She was magnificent. Ramon was working feverishly, slashing at the net while holding on to the rails and stretching as far as he could, but every moment he did he was aware of Jenny.
She had total control of the anchor rope, somehow holding the massive whale against the side of the boat. But they both knew that to hold the boat in a fixed hold would almost certainly mean capsizing. What Jenny had to do was to work with the swells, holding the rope fast, then loosening it as the whale rose and the boat swayed, or the whale sank and the boat rose. Ramon had no room for anything but holding on to the boat and slashing but, thanks to Jenny, he had an almost stable platform to work with.
Tied together, boat and whale represented tonnage he didn’t want to think about, especially as he was risking slipping between the two.
He wouldn’t slip. Jenny was playing her part, reading the sea, watching the swell, focused on the whale in case she suddenly decided to roll or pull away…
She didn’t. Ramon could slash at will at the rope entrapment, knowing Jenny was keeping him safe.
He slipped once and he heard her gasp. He felt her hand grip his ankle.
He righted himself-it was okay-but the memory of her touch stayed.
Gianetta was watching out for him.
Gianetta. Where had she come from, this magical Gianetta?
It was working. Jenny was scarcely breathing. Please, please…
But somehow her prayers were being answered. Piece by piece the net was being cut away. Ramon was winning. They were both winning.
The last section to be removed was the netting and the ropes trapping and tying the massive tail, but catching this section was the hardest. Ramon threw and threw, but each time the anchor slipped uselessly behind the whale and into the sea.
To have come so far and not save her… Jenny felt sick.
But Ramon would not give up. His arm must be dropping off, she thought, but just as she reached the point where despair took over, the whale rolled. She stretched and lifted her tail as far as she could within the confines of the net, and in doing so she made a channel to trap the anchor line as Ramon threw. And her massive body edged closer to the boat.
Ramon threw again, and this time the anchor held.
Once more Jenny reeled her in and once more Ramon sliced. Again. Again. One last slash-and the last piece of rope came loose into his hands.
Ramon staggered back onto the deck and Jenny was hauling the anchor in one last time. He helped her reel it in, then they stood together in the mass of tangled netting on the deck, silent, awed, stunned, as the whale finally floated free. Totally free. The net was gone.
But there were still questions. Were they too late? Had she been trapped too long?
Ramon’s arm came round Jenny’s waist and held, but Jenny was hardly aware of it. Or maybe she was, but it was all part of this moment. She was breathing a plea and she knew the plea was echoing in Ramon’s heart as well as her own.
The whale was wallowing in the swell, rolling up and down, up and down. Her massive pectoral fins were free now. They moved stiffly outward, upward, over and over, while Jenny and Ramon held their breath and prayed.
The big tail swung lazily back and forth; she seemed to be stretching, feeling her freedom. Making sure the ropes were no longer there.
‘She can’t have been caught all that long,’ Jenny whispered, breathless with wonder. ‘Look at her tail. That rope was tied so tightly but there’s hardly a cut.’
‘She might have only just swum into it,’ Ramon said and Jenny was aware that her awe was echoed in his voice. His arm had tightened around her and it seemed entirely natural. This was a prayer shared. ‘If it was loosened from the shore by a storm it might have only hit her a day or so ago. The calf looks healthy enough.’
The calf was back at its mother’s side now, nudging against her flank. Then it dived, straight down into the deep, and Jenny managed a faltering smile.
‘He’ll be feeding. She must still have milk. Oh, Ramon…’
‘Gianetta,’ Ramon murmured back, and she knew he was feeling exactly what she was feeling. Awe, hope, wonder. They might, they just might, have been incredibly, wondrously lucky.
And then the big whale moved. Her body seemed to ripple. Everything flexed at once, her tail, her fins… She rolled away, almost onto her back, as if to say to her calf:
And figure she did. She swam forward in front of the boat, speeding up, speeding up. Faster, faster she swam, with her calf speeding after her.
And then, just as they thought they’d lost sight of her, she came sweeping back, a vast majestic mass of glossy black muscle and strength and bulk. Then, not a hundred yards from the boat, she rolled again, only higher, so her body was half out of the water, stretching, arching back, her pectoral fins outstretched, then falling backward with a massive splash that reached them on the boat and soaked them to the skin.
Neither of them noticed. Neither of them cared.
The whale was sinking now, deep, so deep that only a mass of still water on the surface showed her presence. Then she burst up one more time, arched back once more-and she dived once more and they saw her print on the water above as she adjusted course and headed for the horizon, her calf tearing after her.
Two wild creatures returned to the deep.
Tears were sliding uselessly down Jenny’s face. She couldn’t stop them, any more than she could stop smiling. And she looked up at Ramon and saw his smile echo hers.
‘We did it,’ she breathed. ‘Ramon, we did it.’
‘We did,’ he said, and he tugged her hard against him, then swung her round so he was looking into her tear- stained face. ‘We did it, Gianetta, we saved our whale. And you were magnificent. Gianetta, you may be a Spanish-Australian woman in name but I believe you have your nationality wrong. A woman like you… I believe you’re worthy of being a woman of Cepheus.’
And then, before she knew what he intended, before she could guess anything at all, he lifted her into his arms and he kissed her.
ONE moment she was gazing out at the horizon, catching the last shimmer of the whale’s wake on the translucence of the sea. The next she was being kissed as she’d never been kissed in her life.
His hands were lifting her, pulling her hard in against him so her feet barely touched the deck. His body felt rock-hard, the muscled strength he’d just displayed still at work, only now directed straight at her. Straight with her.
The emotions of the rescue were all around her. He was wet and wild and wonderful. She was soaking as well, and the dripping fabric of his shirt and hers meant their bodies seemed to cling and melt.
It felt right. It felt meant. It felt as if there was no room or sense to argue.
His mouth met hers again, his arms tightening around her so she was locked hard against him. He was so close she could feel the rapid beat of his heart. Her breasts were crushed against his chest, her face had tilted instinctively, her mouth was caught…
Caught? Merged, more like. Two parts of a whole finding their home.
He tugged her tighter, tighter still against him, moulding her lips against his. She was hard against him, closer, closer, feeling him, tasting him, wanting him…
To be a part of him seemed suddenly as natural, as right, as breathing. To be kissed by this man was an extension of what had just happened.