we? We are not the ones who feed the young. There is nothing wrong with me. You, however, you’re one to talk about deformity with your two breasts and that hole in your stomach.”

Megan gaped at him. “Deformity?” She grabbed her heavy breasts and held them up. “Do these look deformed to you? I think my tits are perfectly beautiful, thank you. And as for my belly button, all humans have one. It’s because we’re normal.”

“Says you,” he retorted. Despite his assertion she was far from perfect, he couldn’t hide the fact his cock rapidly re-inflated at her self-grope.

A glaring match ensued as they tried to stare each other down-his prick straining and her pussy soaking-and they might have remained at an impasse for a while had the ship’s computer not interrupted.

“Approaching way station, Lokihaj. Recommend docking for refueling and repair of malfunctioning thruster.”

Tren growled as he turned to stalk away, and Megan sucked in a breath at the view of his toned back and ass, purple perfection that made her hands itch to stroke and pinch. Maybe I should have handled this morning differently? In other words, held her tongue, let him probe her with that purple dick of his and then draw a silent conclusion on his prowess, balls or not.

Pride wouldn’t let her call him back to apologize, and he seemed hell bent on ignoring her which kind of miffed her. I mean, if he really liked what happened last night and what he saw, shouldn’t he be trying harder to get another piece? His cock sure seemed willing to give it a go. Instead, the pirate slapped his hand on the wall and a compartment opened from which he pulled clean shirts and pants, a set of which he flung at her without looking. Another slap and a new door opened and he walked out of the room.

Megan tugged on the garments as she wished fervently for a toilet followed by a shower and a comb to freshen herself. She’d understood enough of the computer’s message to understand they’d reached some kind of civilization. Not sure how this helped her, but determined to have a say in her fate, she strode into the adjoining room after Tren.

She found herself in a white haven she guessed passed as a bathroom given it had some kind of shower enclosure and a long counter with a pile of his clothes. What she really wanted to know, as did her bladder, was where the toilet hid? Instead, she asked, “Where are we going?”

Standing in a glassed cubicle, his shape appeared blurry as he turned to face her. “We are going nowhere. You will stay on the ship while I conduct business,” he replied, his voice muffled.

She thought about taking offense at his high handed manner, but curiosity prompted to ask, “What are you doing?”

“Cleansing myself, of course.”

Megan craned her head from side to side as she watched lights flashing up and down his body. “How does it work? I don’t hear any water.”

He snorted. “We’re in space, not at a resort. On board the ship, we use lasers to cleanse our bodies and rid ourselves of waste.”

She wrinkled her nose. It didn’t sound like much fun. “Does it hurt?”

“You tell me.” Quicker than she could scream, he’d pushed open the cubicle door and yanked her in.

In the close confines of his waterless shower, she couldn’t help awareness of his body-his big, naked and virile body. She kept her eyes riveted on the goatee covering his chin. “Smooth move, but in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m dressed dumbass.”

“Not for long,” he announced with a smirk.

“What?” She squeaked as something tickled her arm. She looked to the side and watched as the clothes she wore disintegrated into nothing. Panicked, she tried to whirl to escape, expecting to follow her garments into molecular nothingness at any moment.

Brawny arms wrapped around her and halted her escape. “Calm yourself, Earthling. The lasers won’t hurt your flesh or hair. Only foreign and waste substances are evaporated.”

His words of reassurance didn’t stop her from pressing back against him, flesh to flesh. It also didn’t stop the flare of awareness that they both were nude, and he appeared very happy to see her judging by the poking above her backside-a very thick and hard poke. To distract herself, she spoke. “Stop calling me Earthling. My name is Megan.”

“Odd you should ask that seeing as how you’ve called me everything but my own title.”

Megan bit her lip as she recalled the numerous names she’d used for him. “Fair enough, Tren.”

“Thank you, Megan.” He bent down to whisper her name in her ear and she shivered. “Now turn.”


“So the lasers can get your buttocks. It won’t work if you insist on plastering yourself against me. Or is this your way of saying you’d like me to copulate with you?”

“I really dislike you,” she grumbled as she turned. She raised her eyes to meet his instead of lowering to see his prick, which jabbed her in the belly. She also resisted an urge to drop to her knees and see just what his giant purple Popsicle tasted like.

“Good. I’d hate to think you’ll miss me when I sell you. Your new owner might take offence if you were to pine for me.”

She didn’t think about it, she just slugged him in the stomach and then yelled as she brought her throbbing fist to her mouth. She’d forgotten about his rock hard body.

The jerk laughed.

Not even blinking, she brought her knee up, and connected with the underside of his cock. She enjoyed a moment’s satisfaction as he shut up before she realized what she’d done. He asked for it. She didn’t stick around to see if he agreed.

Exiting with as much dignity as she could while naked as a jay bird, she grabbed his clothes off the white counter and strode out into the bedroom to dress for the second time that morning. At least she didn’t feel grimy anymore and her bladder no longer ached. A shower and toilet in one, but without an ick factor? She grudgingly admitted the coolness of it. She patted her hair out of curiosity and discovered it didn’t feel like straw anymore. Interesting. She wondered what else the shower could do.

Dressed, she bent over the table and peered at the wall he’d used the night before to feed them. Squiggles marked its surface and she sighed as she realized she had no idea what to do.

“What are you doing?” His gravelly voice sounded right behind her and she jumped, but didn’t turn to face him. Not when he was probably pissed at her knee action in the shower. Will he spank me? Throw me onto the bed and ravish me like a pirate? Lock me in the brig? He did nothing.

She restrained a sigh. Surely she didn’t want him to lose control, or did she? “I was looking for coffee, or at the very least, something hot and imbued with caffeine.”

His body bumped up into hers as he invaded her space. Her heart stuttered. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you what you asked for.”

Oh god, what does he think I want? Judging by the thick cock pushing against her backside, it appeared as though he thought she needed a good hard fuck. He might be right.

His purple hand reached over her and…punched the wall in a sequence that lit up lights in the control panel. The hole in the wall opened and she eyed the steaming mug with suspicion, and a little disappointment, which increased when he moved away.

Holding in another sigh, she grabbed the cup and stared at its murky contents. Did she dare drink it? “Are you mad at me?” she asked.


“Are you sure? Because I’d really hate to be poisoned because you’re pissed I hurt you.”

He chuckled and the sound sent a shiver right down her spine and tickled her cleft. “You think highly of yourself if you believe your feeble blow hurt. Startled, yes, but you’d have to try a lot harder to injure me.”

“Is that a dare?” She giggled when he growled. “Seriously, though, is this beverage going to screw with me like your wine did?”

“No. Now drink it and behave yourself while I conduct business.”

She took a gulp of the hot liquid and swallowed happily. Nutty with a hint of bitter, it reminded her of a flavored coffee. It also bolstered her resolve. “You are not leaving me here by myself.” She turned to face him as she spoke

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