“When you meet Marconi”: Quoted in Marconi, My Father, 76.
A frightened guest: Ibid., 76.
“peculiar semi-abstract air”: Ibid., 76.
“a bit absent-minded”: Quoted in Weightman, Signor Marconi’s, 59.
He found it: Marconi, My Father, 76–77. For more details on the America’s Cup episode, see pp. 77–80. See also, Weightman, Signor Marconi’s, 60–61 and Baker, History, 48–49.
“The shock from the sending coil”: Quoted in Marconi, My Father, 80; Faulkner, Watchers, 7.
“I noticed”: Marconi, My Father, 168.
“Well try using the other foot”: Isted, I, 55.
The St. Paul suited him: The St. Paul had a twin, the St. Louis, which in 1907 carried a four-year-old boy named Leslie Townes Hope, later Bob Hope, from England to a new life in America. Of his emigration he later said, “I left England at the age of four when I found out I couldn’t be king.” Fox, Transatlantic, 391; Hope’s quip comes from BobHope.com/bob.htm.
“The Needles resembled”: Quoted in Marconi, My Father, 82–83.
“As all know”: Hancock, Wireless, 20.
Josephine Bowen Holman: To gather details about Holman and her roots, I conducted research in the Indiana State Library, and there consulted the following sources: Indianapolis News, December 20, December 21, 1901; January 21, January 22, 1902; June 5, 1972; Indianapolis Star, December 20, 1909, May 24, 1948; August 4, 1979; Indianapolis Star Magazine, March 8, 1970; Indianapolis Times, July 23, 1937. Also, Lewis, “Woodruff Place,” pp. 3–8; McDonald, Indianapolis, 29–31; McKenzie, Blue Book; and Woodruff Place Centennial, 2, 4.
“absolute certitude”: For material on Tesla and his Century article, see: Cheney and Uth, Tesla, 87, 90, 99–100; Hong, Wireless, 72; the article is quoted at length in Sewall, Wireless, 51–52.
As welcome as: Aitken, Syntony, 232–35.
“But greater wonders followed”: London Times, October 4, 1900.
“After you left”: Marconi, My Father, 93.
“I am thinking”: Ibid., 93.
“extreme demands on my time”: Fleming to Flood Page, November 23, 1900. UCL, Fleming Collection, 122/47.
“I am desired to say”: Flood Page to Fleming, December 1, 1900. UCL, Fleming Collection, 122/47.
“As regards any special recognition”: Fleming to Flood Page, December 3, 1900. UCL, Fleming Collection, 122/47.
In December Nevil Maskelyne: Bartram, I, 50.
And there was Lodge: Lodge’s discussions with Muirhead are cited in a letter from George Fitzgerald to Lodge, June 14, 1899. UCL, Lodge Collection, 89/35 iv.
He accepted the position: Jolly, Lodge, 132.
“The most noticeable thing”: Hicks, Not Guilty, 68.
In 1898: Massie, Dreadnought, 180; Clarke, Voices, 133.
“At first there will be”: Ibid., 134.
“I wonder if”: Weintraub, Edward, 387.
Drouet produced: Cullen, Crippen, 48.
“For dolls or other girlish toys”: Le Neve, Ethel Le Neve, 6.
“Very soon afterwards”: Ibid., 8.
“For some reason”: Ibid., 8.
“I quickly discovered”: Ibid., 8.
On one occasion: Ibid., 8.
“With her departure”: Ibid., 9.
“Her coming was”: Ibid., 9.
An even stormier visit: Ibid., 9.
Crippen brought with him: Cullen, Crippen, 61. Cullen contends Crippen also brought with him Drouet’s mailing lists.
“This places within”: Goodman, Crippen File, 12.
In time Aural Remedies: Ibid., 13.
Crippen said, “although”: Trial, 37.
“Give me your hand”: Further Statement of Maud Burroughs, September 16, 1910. NA-DPP 1/13.
“we had a whole day together”: Ellis, Black Flame, 318.
“the only person in the world”: Le Neve, Ethel Le Neve, 10.
“by sheer accident”: Ibid., 12.
“They thought”: Marconi, My Father, 100.
“There was nothing”: Thoreau, Cape Cod, 59.
“Plenty of water”: “Report for G. Marconi on his recent visit to America.” Cape Cod National Seashore.
One bit of historical resonance: Kittredge, Cape Cod, 94.
Cook assured Marconi: Marconi, My Father, 100.
“The barren aspect”: Thoreau, Cape Cod, 45–46.
Clouds often filled: For weather details throughout this chapter see Monthly Weather Review, 49, 53, 77, 80, 85, 99, 123, 144, 182, 206, 224, 246, 272, 277, 291, 295, 318–22, 348, 380, 385, 403, 428, 433, 450, 470, 490, 493–94, 516, 536, 543, 569, 572, 596, 606, 610.
“It was clear to me”: Vyvyan, Marconi and Wireless, 28.
“period of exceptionally severe storms”: Monthly Weather Review, 99.
“In view of the isolation”: Bradfield to Executive Committee, March 30, 1906. Cape Cod National Seashore.
“a vast morgue”: Thoreau, Cape Cod, 182.