“I have to assume you’ll go higher. If Jenny has offered me more than that-”

“She hasn’t.” Gloria swiveled to stare at Jenny incredulously. “She doesn’t have a penny to her name. I’ve seen to that. If she’s said she has, then she’s lying.”

“How much?” Michael asked. “Half a million pounds?”

“I don’t-”

“You really want the kid. Do you want him half a million pounds’ worth?”

“I don’t-”

“Get out, then,” Michael said indifferently. “Half a million pounds, or we’re not talking at all.”

“Michael!” Jenny’s voice rose in dismay. She was staring from Gloria to Michael, and her face reflected her sense of betrayal. “You don’t mean-”

“Quiet, Jenny,” Michael said kindly. “Can’t you see your mother-in-law-or your ex-mother-in-law-and I are doing business?”

“I don’t wish-” Gloria said, but Michael interrupted.

“That’s not the way to talk. Not when you’re trying to buy a man’s wife from him. Half a million or out!” He took a step toward Gloria, and Gloria fell back as the thugs stepped forward. Neither of the heavyweights seemed to know what to do.

“Very well, I agree,” Gloria said weakly. “Half a million.”


“You’ll pay that much?” Michael demanded.

“I said I agreed.”

“Half a million pounds,” Michael said blankly. “You have to be kidding. Certified check?”

“If you must.”

Jenny gave an angry, desperate gasp and headed for the door. Michael moved to block her, holding her lightly against him.

“No, Jen. Stay.”

“I’m not a possession,” she said furiously. “To be bartered.”

“No.” He looked thoughtfully into her furious eyes and smiled, then looked at Gloria. “She’s right. Jen’s not a possession. Besides, she’s real cute. You know, I have a mind to keep her.”

“For half a million-”

“I know. I’m nuts. But a wife like this doesn’t come along every day.”

“You know you don’t want her. It’s just a marriage of convenience. How much?”

“You mean you’d go higher?”

“I…” Gloria looked incredulous. Then the venom returned in force. “If I must. But not-”

“She’s not for sale.”

“You’ll have your price. Everyone does. And if you don’t sell…”

“Are you threatening me?”

“If you like. It’s my son’s child.”

“No.” Michael’s arm held Jenny tight. “Jenny’s carrying my son. That’s the end of it.”

“Your son!” she hissed. “Any DNA testing in the world will tell that’s nonsense.”

“I think you’ll find,” Michael said smoothly, “that since I’ve married Jenny, any court in the land will uphold my right to claim fatherhood-with or without DNA testing. As long as Jenny doesn’t dispute it, and I don’t think she’ll do that.” He looked into her confused eyes and smiled. “Will you, love?”


“I didn’t think so.” His thoughtful gaze returned to Gloria. “Now get out and stay out. Take your hired men and your filthy little syringe and your private jet and get the hell out of this country. If Jenny and I never see you again it’ll be too soon.”

“You can’t-”

“Oh, yes, I can,” Michael said softly, dangerously. “Jenny’s my wife, and I know how to look after my own. Get out. Now.”


They didn’t speak while Gloria and her thugs took themselves down the stairs, Bruno giving them a nervous backward glance. They didn’t speak while the trio gunned the Mercedes into action and drove out of sight, rubber burning on the road behind them. Michael could have bet Bruno was behind the wheel. Jenny stood numb while Michael crossed to the bed and reached under it for her suitcase.

Finally she stirred to life again. A couple of kids-a boy and girl of about sixteen, draped around each other in obvious lust-had stopped at her open door and were staring in. Their curiosity was obvious.

“You heading to the hospital?” the boy demanded, looking with fascination from Jenny’s belly to where Michael was placing things in her suitcase. “Looks about time. My mom said you went on Thursday. False alarm?”


“Gee, you’re big,” the girl breathed, and Michael suppressed a grin and turned to face them.

“That’s what happens when you let your heart take over from your head,” he told the entwined couple. “It’ll happen to you, too, if you’re not careful.”

“We’re not that dopey. He’s got protection,” the girl retorted. “Don’t you, Bob?”

But Bob, it seemed, hadn’t. He gave a shamefaced grin. “Aw, we don’t need it, Mary. It’s safe.”

The girl wrinkled her nose in horror and turned to look at Jenny. Her eyes widened. Obviously Jenny’s condition didn’t appeal one bit. “You moron. You think I want to be as fat as that? Get real.”

“Aw, Mary…”

The girl turned and fled downstairs, and Bob followed, bleating protestations of eternal love. He hadn’t caught her by the time he reached the street, and his protests echoed faintly into the night.

“I think we might just have done our bit for population control,” Michael said, grinning. Then he glanced at Jenny’s white face and tried to think of something to ease the strain he saw there. She wasn’t smiling. “Hey, it’s okay, Jen. Don’t worry. I’ll look after you.”

“I don’t want to be looked after.” She closed her apartment door and leaned against it, breathing fast. “Nor do I want to be an advertisement for safe sex. Michael, what are you doing?”


“I can see that. But why?”

“You know you can’t stay here.”

“Or you’ll sell me,” she said bitterly. “For half a million pounds.”

“That was some offer!” He tried to make her smile. “Just lucky I’m already loaded.”

“Lucky.” She winced. “You sounded interested.”

“Yeah.” He left what he was doing and put his hands on her shoulders, holding her at arm’s length. Her eyes were full of worry. “Sure, I was interested in seeing just how far she’d go.”


“And it seems the sky’s the limit. If she’s prepared to pay half a million for this baby, then you move into my place right now. I thought we’d have a couple of days’ grace from immigration, and maybe we do, but it’s not safe for you to stay here.”

“Gloria’s gone.”

“If you stay here, then she’ll be back.”


“Yes, Jenny,” he said, his eyes locking on hers. “She wants your baby, and she wants it a lot. Her offer told me that. The woman has no scruples. You need to be out of her range.”

“I’ll go to a hotel.”

“You think she can’t find you? She has serious money, Jen. She can bribe and she can buy whatever she wants.”

“But I’m married. I have the right to stay here. She can’t touch me. Even if she forced me to go to England tonight, do you think I’d stay there?”

“What would you do if she succeeded in getting you back to England? You have no money, and she has influence there. If she manages to get the baby to England and applies to the courts for custody, Lord only knows what dirt she’ll dig up against you. She can pay whoever she wants to say whatever she likes. Since the baby

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