“Positive rate,” my call out, as the Vertical Speed Indicator climbs to the positive side.

“Gear up,” says Charlie. Charlie’s flying, I’m on the radio as I reach over and bring the gear handle up.

At 400 feet, we turn left towards the Canarsie VOR as tower announces, “800, contact departure now on 135.9.”

“Rog, departure, good evening 800.”

“Good evening departure, Tango Oscar Whiskey 800, checking, direct Canarsie VOR, climbing to 5000 feet.”

We clean the flaps up on schedule, as our airspeed increases.

“Radar contact, 800, good evening, turn left now to heading 060, continue climb to twelve thousand feet, contact NY center on 123.5.”

“Roger, departure, 800 continue climb to twelve thousand feet, turning left to 060, NY center on 123.5.”

“Twelve thousand” I repeat to Charlie, my fingers flying to the altitude knob, twirling in 12,000 feet. Charlie acknowledges the 12,000 feet as I bug his heading to 060 and watch him turn.”

“New York center, good evening, Tango Oscar Whiskey 800 checking in, now heading 060, climbing to twelve thousand feet.”

“You’re in luck tonight, 800, now present position direct Banc’s, climb to and maintain flight level 3-3-0. Boston center on 132.5.”

“Chicken George’s, here we come,” I declare to the guys. “Roger Center, thanks, 800 now present position direct Banks, climb to 330, Boston center on 132.5….good night.”

“Boston Center, good evening, Tango Oscar Whiskey 800 is with you climbing now through 14,000 feet for flight level 330, direct Banks.”

“Roger, 800, good evening, climb now to flight level 310.”

“Hey Charlie, check out the fireworks!”

“800, Boston Center, do you read?”

“New York center, Boston center, do you see or read Tango Oscar Whiskey 800?”

“Negative Boston, he’s off my scope.”

“New York, Boston, he’s disappeared off my scope also…they’re gone, call somebody!”

“New York Center, this is USAir flight 217… there’s a fireball in the sky abeam us…..”

Figure 1 — The following are unauthorized, never before seen photos of the reconstruction of TWA Flight 800, whose parts were recovered from the Atlantic Ocean, and assembled at the Calverton, New York Hangar by the Feds.

Figure 2 — The right side of the final NTSB reconstruction of TWA flight 800.

Figure 3 — TWA-800 reconstruction at the Calverton, NY Hangar — right side. Notice the fuselage “scorching” over the right wing root, the only external area to show the effects of any burning.

Figure 4 — Taken in the Calverton, New York hangar, a photo (secretly taken) of the final reconstruction of TWA-800, as seen from the left side.

Figure 5 — TWA-800 — a view into the center fuel tank from the left side. Notice the “unexploded” forward interior wall panels of the center fuel tank, the claimed epicenter of the explosion. The Feds claim that sparking by the scavenge pump inside the center fuel tank was the source of the caused explosion. no Boeing 747 pilot I’ve ever talked to, nor any B747 maintenance man I know, believes that.

Figure 6 — The same view of the center fuel tank, this on a “sister” 747, one owned by Tower Air (while still solvent), and often flown by me. This shows what a normal center fuel tank looks like (as a comparison), showing the scavenge pump and wall panels in normal condition.

Figure 7 — The TWA-800 reconstructed center fuel tank, showing the missing wall panel where the scavenge pump normally resides. Notice no sign of “explosion” damage to adjacent wall panels.

Figure 8 — A close up of Figure 7. Notice the wall panels intact to the right and left of where the scavenge pump would sit, and that the missing panel has been “surgically” removed. No seeming sign of explosive damage there.

Fionre 9 — T P ft hand wino rnnt — TWA goo reennstnictinn

Figure 10 — The recovered TWA-800 cockpit — Inside this B747 cockpit is where I normally sit….. weird feelings generated…. I’ve got 6000 hours living in this cockpit alone, with three different companies over a fourteen-year span.

How I Got the Story and the Pix

On the evening of July 16th, 1996 TWA Flight 800 was most likely shot down with a U.S. missile made available to terrorists because of a policy/non-policy set by President Clinton and his Administration. The official version, that the center fuel tank exploded, causing the tragedy is, in a word, bullshit.

During this past year I was made aware of a gigantic hoax, and a cover-up by the United States Government, concerning the destruction of TWA Flight 800, July 16, 1996, with the loss of 230 innocent lives.

Fifteen years of research have gone into my book, “Cockpit, Confessions of an Airline Pilot,” a collection of the lives and times I’ve experienced in aviation. During these years I’ve been flying 747’s ('the big jets') all over the world… Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Croatia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, most of Africa, the Orient and South America. My passports look like a kaleidoscope of colorful visa and stamps of different shapes and sizes. During those years I have been asked to bring in a “load” from Kabul, Afghanistan (I didn’t), to report on the “doings” of Suharto, his puppet, Habibe, the blind cleric Abdurahman Wahid, and the most recent President, Megawati Sukarno-Putri. (I haven’t).

I’ve followed with painful amusement the “Presidential Christmas Amnesties” granted by Philippine President Joseph Estrada to the cannibal murderer of a Catholic priest ( he and his pals ate the priest’s brain ). It’s okay though, not to worry… the pardoned cannibal told the press that, “…although he was considering opening a restaurant in downtown Manila, he was now a vegetarian.”

This past year, from the end of January through the end of April, I flew the “Malaysian Hajj,” bringing Malaysian Muslims from Penang, Kuching, Borneo, Kota Kinabalu and Kuala Lumpur’s Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah- Subang to Saudi Arabia for the annual Pilgrimage, the Hajj. In February of 2000, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , I was called in my room in the Hilton Hotel to come down to the lobby to meet a man who introduced himself to me as, let’s call him “Jim Simmons.”

Jim, was a forty-ish, rangy fellow, tight-end material. He produced Federal ID for a government agency regulating communications, and had airport security clearances for the Kuala Lumpur secure ramp area, Subang, Malaysia. Ostensibly, he works in an area of sophisticated electronics.

He tells me that we have to go out to my airplane, that he needs to install some “high tech” equipment at the behest of my Company, Tower Air, and that he must demonstrate how it all works. Off we go. Ninety minutes later, now in the cockpit of our empty 747, it is apparent that the high-frequency radios and ACARs that have been installed are not sophisticated, nor do they require any real instruction.

I’m kinda perturbed, having made this unnecessary trip to the airport, but uncharacteristically, I’m keeping my pissyness to myself. Jim separates myself and him from the other pilots and support staff, arranging for the two of us to be alone in the cab heading back to my hotel. During the ride back, Jim starts telling me a story:

He was in Istanbul, working on the radios of the State Airplane of the President of Kazakhstan, a breakaway Muslim thorn in Russia’s side. Noticing a wiring problem with the First Officer’s radio altimeter that he felt could lead to serious problems in flight, he warned the pilots and maintenance people, but was ignored. They wanted to get home.

Hours later, asleep in his hotel room, he gets a phone call direct from the President of Kazakhstan’s staff….. “Big problems…we need you here, now… almost a fire on board on the flight home, you were right.” A knock on his door, and tickets, $6,000 dollars in U.S cash, and a letter of authorization (personally signed by the President of Kazakhstan) arrive while he’s still taking this phone call. Dress immediately, a car’s waiting to take you to the airport.

Neither his company, nor his family are now aware of his movements, such was the haste of this unexpected side trip. He’ll call everybody upon his arrival, fuck it, the money’s right. The Turkish Air flight must transit

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