4, 10, 11, 49, 50, 75, 89, 90, 94, 95, 97, 101–5, 107, 263, 268, 659, 664, 667, 676, 677, 681, 682, 683, 689

Beethoven, Ludwig van xlii, 513, 632

Belgian army 295

Belgian Congo 434

Belgium 267, 291, 295, 405, 518, 722, 731, 741, 745; neutrality 194, 277, 295

Belgrade 365

Bell, Bishop George 663

Belorussia 406–7

Below, Frau 33, 651

Below, Captain Nicolaus von 30, 32, 33, 70, 77, 118, 137–8, 149, 165, 235, 294, 295, 310, 345, 452, 535, 543, 548, 553, 554, 581, 616, 621, 637, 674–5, 718, 738, 739, 747, 784–5, 792, 807, 813, 815, 817, 823, 825

Belzec extermination camp 483, 484, 493, 494, 520, 603

Benes, President Eduard 108, 109, 111, 115, 117, 170

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