
He’d manipulated her. She was increasingly sure that was true. Increasingly sure that he’d made the decision to marry her relatively early in their acquaintance, perhaps even before he’d taken her to his bed. At her insistence, true enough, yet she wasn’t sure, any longer, just who had been inciting whom.

It was patently obvious he’d realized she hadn’t read his direction, that she hadn’t understood his ultimate aim. Studying his profile in the dimness, she wasn’t the least bit amused by what was in effect deceit by omission. Admittedly, he, and many others, too, would consider his actions as being “for her own good”; that in no way excused them, not to her.

Almost as if he could feel her disapproval, even in his sleep, he stirred, heavy and warm beside her. His arm tightened about her as if checking…with a soft gusty sigh, all tension left him and he slipped into deep sleep again.

Even asleep, he was possessive. And protective.

She looked at him, felt him half surrounding her. A warm feeling, part elation, part simple joy, rose within her, spread, then flooded through her, slowly subsiding.

How was she to answer him when he asked?

Was she prepared to cut off her nose to spite her face?

Was she prepared to live her life without him, without experiencing that warm feeling in the night, that elation- that simple joy?

The answer to that wasn’t one she needed to search for; it was there, in her mind, clear and shining, unequivocally true.

Was that love? Did she love him?

She still wasn’t entirely sure. She would think more on that, yet for now, how was she to manage this-manage him? How was she to cope?

She sighed and turned her mind to that-and fell asleep.


Jacqueline walked into the breakfast parlor the next morning-and found Gerrard seated at the table, working his way through a plate of ham and sausages. He met her gaze, and murmured a greeting.

She returned it; wondering, she went to the sideboard.

The older ladies didn’t come down for breakfast; normally she was the only one there. Gerrard had been gone from her bed when she’d woken. Given the shifting landscape between them, she felt rather odd taking the chair opposite him at the otherwise empty table and nodding to Masters as he poured her tea. Almost a preview of how things might be.

Masters stepped back. Lowering his coffee cup, Gerrard caught her eye. “I received a message from Patience this morning. She, Vane and their brood are returning to Kent this afternoon. Given I’m not sleeping away the morning, I thought I’d go around and bid them farewell. I wondered if you were free to accompany me? You did promise Therese, and she won’t forget.”

Jacqueline’s expectation of a boring morning spent indoors evaporated. “Yes, thank you. I will come.” Aside from all else, it would give her a chance to reassess Patience’s view of her and Gerrard; his sister knew him better than anyone.

They left after breakfast, as soon as she’d changed her gown. The day was fine and sunny; they elected to walk the few blocks to Curzon Street.

Bradshaw opened the door to them. The atmosphere within the house was one step away from bedlam. Piles of boxes were already growing on the hall floor; footmen and maids were scurrying frantically.

“There you are!” From the gallery, Patience waved and came hurrying down the stairs. “What a blessing!” She embraced Gerrard, then Jacqueline, with equal fervor.

“We thought we’d come and bid the monsters adieu,” Gerrard said.

Patience put her hand over her heart. “If you can distract them for half an hour, I’ll be forever in your debt. They want to help, but they’re driving the staff demented.”

Smiling, Jacqueline turned to the stairs. “Are they in the nursery?”

“Yes-do go up. You know the way.” Patience turned away as her housekeeper bustled up.

Gerrard joined Jacqueline on the stairs and together they went up.

They spent nearly an hour with the children, Gerrard on the floor with the boys, drawing and talking of manly activities, Jacqueline with Therese in her lap, sitting in the window seat telling stories of princesses and unicorns, and playing with ribbons.

Retying Therese’s ribbons for the third time, Jacqueline watched Gerrard deal with the two boys. He was clearly first oars with them. And with Therese, but the little girl seemed determined to redirect her attention to Jacqueline, demanding acknowledgment in return, totally assured, as if convinced she had the right.

As if she saw Jacqueline as the female half of Gerrard.

Jacqueline would have dismissed the thought as reading too much into the actions of a small child, but she couldn’t. Therese’s certainty shone in her big blue eyes…and she hadn’t even seen Gerrard and Jacqueline in any social setting. Was it truly that obvious, even to babes?

Eventually, two nursemaids came to take the children down for luncheon. They made their good-byes, boisterous on the part of the boys, more dignified from Therese.

“And you’ll come with Uncle Gerrard when he visits us in the country.”

Crouching down, Jacqueline smiled and tweaked Therese’s ribbons. “I’ll come if I can, but that might not be possible.”

Therese frowned. Gerrard came to say good-bye. Brightening, she waved her arms; he obliged, and swung her up.

Jacqueline rose. Therese wrapped her arms tight about Gerrard’s neck and whispered something into his ear. His eyes shifted to Jacqueline, then he looked back at Therese as she eased her hold and leaned back.

He smiled. “All right. But…” He tickled Therese and she squealed. “You’re a devil’s imp, I’m sure.”

Therese giggled and squirmed. Gerrard set her down, and watched her hurry to join her waiting nursemaid. In the doorway, Therese blew kisses to both Jacqueline and him, then ran off; her laughter echoed back along the corridor, then faded.

Gerrard took Jacqueline’s arm. She glanced at his face; he was still smiling. “What did she ask?”

He met her eyes, then shrugged. “Just about when I’ll next come down to visit them.”

She wanted to press for details, but wasn’t quite game; she didn’t want to precipitate a decision she hadn’t yet made.

Downstairs, they found Patience and bade her farewell; clearly distracted, she hugged them both. “We’ll see you at the summer celebration.”

The comment was general; Jacqueline made no response. She’d heard of the summer gathering of the Cynster clan held at the ducal estate.

They found Vane in his study, up to his ears in investment reports. He smiled, rose and shook their hands; his gaze rested on her warmly, as if he, too, saw her as someone rather closer than a friend.

Indeed, as Gerrard followed her from the study, leaving Vane to his work, she realized no one would describe her as Gerrard’s “friend.” That label had never fitted, but just what she was…

What she might be, what she would consent to be, she hadn’t yet decided.

They strolled back to the front hall. Gerrard paused amid the chaos. He glanced around, then took her hand. “Come-I want to show you something.”

He led her into the dining room, yet to be stripped of its plate and cocooned under Holland covers. Guiding her around the table, he halted before the hearth, looking up at the picture hanging over the mantelpiece.

It had already commanded her eyes, her attention. It was a portrait of Patience, seated, with her three elder children gathered about her. Who had painted it was not in doubt.

Jacqueline stared, her gaze drawn again and again to Patience’s face as she gazed down at her children. The emotion that glowed there was remarkable; it tugged at the heart, soothed the soul-reassured that the world was

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