her contortions” (157). In any event a young woman using the name Little Egypt apparently did pop out of a whipped-cream pie in New York several years after the fair, at a stag party that became so notorious it was called the Awful Seeley Dinner. Its host was Herbert Barnum Seeley, a nephew of the late P. T. Barnum, who threw the party on behalf of his brother, Clinton Barnum Seeley, who was about to be married (Carlton, 65).


“There was a red fluid: Trial, 117.

“I would ask: Ibid., 124.

“It was an expression: Philadelphia Public Ledger, October 31, 1895.

“I saw them at Toronto: Trial, 297.

“the most dangerous man: Schechter, 315.

“That he fully intended: Geyer, 317.

“I am convinced: Philadelphia Inquirer, April 12, 1896.

“Here I left them: Ibid.

“It will be understood: Ibid.

His lawyers turned down: Franke, 189.

The Wistar Institute: Philadelphia Inquirer, May 10, 1896.

“The man was something: Ibid.

“Take your time, old man: Philadelphia Inquirer, May 8, 1896. The Philadelphia Public Ledger of the same date offers a slightly different version: “Don’t be in a hurry, Aleck. Take your time.”

“Holmes’ idea: Philadelphia Inquirer, May 8, 1896.

Strange things: I derived this account mainly from news clippings gathered as an appendix in Holmes’s memoir. See Mudgett, after page 256. Schechter offers a nice distillation of these strange events on 333–37.

No stone: My observations.

In 1997: Stewart, 70.

Aboard the Olympic

“But—I know: Burnham to Millet, April 12, 1912, Moore Papers, Speech, Article and Book File, Burnham Correspondence, 1848–1927. Box 13, File 1.

Hon. F. D. Millet: Envelope, April 11, 1912, ibid.

The builder of both ships: Lynch, 159.

“I think it is nothing serious: Whyte, 314.

“Frank Millet, whom I loved: Hines, 359.

As he and his family traveled: Hines, 360, 433.

Both are buried: My observations. See also Hucke and Bielski, 13–30.


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———The Final Official Report of the Director of Works of the World’s Columbian Exposition. Garland, 1989.

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———Report on a Plan for San Francisco. Urban Books, 1971 (1906).

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———.”Report of the Superintendent of Police,” in Fourth Annual Message of Edwin S. Stuart, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia. (For the year ended December 31, 1894.) Free Library of Philadelphia.

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Commager, Henry Steele. The American Mind. Yale University Press, 1950.

Crook, David Heathcote. Louis Sullivan, The World’s Columbian Exposition and American Life. Unpublished thesis, Harvard University, 1963.

Darrow, Clarence. The Story of My Life. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1934.

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Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. American Psychiatric Association.

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