“At noon to-day”: Daily Mail, July 26, 1910. Reproduced in Goodman, Crippen File, 31.

One article speculated: Daily Mail, July 25, 1910. Reproduced in Goodman, Crippen File, 29.

“Mysterious voices”: Daily Mirror, July 27, 1910. Reproduced in Goodman, Crippen File, 33.

A French newspaper: Quoted in Goodman, Crippen File, 37.

“The people, who have a sure instinct”: Priestley, Edwardians, 200.

“The King’s Poisoner”: Willcox, Detective-Physician, 324.

He took the first steps: Trial, 68.

“The remains”: Ibid., 66.

He succeeded in locating: William Henry Willcox Statement, 58. Brief for the Prosecution, NA-DPP 1/13.

At No. 46 Brecknock Road: Lena Lyons Statement, 133–35. Witness, NA DPP 1/13.

Another neighbor, Franziska: Franziska Hachenberger Statement, 135A. Ibid.

The most detailed report: Frederick Evans Statement, 136–38. Ibid.

Crutchett tracked down: William Curtis Statement, 162–63. Ibid.

On Wednesday, July 27: Cullen, Crippen, 135; Jeffers, Bloody Business, 126–27.

“What the devil”: Jeffers, Bloody Business, 127.

“Speaking for myself”: London Times, July 29, 1910.


“Kindly wireless”: Cullen, Crippen, 135.

“too good a thing to lose”: Trial, 187.

“My dear,” he told her: This and subsequent dialogue come from Le Neve, Ethel Le Neve, 55–56.

On Friday, July 29: Trial, 187–88.

“There was something”: London Times, August 1, 1910.

“The suspect fugitive”: Reproduced in Goodman, Crippen File, 37.

“What a wonderful invention”: Trial, 188.


At St. Mary’s Hospital: Trial, 71; Willcox, Detective-Physician, 28; William Henry Willcox Statement, 58–65. Brief for the Prosecution, NA-DPP 1/13.

“It is necessary”: Trial, 70.

He found, for example: Willcox, Detective-Physician, 27.

He knew of only: William Henry Willcox Statement, 60. Brief for the Prosecution, NA-DPP 1/13.

When exposed to: Trial, 71.

Adopted by a medical student: Willcox, Detective- Physician, 31.


Jones proved himself: New York Times, July 30, 1910.


He was appalled: Walter Dew Report, August 2, 1910. NA-MEPO 3/198.

On shore Dew: Ibid.; Dew, I Caught Crippen, 41. The Marconi station at Father Point offered an example of the costs and problems that accumulated as Marconi expanded his ship-to-shore empire. The Father Point station began operation on December 22, 1906, and almost immediately things began going awry, as recorded in the station’s log. Pipes froze. Engines failed. One entry reads, “Pump pipe thawed out by removing suction chamber and thrusting a red hot iron pipe down the other.”

The record for 1907 is full of similar interruptions. Engines broke down. Signals grew weak and spontaneous disruptions denoted by the letter X became commonplace. “Xs fierce,” the operator wrote one night. And again, “Xs bad all pm.” Weather bedeviled the station. The cruelest month was April 1908, a model of meteorological perversity.

The entry for Saturday, April 4, reads: “Hurricane from West…”

For Thursday, April 9: “Hurricane from East…”

See Log Book of Father Point, Quebec, 1906–1914. Archives Canada, MG 28 III 72 Vol. 81.

“The lighthouse foghorn”: Dew, I Caught Crippen, 41.

“Now I don’t pretend”: Ibid., 42.

He called all the reporters: Ibid., 42; Walter Dew Report, August 2, 1910. NA- MEPO 3/198.

Even the home secretary: Central Officer’s Special Report, July 30, 1910. NA-MEPO 3/198.

They learned, for example: John William Stonehouse Statement, 143–44. Winess, NA-DPP 1/13.

Later the clerk called: Central Officer’s Special Report, August 1, 1910. NA-MEPO 3/198.


“The last night was dreary”: Priestley, Edwardians, 199.

“I don’t think I will”: Le Neve, Ethel Le Neve, 56.

Inside the lining: Walter Dew Statement, 75. Brief for the Prosecution, NA DPP 1/13.

The ship’s surgeon: New York Times, August 1, 1910.

As a precaution: Priestley, Edwardians, 199.


Dew realized: Dew, I Caught Crippen, 42–43.

Kendall led the party: Dew, I Caught Crippen, 44; Priestley, Edwardians, 199.

“During my long career”: Dew, I Caught Crippen, 43.

Crippen, he wrote, “had been caught”: Ibid., 44.

“I am Chief Inspector Dew”: Ibid., 44.



“If the fatal dose”: Trial, 69.

Investigators made another: Dew, I Caught Crippen, 62.

Dew’s manner was so paternal: Le Neve, Ethel Le Neve,

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