holy mission of critical importance. I have just spoken with Lev Wasserman about our discovery under the Basilica today. He and his team have discovered more information about the chapel in a completely different section of the Bible from the one we had been looking in. The chapel we discovered is very special. Apparently, it was built to receive something. The code specifies only that, whatever this object is, it must be delivered by you to the chapel. You must work with Professor Wasserman and his team. They will guide you in your search. Your name was discovered encoded in the Bible in conjunction with the chapel and as an instrument in a battle between good and evil. You are part of God’s plan to save humanity from Satan himself.

At this time, we have no idea exactly what we are looking for or its connection with the ancient chapel under the Vatican. All we know at this point is that the object is located in the Holy Land, and you are tasked by God to find it. You are mentioned by name as a leader in the quest. If you truly believe that the code is a message from God, you must devote yourself entirely to this search. I believe that you have seen for yourself the power of the code to reveal things that have been hidden for millennia. It led us to the hidden chapel and will continue to guide you.

This is a holy quest for the truth and for the salvation of all our brothers and sisters around the world, nothing less. I believe your name was spelled out in the code because you are incorruptible and possess a strong faith in God. Leo means lion, my friend, and you are now God’s lion. He has a plan for you and you must follow it through to the end.

Sadly, my name does not appear in the code along with yours, so even though I want more than anything else to be a part of this great adventure, I have decided it is best for me to remain here in Rome.

Lev called me this evening and said that, according to the code, the object we now seek is very old. He placed the date of origin around the time Lucifer was cast from heaven by God. This will be the most important archaeological undertaking in Church history. It will also be the greatest holy task ever assigned to man by God himself.

Remember, the code also speaks of evil forces at work against us. Use caution and trust no one except those listed as “chosen” in the code. The “archaeological priests” who uncovered the tunnel under the Mamertine Prison were not from the Vatican. If they were priests, they are part of a rogue element in the Church and are the evil ones I spoke of who have infiltrated our faith and know our every move.

From this time forward, your life is in danger, my brother. I have been coaching John for this very moment. He and Lev will help you, but let God be your guide. Although its importance has not yet been revealed, the ancient stone brick we found in the chapel must remain with you and John at all times. If you have received this letter from John, it is because I am unable to give you this message in person. You must leave for Israel at once. Godspeed, my dear friend, and may God keep you and protect you always.

Yours in Christ,

Anthony Morelli, S.J.

Father Leo was shaken to his core. His question about the real reason Father Morelli had summoned him to Rome had been answered. Speeding through the streets, the slipstream blew the tears from the corners of his eyes as he and John looked at one another with expressions usually reserved for soldiers preparing for combat.

Leo pulled his cell phone from his pocket and began to dial.

“Who are you calling, Father?”

“My travel agent in Rome. I need to buy two airline tickets to Israel.”

“Better to buy them at the airport with cash. We don’t want to leave a credit card trail for anyone to follow.”

“You’re pretty good at this, John. How do you know all this?”

“Father Morelli and I had been having discussions about this scenario. The more we learned, the more paranoid we were becoming. We even ordered a book on the Internet about how to disappear without a trace. We learned a lot from that book about how easy it is for people to be followed using their credit cards and cell phones.”

“I have to use my credit card to get cash, but I’m afraid I don’t have much. I think my total worth is less than five thousand dollars.”

John smiled. “I don’t think money will be a problem. Father Morelli set up a special numbered account in Switzerland. The account number is on the flash drive. He wanted me to keep all of his important papers for him, and his will left everything to you, including this car.”

“He left me his car?” Leo felt a lump in his throat. He still had trouble bringing himself to the realization that his friend was gone forever.

“Did he ever mention being ill, John?”

“No, at least not to me. I thought he was in perfect health, but he had grown more distant recently and kept double checking everything to make sure all his bases were covered. His work with the code was extremely important to him, almost to the point of an obsession. I think that’s why he called you to Rome. He wanted to make certain that someone he could trust would continue his research. It was kind of like having life insurance, with his work as the beneficiary.”

“Is there enough money in the account for plane tickets?”

“Is ten million enough?”

Leo took a deep breath. “Did you just say ten million dollars?”

“Actually, it’s ten million Euros, Father. As far as I know, Lev Wasserman and I were the only ones he revealed his true wealth to. Father Morelli had money in various Swiss banks and offshore accounts that he used when he wanted to donate to worthy causes he believed in.”

Leo was stunned by the figure. “I guess this qualifies as a worthy cause. I only wish I was better prepared for what I need to do.”

“We’re coming up to your hotel, Father. Just grab your passport and your clothes, and let’s get away from here as soon as possible.”

The car screeched to a halt in front of the hotel. Leo took the steps two at a time before he burst through the doors and entered the lobby. He looked around and spied Arnolfo exiting the old cage-like elevator.

“Arnolfo. Buon giorno.” Leo tried to slow his breathing. “Would you mind getting my passport from the safe while I go upstairs and pack? I have an important meeting out of town and I’m running late for my train.”

“Yes, Father. I have it out on the desk. A man from the Vatican just called to say he was sending a security officer over to deliver it to you.”

Leo froze. Forget the clothes. He had to think.

“Oh, yes, I forgot. When the officer gets here, please tell him that I picked it up myself. Tell him I’m already on my way to Assisi.”

“Assisi is molto bello this time of year, Father. My sister-”

“I’m sorry, my friend, but I’m afraid I’ll miss my train if I don’t hurry. The passport, Arnolfo. Can I have it please?”

Si, Father.”

Arnolfo walked over to the desk and picked up two passports before handing one to Leo.

“Why do you have two passports, Arnolfo?”

“The one in your hand is yours, Father. The other is the one I was going to give to the security man. An innocent mistake, yes? Do you think I would give your passport to anyone else but you?”

Once again, Arnolfo had proven that he was much more than just a simple inn keeper. “Thank you, Arnolfo. You are a good friend.”

“Father, what about your belongings?”

“Keep them for me. I’ll call you.”

Leo flew from the hotel and jumped into the waiting car. “Arnolfo just told me someone is on the way over here to get my passport.”

Without a word, John put the car into gear and smoked the tires as he sped away on the Via Germanico toward Fiumicino Airport, leaving a very worried-looking Arnolfo standing in the hotel entrance.

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