Rough wooden slats jolted me skyward. For a moment I hung suspended in air until slowly, gravity tightened its grip, jerked me earthward, and slammed me back onto the hard splintered boards.

Churning wheels rolled me forward, gliding over a smooth surface until they hit another eruption of stone or brick. My body was jarred once again.

Musty canvas enveloped my face. I couldn’t move. The air was hot and close and laced with dirt and the cadavers of dead fleas.

I started to kick and thrash but when I did the thick shroud around me only tightened its unholy grip. I willed myself to relax. Remain still. Ease my breathing. That helped a little. Not much. I wanted to get that thing off my face.

My palms were numb, pinned beneath my body. Tingling spears of agony shot up my spine.

Someone mumbled above. Men cursed, laughed. Koreans.

We came to a halt for a moment. Whispered conversation. Some sort of go-ahead was given: We rolled forward.

Now the quaking started in earnest.

We were on jagged steps and as we progressed into the bowels of the earth, my spine slapped against the hard wooden boards again and again.

I was in some kind of cart. A wooden cart on wheels. Someone was pushing me, someone else was ahead guiding the cart, and other voices hovered around, fading in and out. Escorts of some kind.

Just another parcel being wheeled through Itaewon. Not anything anyone would notice.

I wasn’t sure, but I thought there was another cart behind us. Ernie.

I was wrapped so tightly in canvas I couldn’t sit up. If I shouted, I not only wouldn’t be heard but I’d waste what precious oxygen was left to me. Already I felt light-headed. I fought back waves of nausea.

What to do now? I tried to remember what I’d learned in training classes out of the CID manual. Mentally, I thumbed through the table of contents. What had the authors advised if you’re wrapped in canvas and being transported in a wooden cart through an ancient Oriental city? Nothing came to mind. I must’ve skipped that chapter.

I decided to improvise. I’d wait, though, until they unwrapped me.

Things got quieter-no more street noises-and a deep chill filled my bones. More whispers.

Suddenly, the cart was in the air. Men had grabbed hold of it all around and were grunting and snorting through their noses. We descended down what must’ve been a steep flight of stairs. Finally, we reached bottom and with a loud bang, the men dropped the cart.

Now there was more talking. More joviality. I was wheeled along what seemed to be a smooth stone surface. Doors opened and shut. Finally we stopped. The cart behind me rolled up and bumped into mine. Footsteps faded away. All was quiet.

I lay perfectly still.

It was cold, colder than it had been. A vicious thought crept into my mind. Had they deposited me in a tomb?

Maybe they didn’t have the courage to kill me, but instead had wrapped me in this canvas and brought me down into some ungodly dark pit and left me here to die. To die of suffocation and starvation and cold.

I rolled slightly in the canvas, feeling with my legs and my arms. No folds. No place to grab onto an edge and pull. I lay still again and listened. No sound.

And then it overcame me, like some drooling monster bounding out of the dark. A horrendous, screaming surge of panic. I rolled and kicked and thrashed against the canvas and then I screamed, hollering out as loud as I could. But the more I struggled the tighter the canvas embraced me. I wiggled and pushed and clawed but nothing seemed to help. Finally, I was exhausted and I could hardly breathe. I lay in the canvas, sweat drenching my body, gasping for air like some enormous landlocked tuna fish.

I closed my eyes. Hoping for oblivion. It didn’t come. I realized that somehow, just enough oxygen was seeping into my tight shroud to keep me alive. I wouldn’t die and I wouldn’t be able to get out. Torture. I could stay here suffering for days.

I would go mad. I was certain that before I died, I would go mad.

My jaw locked open in a silent scream. My body became rigid. I prayed. Not to be saved, but for forgiveness. For all the things I’d done wrong, for all the people I’d hurt.

It was a long list.

It could’ve been two minutes. It could’ve been two days. I’m not sure how much time passed. But somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind I heard clicking. Not a metallic click but a softer sound. More like a tap. Shoe leather on stone.

The footsteps stopped. Class, or maybe porcelain, clinked. The footsteps came closer.

Next to my head, ancient hinges creaked. Something jarred the cart. I felt it, the shift in weight. Someone had dropped the side panel. I felt two tugs on the edge of my canvas. I went with them, rolling now, rolling toward the side of the cart, and then the surface gave way and I was falling.

I twisted and landed on my side and kept rolling, feeling the canvas unraveling and I saw daylight and pushed the last of the covering away and without warning I was blinded by light. Still, I struggled to my feet, wavering like a punch-drunk fighter, shielding my eyes with my hands.

I wasn’t angry anymore-at my captors for tying me up so cruelly-but I was tremendously grateful. Grateful to whoever had pulled me out of that living hell. And I was ready to fight. Ready to make sure that nobody put me back inside. I knotted my fists and opened my eyes and scanned for targets.

The light that had seemed blinding before was nothing more than a dim lantern. Guttering. Oil-fed. I seemed to be in some sort of chamber. Rock-hewn. Jagged edges. The space slowly came into focus.

It was nicely appointed, with a comfortable-looking sofa, a pair of lounging chairs, and a coffee table centered on an intricately knit black-and-red carpet. The design of the flooring seemed a jumble at first, but after staring for a while it leapt out at me. Phoenix rising.

Behind, lining the walls, were cabinets. Inlaid mother-of-pearl with intricately wrought metal handles and clasps.

The room didn’t make sense. Located in the bowels of the earth. Clean, comfortable, designed for entertaining guests. In it, the dirty old cart and flea-infested canvas seemed bafflingly out of place.

Wood rattled on wood. Something heavy thudded to the floor. A big brown mummy rolled toward me, unraveling, until I saw blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. Ernie!

I helped him to his feet. Blindly, he let loose a couple of roundhouse punches into the air.

“I’ll kill the bastards!” he said. “I’ll kill ‘em.”

Gingerly, I patted him on the shoulder. “It’s okay, Ernie. It’s just me. We’re all right now.”

He stopped swirling around and grabbed my arm and leaned on me, letting his eyes adjust to the light. Breathing heavily, he took in the room in which we stood.

Standing in the middle of the carpet, her hands clasped demurely in front of her waist, stood a beautiful young woman.

As I gazed at her I realized that she had no plans- nor any capability-of rolling us back into the canvas. I knew she didn’t deserve my gratitude-she had to be a part of the gang who’d dragged us here-but my heart flooded with warm feeling for her. She was, after all, the woman who set us free. Our liberator.

When she realized we could see her, she lowered her large brown eyes and bowed slowly from the waist. Her glossy black hair brushed forward as she did so, covering her soft cheeks and exposing the tender flesh of her neck. She straightened her back and I took a long look at her.

She was not very tall, maybe just slightly above the average height for a Korean woman, but she gave the appearance of being tall. Red silk, intricately embroidered with an entwining gold dragon, wrapped around her slender body. The collar was high, buttoned, in the style of the Manchu Dynasty. A slit at the side of the dress exposed naked thigh.

She smiled at us. Tentatively. Full lips, round nose, big eyes. Cheekbones not sharp but soft and gently contoured. It dawned on me that she wasn’t Korean. She was Chinese.

When she opened her mouth to speak, the voice was high and lilting. The words came out in faltering

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