focus away from Al-Qaeda and onto Saddam. All that nonsense about weapons of mass destruction. Saddam was a murderous fool, but he was no Hitler. He was not even a decent Mussolini. Iran is ten times greater a threat to the United States. Iraq … that was purely a grab for oil.”

“And to place substantial U.S. military assets in the Middle East,” said War. “If we had not stepped in to fund the Shiites and some other interested parties, then the Americans would have flattened Iraq and that would be that.”

Gault walked over to the Saudi. “Where do you fit into all of this, then? You are the face of the Al-Qaeda. They are hunted because of you.”

The King of Lies smiled. “It was always our intention that the Al-Qaeda take the blame for the Towers. However, we initiated the project and invited them in. They were involved, have no doubts, and most of them are as true to their cause as they say. I, however, am not, nor have I ever been. We stoked the Al-Qaeda’s hatred of the—ahem—Great Satan. Overall, it was one of our greatest successes.”

“And we used our people here in the States to amp up anti-Islamic hatred,” said the American. “Hate crimes are mucho profitable. They impact stocks, they shift populations, they influence elections—and there are profits to be taken at every step of that.”

“So you destroyed the Towers to make a buck?” Toys asked.

The King of Gold said, “Most negative world events influence the stock market, mainly because the vast majority of investors are timid sheep who piss themselves if the wind veers. Deliberate negative events, such as terrorist incidents, cause significant and sudden drops in the market. The key is knowing what is coming and, most importantly, when. That way you can buy when prices are plummeting. Do it through a hundred intermediaries and you don’t leave a trail. We learned that from 9/11. And if the government panics and closes the market, wait it out. It will always reopen and prices will always rise again. Once things stabilize, we begin to sell when prices get to about sixty percent of the pre-panic price. Again, you don’t appear to be a strict profiteer. You’re just one of the sheep meandering back to the fold after the Big Bad Wolf has been chased off.”

“So,” said Gault, impressed, “instead of having your people poised to act should something happen, you have them ready to maximize the take based on true foreknowledge.”


“Bloody brilliant.”

“Manipulting the United States and its global image has been the key,” said the King of Thieves. “America has been a crucial element in Middle East politics since the British withdrew in 1971. Despite all of the hate and criticism leveled against them, intelligent people on all sides of the issue know that they are a positive influence on the stability of the region. If their credibility were so badly damaged that they could no longer adequately play their role, then there would be a regional crisis that would cause oil prices to skyrocket. We saw some of that in 2006 and ’7 when Americans were paying over four dollars a gallon to keep their SUVs on the road. Go back in time and you can see other price spikes corresponding to incidents of damaged American credibility and regional instability. The 1973 oil embargo was the first, then the Iranian revolution of 1979 and the Iran-Iraq war the following year. Over and over we see proof of this.”

“The current conflict has other useful effects,” continued the King of Famine. “Our actions have brought the United States into armed conflict with the Taliban in Afghanistan.”

“I thought you were opposed to open war?” said Toys.

War laughed. “Afghanistan isn’t an open war. It never will be. It’s a guerilla war. That’s fine, because that kind of thing can go on for years and years without any dramatic resolution.”

“Which America can’t win?” suggested Gault.

“No one can,” agreed War. “Not unless you are willing to exterminate the enemy, and America—for all of its faults—is not willing to take that step. Not even the Bonesmen can sell ethnic genocide to the U.S. people. We can bank on that. We have, in fact, banked on it.”

“Bush is a Bonesman, isn’t he?” asked Toys.

“Yes, but he’s not Inner Circle,” said the American. “Dubya was their public face, and may not have even known it. He’s a Texas jokester who couldn’t manage a Wal-Mart and the Inner Circle put him in the Oval Office for two terms while they moved behind the scenes.”

“What about the current administration?” asked Gault.

“The Inner Circle doesn’t have the same kind of control over this president, which is why they are trying to weaken him and discredit his accomplishments. Once he’s out, they’ll put another one of their mannequins in the White House.”

“Don’t tell me you voted for the Democrat,” Toys said with a grin.

“Actually, we did.” The American chuckled. “Though rest assured it had nothing to do with supporting him, his policies, or the do-gooder agenda he’s selling. No, we stand behind anyone who isn’t on the Inner Circle’s leash.”

“We are trying to meet the Inner Circle on the same ground,” said the King of Famine. “They are kingmakers and they have a lot of experience in that regard. We are working toward that end. We want to put one of our puppets in the White House and, ultimately, in Number Ten Downing Street, the Palazzo del Quirinale, the Elysee Palace, and the Kremlin.”

“How far along are you?” asked Gault.

Famine shrugged. “We have a program in place now that is designed to increase racial and religious hatred between Islam and Israel, which should embarrass sitting governments and shake some power players out of their seats. Then it will be a horse race between us and the Inner Circle to fill those seats.”

“Through religious conflict?” asked Toys, and he was careful to keep his voice neutral.

“None of us have any particular anger toward any religion or ethnic group; however, we agree that hate crimes are good for business. Our business,” said Lies. “Our campaign is being driven through systematic disinformation on the Internet, and through bribes and donations to certain extremist groups who lack only funding and a kick in the backside in order to act.”

“And by ‘act’ you mean—?”

“Walking into mosques or temples wearing vests packed with C4. Or leaving bombs in religiously significant areas.”

“Christ,” said Toys, and Gault cut him an annoyed look.

“There are always people willing to kill in the name of their God,” said Famine. “Because of the open-forum nature of the Internet, laws about free speech, and news media hungry for controversial stories, small and disenfranchised groups have found a voice that can now be heard around the world. It’s lovely. With money, Internet postings, and other support, we give them a fist as well as a voice.”

“And,” said Gault, “because they’re vocal factions instead of countries, hate crimes increase, tension increases, but the actual nations don’t go to war. And you profit.”

The Kings beamed at him.

“This is all so … elegant,” murmured Gault.

“Elegant, maybe,” snorted the American. “But it’s riskier than it needs to be.”

Gold turned to him. “Not so. Your mother, the Goddess, has done great work.”

The American made a disgusted noise.

“You disapprove of this campaign?” Gault asked him.

The American looked around the room before he shrugged. “We may not have secrets here, but we don’t always agree on policy. I was the only dissenting voice on this. Mom still hasn’t forgiven me.”

“What’s your objection?”

“It puts my ass on the line. This whole campaign requires me to use resources that are part of what I do outside the Kings. If this falls apart, guess whose dick will be in the wringer?”

There was a brief and uncomfortable silence in the room.

“My brother,” said the Frenchman quietly, “we’ve talked about this. There are so many layers of subterfuge between your businesses and the Goddess’s plan that they will never dig deep enough to expose you.”

“Maybe,” snapped the American with bad grace, “but those Inner Circle pricks aren’t forgiving and they can

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