The woman pursed her lips.
“That’s about it, really,” concluded the husband.
Sven-Erik gazed at them in amazement.
“When was this?” he asked.
“Friday night,” said the man.
“And it’s Monday now,” said Sven-Erik slowly. “Why have you only just come in?”
“I told you, didn’t I…” the woman began.
“Just shut up, will you,” the man cut her off.
“I said we ought to come in straightaway,” the woman said to Sven-Erik. “And when I saw the headlines about that priest… do you think it’s him?”
“Did you see anything?” said Sven-Erik.
“No, we’d gone to bed,” said the man. “We just heard what I told you. Well, we heard a car as well. But that was much later. There’s a road that runs from Laxforsen out there.”
“Didn’t you realize this might be something serious?” asked Sven-Erik quietly.
“How should I know,” said the man sullenly. “It’s the elk hunting season, so it’s hardly surprising if people are shooting in the forest.”
Sven-Erik’s voice was unnaturally patient.
“It was the middle of the night. During the hunting season no shooting is permitted from one hour before sunset. And who screamed? The elk, was it?”
“I did say…” the woman began.
“Look, noises can sound very strange in the forest,” said the man, looking uncooperative. “It might have been a fox. Or a rutting stag, barking. Have you ever heard that? Anyway, we’ve told you all about it now. So perhaps we can go home.”
Sven-Erik was staring at the man as if he’d taken leave of his senses.
“Go home!” he yelled. “Go home? You’re staying right here! We’ll get a map and take a look at the area. You’re going to tell me where the shot came from. We’ll work out if it was a bullet or shot. You’re going to think about what sort of scream it was, whether you could make out any words. And we’re going to talk about the car you heard as well. Where it came from, how far away it was, the whole lot. I want exact times of when this all happened. And we’re going to go over this very carefully. Several times. Got it?”
The wife looked appealingly at Sven-Erik.
“I told him we ought to go straight to the police, but once he’s got started on the berry picking…”
“Yes, and now look what’s happened,” said her husband. “I’ve got three thousand kronors’ worth of lingonberries in the car. Whatever happens I’ll have to phone the lad to come and collect them. I’m not having the bloody berries ruined.”
Sven-Erik’s chest was heaving up and down.
“But the car was a diesel, anyway,” said the man.
“Are you taking the piss?” asked Sven-Erik.
“No, it’s not bloody difficult to recognize a diesel, is it. The cabin’s some distance from the road, but even so. But like I said, that was much later. Might not have had anything to do with the shot.”
At quarter past four in the afternoon Anna-Maria and Sven-Erik were flying north by helicopter. The river Torne meandered below them like a silver ribbon. A few isolated clouds were casting their shadows on the mountainsides, but otherwise the sun was shining down on the golden yellow terrain.
“You can see why they’d want to stay out here picking berries instead of coming in and ruining their trip,” said Anna-Maria.
Sven-Erik had to agree, and laughed.
“What is it with people?”
They looked down at the map.
“If the cabin’s here at the northern end of the lake, and the shot came from the south…” said Anna-Maria, pointing.
“He thought it sounded really close.”
“That’s right, and further down you’ve got some cottages right on the shoreline. And they heard a car. It can’t be more than one, at the most two kilometers, starting from the cabin.”
They’d circled an area on the map. The following day the police would start searching the area, along with the local military.
The helicopter began to drop. Followed the long oval shape of the lake, Lower Vuolusjarvi, northward. They located the cabin where the berry pickers had been staying.
“Go lower and we’ll check it out as best we can,” Anna-Maria yelled to the pilot.
Sven-Erik had the telescope. Anna-Maria thought it was easier without. Birch trees, lots of marshy ground. The forest road, following the edge of the lake almost to its northern point. The odd reindeer gazing stupidly at them, and a female elk with a calf, galloping off into the undergrowth.
But still, thought Anna-Maria as she squinted, trying to see something other than mountain birches and brushwood. You can’t bury somebody without leaving some kind of trace. Roots, shit like that.
“Wait,” she suddenly shouted. “Look over there.”
She pulled at Sven-Erik’s arm.
“See?” she said. “There’s a boat just there, down by the reindeer pen. We’ll check it out.”
The lake was over six kilometers long. A track led down to the lake from the road through the forest. There were planks over the last section. The white plastic skiff had been pulled ashore. Turned neatly upside down so it wouldn’t get filled with water.
They turned it over together.
“Nice and clean,” said Sven-Erik.
“Very nice and clean indeed,” said Anna-Maria.
She bent down and examined the bottom of the boat carefully. Looked up at Sven-Erik and nodded. He bent down too.
“That’s definitely blood,” he said.
They looked out across the lake. It was smooth and calm. A ripple on the surface. Somewhere a black-throated diver was calling.
Down there, thought Anna-Maria. He’s in the lake.
“We’ll go back,” said Sven-Erik. “No point trampling around and annoying the scene of crime team. We’ll get Krister Eriksson and Tintin here. If they find anything, we’ll send for a diver. We won’t use the track, there could be traces or something.”
Anna-Maria Mella checked the time.
“We can do it before it gets dark,” she said.
It was half past four in the afternoon by the time they gathered at the lake again, Anna-Maria Mella, Sven-Erik Stalnacke, Tommy Rantakyro and Fred Olsson. They were waiting for Krister Eriksson and Tintin.
“If he’s anywhere round here, Tintin will find him,” said Fred Olsson.
“Although she’s not as good as Zack,” said Tommy.
Tintin was a black Alsatian bitch. She belonged to Inspector Krister Olsson. When he’d moved up to Kiruna five years ago, he’d brought Zack with him. A male Alsatian with a thick coat, black and tan. Broad head. Not exactly a show dog. A one man dog. It was only Krister who mattered to him. If anyone else tried to say hello or pat him, he turned his head away indifferently.
“It’s an honor to be allowed to work with him,” Krister himself had said about the dog.
The mountain rescue team had also sung his praises, loud and long. Zack was the best avalanche dog they’d ever seen. He’d been good at searching as well. The only time Krister Eriksson was to be seen in the staff room at