dragged her lace panties off and dropped them onto the carpet, his hands exploring her with slow, evident enjoyment.

“Damn you, David. I have the willpower of a flea with you and you know it.” She gasped as he bent to slowly kiss her belly, dragged his tongue over the shivery flesh of her naked hip and lowered his sights to the coppery triangle of damp curls between her thighs. “Oh my God!”

He ran his strong tongue over her inner thigh, and then trailed his fingers and mouth to her core. He slowly spread her folds and she arched upward with a gasp and a little cry, her fingers clenching into his close-cropped hair.

His mouth was the most incredibly sexy thing as he stroked her wet heat with his tongue and swirled it around her throbbing clit in a way that made her whimper and arch upward to give him full access. He pressed his mouth to her pussy and she came with a muffled cry of amazement, and as he continued to drive her body from orgasm to mind-blowing orgasm, she threw her head back and clutched his hair like a mad woman. Could sex kill you?

David’s thoughts went a little crazy as he took her with his mouth, feeling her body throbbing and arching to him like she was made for his pleasure. God, she tasted so fucking good.

He used every skill he possessed to drive her to distraction as he felt her body shudder and tighten, riding the waves of pleasure he was giving her, thrilling to her eager enjoyment of him. He slipped two long, strong fingers deep into her pussy as she lifted her hips and shuddered and he knew she was panting to feel his hard cock buried deep inside her.

He heard her gasp his name as she convulsed once more into a climax that clenched her hot channel tightly about his fingers. The feel of her passionate response nearly made him lose it right on the sheet but he clenched his teeth and calmed himself. He needed to be inside her when he came. He reached for one of the condoms that he’d dumped in the bedside table’s little drawer, and hardly missed a beat as he shredded the packet and rolled the ultrathin latex over his throbbing cock.

Running his mouth and tongue up her belly again to her breasts, he tortured her for several more minutes as he taught her what it meant to feel completely aroused and horny.

David moved up her trembling body slowly, dragging his hungry mouth over her shoulder and throat before claiming her lips once again, his tongue tangling with hers in a heady, sensual kiss that made her feel like she might orgasm again just feeling his lips so wicked upon hers. His hand cupped the wet curls between her legs and she gasped against his mouth as he slid two fingers deep into her soaking cleft. She moaned and met his hand with lifted hips, her body aflame.

“You are so damn ready for me,” he growled against her mouth.

And then he was gently shoving her thighs apart to fit his lean hips between them, guiding his solid cock into her welcoming body. He placed one large hand on her cheek as he filled her with a slow, deep thrust and he rasped huskily, “Am I hurting you?”

She arched hungrily into every slow, devastating thrust, gasping with delight as he filled every empty crevice and valley with his hard, thrilling body. He was so big and she could feel his thickness and length moving deliciously inside her.

“Only when you touch my bruises,” she panted as he drove into her again and again, filling her senses as he filled her hungry body. Pleasure threaded itself through her veins as she matched his ferocity and dragged him even closer.

His mouth sought hers, slanting across her lips with a hunger that sank into her bones as his hips moved perfectly to thrust himself deep into her with every wonderful movement. Her hands clamped over his taut buttocks as he buried himself inside her again and again, until both of them were completely delirious with the sheer pleasure of their mingled bodies.

“Oh David,” she whimpered as she felt the most marvelous orgasm rip along every nerve and through every inch of her trembling body as her senses were shredded.

He lifted her hips and moved like a wild thing, needing to be inside her more than he needed breath itself. As his own climax erupted to fill her, he gave a muffled shout against the curve of her throat and nipped her sweetly scented flesh gently, praying that he wasn’t being too rough with her.

He couldn’t believe her, couldn’t believe how delicious and sexy she was in his arms, under his trembling body. His own dream.

He couldn’t move for a long moment as he lay on her, his legs entangled with hers, his massive weight resting on his elbows to keep from crushing her. He heard her soft little moan of satisfaction as he dragged his tongue along the curve of her throat and reclaimed her mouth for a long, searing kiss, before withdrawing from her to roll onto his side.

He felt her small palms on his perspiring flesh as he drew deep, calming breaths and he pulled her into the curve of his body, burying his face against her fragrant hair. “That was amazing,” he rasped against her damp hair.

He could get too damn used to this really fast, if he wasn’t very careful.

They lay in a sated heap of tangled arms and legs, with her body lying half across his chest. He lay against the pile of pillows in the center of the bed, grinning wickedly as she ran one slim hand over his chest to toy with his nipple. “You trying to get me hot again?”

“Not necessarily. I’m just enjoying touching you.” Liar. Make love to me again.

“Touching me like that will get you another hour of hot and heavy fooling around, so watch your step,” he growled against her copper hair.

“I like hot and heavy.” She snuggled down against his side and ran her fingertips slowly over his chest and the livid bruise left by the sumo’s elbow. “But I don’t like seeing this, and this.” Her fingers trailed over the puffy swelling on his face, below the butterfly bandage on his eyebrow ridge.

“Hazards of the job.” He shifted his body to a more comfortable position and pulled her tighter against him.

His calm statement made her rise up and point to the black and blue marks on her own ribs, below her breasts, and she frowned. “Well, I’m not in the business, so I don’t enjoy these. And there are lots more than just these.”

David gently pushed her down against the pillows and bent to caress the bruises on her ribs with his mouth and tongue, causing her to bite her lip and close her eyes. “That’s much better.”

His mouth moved over the bruise on her shoulder and brushed the one on her hip. “I gave you this one,” he breathed as he kissed a livid bruise on her side, under the swell of her right breast. “I caught you off balance. Your side hit my shoulder.”

“Serves me right for overreacting. I forgot that it was just a show when that behemoth was about to launch himself onto you from the ropes. I didn’t relish the idea of having to scrape you up with a sponge.”

“You were worried about me?” he asked, grinning down into her flushed face.

“Yeah. Why else would I have attacked a seven-foot, three-hundred-pound monster and knocked his ass off the ropes and into the announcers’ table?” She frowned up at him irritably. “You sure missed a lot of the action while you were down there rolling around the mat with sumo-boy.”

“You knocked him off the ropes? What do you weigh? A hundred five?” His eyes were alight with laughter.

She shoved him back and sat up. “I weigh a hundred and fifteen. And if you wanna know what happened, just watch the tapes. I’m sure you’ll be royally entertained.”

“You sure have one nasty temper.” His grin was enough to start her breathing heavily again. “But I would have loved seeing you dump that fathead on his ass. Unfortunately, I was trying to keep Kuruko from grinding me through the mat at that moment. Now I can see why ’Ruko was trying to throw you over the ropes. When I saw him pick you up, I figured you were toast. He loses his mind when he gets mad.”

“What made him turn around and throw me at you?” she frowned.

“I shouted at him and told him if he hurt you, he was a dead man.” He shrugged.

“Well, then, I have you to thank for my continued existence. I suppose that will cost me a few thousand extra when you get finished taking me to the cleaners.” She bit the corner of her lip at the change in his expression when those words left her mouth and she winced inside.

David tilted his head slightly and breathed, “You think all I want is money?”

She flushed. No. But she couldn’t find any way to back down now. “You threatened to sue Phyllis.”

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