‘I called to congratulate both you and Gallus.’
Valeria gave his a conspiratorial grin. ‘Are you sure you didn’t check I’d be alone first?’
‘I most certainly did not,’ snapped Marcellus, angry as well as embarrassed.
‘No. Perhaps not.’ One finger flicked out to stroke the gold embossing on his breastplate. ‘And I thought that you’d come in uniform, especially for me.’
‘I must leave, it’s unbecoming,’ he snapped. ‘And I would be obliged, in future, if you will cease this behaviour.’
‘You’re right, Marcellus, after all, I am married now. It would be cruel of me to tease you.’
The emphasis on the word tease made him flush slightly. She moved forward till she was standing very close. Her mouth was open a little, just showing the upper row of her white teeth and her eyes ranged over his body, mistaking the care he had taken in preparing himself for this visit as being attributable to her, not Quintus Cornelius. Her voice was slightly husky when she spoke.
‘You have been in a battle, Marcellus. My brother told me.’
He wanted to say no, to be honest and admit that he merely watched from the sidelines, but her tone of voice stopped him. He knew she would admire him more if she supposed him valorous.
‘A barbarian tribe, caught and annihilated,’ she said. ‘They say the captured women numbered thousands. Imagine the treatment they must have received from our victorious troops. You must tell me all about it. The noise, the clash of weapons, the sight and smell of blood.’
His hand was halfway to taking her arm when she skipped away, her voice now light and girlish. ‘But you must not call on me when Gallus is at the races. What would people say to an unmarried friend calling on another man’s wife?’
The meaning was plain enough, but deep down Marcellus felt that this was really just an extension of Valeria’s teasing. That after his wedding, if he did call, she would find another way of arousing him, just as she would contrive to avoid a real entanglement.
‘She’s a sweet little thing, your Claudanilla. Almost like a boy. Perhaps after you’ve had her, you won’t want to cast your net any wider. But if you do, Marcellus…’
Valeria laughed, for she had no intention of committing herself to anything, even her new husband.
The Falerii house was host to yet another event. Marcellus stood in an unadorned toga on one side of the family altar; his eye kept turning towards Valeria, who stood with her new husband. Gallus was short and rather squat, his face puffy and his eyes seemed watery, as if he had done without sleep. The cymbals sounded and Marcellus turned away from inspecting Gallus to make sure that everything was in place, especially that the two sheepskin-covered stools were ready to receive the bride and groom.
Claudanilla entered wearing a bright orange veil; on her feet she wore saffron-coloured shoes, and they knelt on the stools as the auspices were taken by the priest, a chicken sacrificed and its entrails examined and pronounced propitious. Marcellus poured the libation and the couple ate the holy cake. Claudanilla then anointed the doorposts of the house to seal out evil spirits and presented Marcellus with three coins as a token of her dowry; he in turn gave her the symbols denoting fire and water.
The whole party set out in darkness to walk the streets in a long, winding, torch-lit procession, so that the populace could call good luck to the couple, with the odd ribald comment about how the night was set to end, interspersed with heartfelt wishes that the union be blessed with healthy children. Having descended to the marketplace and then returned back up the hill, the party assembled outside the gates of Marcellus’s house. Two Falerii relatives lifted the bride over the threshold to loud cheering, and then everyone entered to partake of the wedding feast. At the appointed time, to many a catcall, Marcellus led his bride away from the chamber full of family and guests. Handmaidens removed Claudanilla’s wedding garments, leaving her in a loose shift, alone in a bedchamber with a man she did not know.
Marcellus felt as awkward as the girl. She was, after all, only fourteen years old. He took her hand in silence and led her to the bed. Claudanilla sat down while Marcellus dimmed the oil lamps. Convention debarred him from a sight of her naked, but he could see the outline of her unformed breasts under her shift. He raised the material above her waist, exposing the lower half of her body. In the faint lamplight, Marcellus could see that it was slim, still childlike, with only the faintest hint of pubic hair. He took her quickly, ignoring the scream of pain as he broke her hymen. She cried like a child, though in decency she attempted to hide the fact from her new husband, trying to convince him, by her movements, that her sobs were brought on by pleasure.
The scream produced many a nod at the feast, where those who had waited, the close relatives of the bride and groom, could be satisfied that all the proper forms had been observed. The Claudians had delivered a virgin to the marriage bed, and the Falerii could hear that Marcellus had done his duty by the girl. They toasted the couple and the possible fruits of their union.
In the bedchamber, Claudanilla lay alone. Her lower belly seemed to be on fire and she prayed that Marcellus would leave her be until the pain subsided. Her wish was granted, but not in a way that she would have liked.
In her innocence she did not know that Marcellus had failed to complete their union. He saved that up for Sosia, the silent slave girl who, in the pitch dark of a curtained room, could be anybody Marcellus wanted. Even she, normally so passive, was tempted to cry that night, for by his presence, her master had dashed any hope she had of any relief from her carnal servitude.
Quintus Cornelius, by his actions and the rewards that accrued, unwittingly set the tone for future operations in Spain. Those who watched him parade down the Via Triumphalis observed not just the event, but the means by which it had been achieved, while few discerned that the other result of this particular victory was the way their most persistent enemy had been undermined. What had happened to the Mordasci and the Averici might have united the tribes in a way that had hitherto proved impossible, but the role of Brennos in both events could not be hidden and his duplicity caused resentment.
While fearful of engendering an open breach with the Duncani chieftain, many who might have joined him, had he chosen to attack Rome, now demurred. If he would sacrifice one tribe for their amity to Rome, and another for their enmity, he was capable of any treachery. Careful diplomacy might have exploited this, which would have isolated Brennos and left him impotent, but the sight of Quintus Cornelius, painted red and crowned with laurel, acted like a drug on human ambitions, ensuring that the man who replaced him, Pomponius Vittelius Tubero, had no desire to even consider peace.
His first act upon arrival was to summon his officers to a conference; this included Aquila Terentius, as primus pilus of the 18th Legion, which Quintus had left behind. His advice, given that they were short of cavalry, was to go on to the defensive along the frontier and let any revolts by the tribes peter out. At the same time, the whole army should train in siege tactics, then invest the nearest major hill fort, Pallentia, and offer the inhabitants a proper peace. If not accepted, it should be subdued, razed to the ground and touted as an example of Roman power. Whatever the result, the loss of that bastion would provide a springboard to the next hill forts, and being less formidable they would likely surrender rather than face a siege. Once enough tribes swore peace, they could forget Brennos, who would be too far off to cause any trouble.
That enraged his new commander, who knew as well as anyone that there was no glory in the idea of a just peace, and no time to finish a siege on such a formidable fortress within his consular year; the fact that Aquila identified both these problems, while everyone else present espoused euphemisms, led to a heated exchange. What transpired in the tent led to a determined attempt to have him removed, an attempt thwarted by the tribunes of his legion, who were well aware of the standing he had amongst the men. Pomponius responded by shipping the reluctant tribunes back to Rome, and replacing them with his own appointees. So Aquila found himself back in the ranks, serving with a maniple of very discontented legionaries, this under a centurion who wondered if he would survive his first battle, so much was he hated, the whole cohort controlled by an young officer who had no experience in warfare at all.
Quintus Cornelius had been a good soldier; Pomponius was not. The advice that Aquila had given him made the senator more determined than ever to achieve a quick result, so with minimum preparation he marched his