troops take 758
Lohse, Hinrich 406, 486, 492, 838
London 58, 607, 622; the Blitz 309; East End 309; flying-bombs 641, 642; H order a major air-attack 638; Polish Government-in-Exile 725
Londonderry, Lord 12, 13
Lorenz, Heinz 678–9, 797, 816, 825
Lorraine 315
Los Angeles: Olympic Games (1932) 6
Lo?berg, Lieutenant-Colonel Bernhard von 307, 408
Lower Bavaria 763
Lower Rhine 760
Lubeck 509, 818
Lublin 319, 321, 484, 493, 494, 520, 589, 725
Lubljanka prison 551
Ludwigshafen 760, 761
Luftwaffe 277, 278, 289, 293, 396, 452, 509, 747, 799, 801, 802; airlift to 6th Army 544, 545, 548, 549; armaments programme 284; attacks London’s East End 309; Baku oilfields 537; in ‘Barbarossa’ 409; the Blitz 309; bomb-proof bunkers 633–4; bomber shortage 535; and the bombing of Cologne 524; and ‘Citadel’ 592; creation of xxxviii, 38; death blow to 745–6; Dunkirk 295, 296; failure of 535, 570, 572, 587, 620, 629, 696, 717, 738, 825–6; fighter production 732; forces against Timoshenko 433; fuel shortages 717, 732, 739; and Goring 57, 413; Goring assures H of imminent improvements 535; H’s preoccupation with deficiencies of 543, 729; H’s threat 786; and I G Farben 18; ‘Kirschkern’ Programme 622; Me262 production 621, 635, 739; and Memel 176; and the Normandy landings 641; Operation Barbarossa 384, 409; preferential treatment 46; and a proposed invasion of Britain 301; reform 645; Udet scapegoated for failures 420
Luneburg 836
Lutze, SA-Chief Viktor 584
Luxembourg 295, 315
Luzk, eastern Poland 463
McAuliffe, Brigadier-General Anthony 744
McLean, Donald 370
‘Madagascar solution’ 134–5, 320, 321–4, 324, 349–52, 383, 470, 521
Madeira xl
Magdeburg 761
Magdeburg-Anhalt 138
Maginot Line 265, 297
Magnuszev bridgehead 756
Maidanek 520
Main river 788
Mainz 761
Maisel, General Ernst 733
Malta 367, 514, 524
Mannerheim, Marshal Baron Carl Gustaf von 524,724
Mannesmann 132
Mansfeld, Erich 830
Manstein, Lieutenant-General Erich von 103, 290, 291, 452, 466, 514, 523, 524, 526, 531, 544–5, 549, 578– 81, 592, 597, 599, 600, 603, 607, 616–19, 629, 630,
Manteuffel, General Hasso von 741, 744
Manziarly, Constanze 801, 804, 827
Mao Zedong xvii
Marburg 139
March, Werner 5
Mareks, General Erich 408
‘Marcks Plan’ 408
Margarethe I 626
Margarethe II 626
Margival (Fuhrer Headquarters) 642
Markt Schellenberg 766
Marne river 722
Marseilles 722
Marx Brothers 371
Marxism 130; H’s use of the term xli–xlii
Marzahn 801
Maschmann, Melita 9, 142
Mastny, Dr Voytech 170
Masurian woods 395
Matsuoka, Yosuke 363–4, 444
Mauthausen concentration camp 604, 735, 768
Mayen 764
Mayer, Dr Joseph 259
Maykop 438, 497, 514, 529, 530, 536
Mediterranean 49, 50, 533, 539, 591; defence of 586; German supply difficulties 543; ‘an Italian sea’ 25; successful Allied landing 592–3
Meichner, Colonel Joachim 669
Meiser, Bishop Hans 28
Meissner, Otto 170, 218, 800
Memel district, Czechoslovakia 163, 166, 175–6
mentally ill patients 252–7, 259, 261, 317, 424, 427–8, 430, 484
mentally retarded children 257
Meran, South Tyrol 633
Mers-el-Kebir 301
Mertz von Quirnheim, Colonel Albrecht Ritter 676, 681, 682, 683, 689
Mesopotamia 537
Messerschmitt, Professor Willi 621, 635
Metz 642, 721
Meuse river 295, 744
Meyer, Gauleiter Alfred 483
Michael, King of Romania 723
Middle East 523, 537, 591
Mierendorff, Carlo 666
Miklas, President Wilhelm 77, 78, 80–1
Milan 26
Milch, Field-Marshal Erhard 75, 548, 621, 634, 635
Ministerial Council for the Defence of the Reich (Ministerrat fur die Reichsverteidigung) 219, 312, 541, 568, 570, 573, 709
Minsk 394, 398, 399, 466, 483, 486, 647, 661
Mitford, Diana (later Mosley) 13