before he added, “He could die, Joe.”
DeMarco couldn’t imagine Mahoney sick, much less dead. The man was just too robust, too full of life, too ornery and mean to die. He thought about calling Mahoney’s wife, Mary Pat, but decided not to. She was probably at the hospital at her husband’s bedside or in the hospital chapel praying. He’d give her a call tomorrow and see how things were going.
Then another thought occurred to him, one which made him feel small for even thinking it: What would happen to his job if Mahoney died?
Dillon was speaking to someone on the phone and laughing when Claire entered his office. He hung up, still chuckling, and said to her, “There’s a Nigerian cabdriver in Pittsburgh. He wasn’t considered high risk, but we’ve been monitoring him periodically. Last night he called his mother and asked her to take care of his dog if something should happen to him. Mama, naturally, asks, Why would anything happen? Our cabbie’s evasive, but mama persists, and he eventually blurts out that he’s decided to become a martyr.” Dillon paused for a beat. “The man had turned his cab into a rather sizable bomb. The federal courthouse was his target. My God, these people! Why didn’t he just take the damn dog with him? They could have both been martyrs.”
“You think this is funny?” Claire said. “It sounds like it was only dumb luck that we caught this guy.”
Dillon shrugged. “Luck’s an ingredient in any game, Claire, including ours. Maybe more so in our game.”
They had had this discussion before. Dillon maintained that you had to approach the spy business as a game because if you didn’t-if you allowed yourself to dwell constantly on the enormity of the task and the consequences of failure-it would drive you mad.
Dillon had been playing the game for over thirty years. He began his career at the tail end of the Cold War, at a time when the world had been continually on the brink of Armageddon. And he was still playing, but now he watched religious fanatics more than communists; now it was trying to keep the Chinese rather than the Russians contained; now he worried more about the Russians selling their nuclear warheads to terrorists than launching them.
The game just went on.
Dillon, cynic that he was, believed the human race was incapable of any sort of lasting peace, that there would always be some tribe determined to destroy some other tribe because of greed or ideology or religion or bigotry. And when it came to solving conflicts with words rather than weapons, he maintained that we hadn’t advanced since the days when we killed each other with clubs and stones. Today’s stones were just radioactive.
There was no way all of America’s spies and warriors could keep the country totally safe. There just wasn’t enough time in the day. There weren’t enough people, money, and machines to keep the enemy constantly at bay. All you could do, he said, was come to work each day and take your seat at the table of the most fascinating game on the planet-a game that never ended and where just being alive to play was prize enough.
Well, it wasn’t a damn game to Claire Whiting.
“I’ve got something new on Russo,” she said. “Something potentially very big.”
“Yes?” Dillon said, the mirth still in his eyes.
“Russo was a hospice nurse. His last patient was Martin Breed.”
“General Martin Breed?”
“Yes, that Martin Breed.”
“I’ll be damned,” Dillon muttered, recalling how he and his poker buddies had been discussing Breed the other night. “So what’s the significance of this?” he asked.
“I don’t know.”
“Okay. Continue.”
“The FBI falsified Russo’s autopsy report-I don’t think they even did an autopsy-and then they immediately had the body cremated.”
“How could they falsify the autopsy report?”
“The doc who supposedly performed the autopsy is a man named Lee. Dr. Lee visits the casinos in Atlantic City quite often and the day after Russo died, his checking account increased by three thousand dollars. That could be a coincidence, but I doubt it. Anyway, the autopsy report said Russo was killed at close range, most likely with a 9mm handgun, and we know he wasn’t.”
“This isn’t really new information,” Dillon said. “I mean, we already suspected the FBI was involved in some sort of cover-up when they took over the case.”
“That’s true, but claiming that Russo was killed with a handgun supports the story they’re dishing out that Nurse Russo was dealing meds and his death was drug-related, further obfuscating what really happened.”
Dillon’s mouth twitched, a gesture that Claire knew meant I am not yet impressed.
“The third item is that Hopper, the FBI agent, is on the take. Someone is feeding money to him from a phony trust fund.”
“But I take it you don’t know who’s behind the trust fund.”
“No. Next is the person who called Hopper the night Russo was killed. This person used a cell phone that was one of three hundred bought for personnel stationed at Fort Myer, but the owner of the phone is only identified as being the Fort Myer public works department and not a specific individual. When we contacted the public works department, they had no idea who the phone had been given to. They just pay the bill.”
“Certainly you can locate him via his cell phone, Claire.”
It irritated her that he would say something so obvious, but she didn’t bother to tell him that the cell phone in question was an older model without a GPS chip, and it appeared that its owner not only shut it off when he wasn’t using it, he also removed the battery. But all she said was, “We’ll locate him the next time he uses the phone.” Then, before Dillon could interrupt again, she said, “And now the big item. The ambulance driver, the one with no ID who was injured in a wreck two blocks from the memorial? The guy I thought might be Transport? I sent people to the hospital to get his fingerprints so we could identify him but when my guys arrived they discovered the driver had died suddenly and unexpectedly from his injuries.”
“How convenient.”
“Yes, too convenient. And no autopsy was performed on the driver. One was supposed to be but it wasn’t because before the autopsy was performed, the body disappeared, and whoever took it was smart enough to disable the surveillance cameras first. But we got fingerprints before they got rid of the body. My guys did good on that.”
“So who was the driver?” Dillon said, his tone implying that he’d appreciate it if she got to the point sooner rather than later. Claire didn’t know it, but he had an appointment with his Milanese tailor in an hour.
“Sergeant Mark Witherspoon, U.S. Army. And guess what? He was stationed at Fort Myer. The Third Infantry Regiment.”
“The Old Guard? The Tomb of the Unknowns?”
The soldiers who guarded the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were, in Claire’s opinion, just plain weird. Claire understood the value of pageantry and patriotic symbolism but had to wonder what normal young man would volunteer for an assignment where he had to march like a robot in front of a grave. And becoming a tomb guard was no easy matter. They didn’t take just anybody. The men selected were rigorously screened and tested, and the wash-out rate was fairly high. But what really concerned her about the sentinels was their fanaticism. Fanatics could be valuable or dangerous-depending on which organization they worked for-and these particular fanatics didn’t work for the NSA.
“Is that all?” Dillon said.
“No. Since Witherspoon was one of the tomb guards, I decided to check out the rest of the cadre over there. Two men, both infantry, both expert marksmen, were transferred to Afghanistan four hours after Russo was killed. They reassigned them to a unit that sneaks across the Pakistan border and hunts Taliban. We made some calls trying to find out who authorized the transfer, hoping that might lead us back to whoever’s running this thing, but