not sufficiently to conceal the fact that engines, motors, pumps and switch-gear had been either destroyed or severely damaged. Mercifully, the snow had already covered the two mounds that lay side by side before the mangled remains of a switchboard. Dermott looked slowly around with a face again as bleak as the scene that lay before him.

'Damage evenly spread,' he said, 'so it couldn't have come from one central blast. Half-a-dozen charges, more likely.' He turned to Poulson, the head man, a black-bearded man with bitter eyes. 'How many explosions did you hear?'

'Just the one, I think. We really can't be sure.

If there were more after the first one, our eardrums were sure in no condition to register them. But we're agreed that one was all we heard.'

'Triggered electrically, by radio or, if they used fulminate of mercury, by sympathetic detonation. Experts, obviously.' He looked at the two shapeless, snow-covered mounds. 'But not so expert in other ways. Why have those two men been left here?'


'Whose orders?'

'Head office. Not to be moved until the postmortems have been carried out.'

'Rubbish! You can't do a postmortem on a frozen body.' Dermott stooped, began to clear away the snow from the nearest of the mounds, then looked up in surprise as a heavy hand clamped on his left shoulder.

'You deaf or something, mister?' Poulson didn't sound truculent, just annoyed. 'I'm in charge here.'

'You were. Donald?''

'Sure.' Mackenzie eased Poulson's hand away and said, 'Let's go talk to the head office man, Black, and hear what he has to say about obstructing murder investigations.'

'That won't be necessary, Mr. Mackenzie,' Bronowski said. He nodded to Poulson. 'John's upset. Wouldn't you be?'

Poulson hesitated briefly, turned and left the pump room. Dermott had most of the snow cleared away when he felt a light touch on his shoulder. It was Poulson again, proffering him, of all things, a long-handled clothes brush. Dermott took it, smiled his thanks and delicately brushed away the remaining snow.

The dreadfully charred skull of the dead man was barely recognizable as that of a human being, but the cause of the round hole above the eyeless left socket was unmistakable. With Mackenzie's help ? the corpse was frozen solid ? he lifted the body and peered at the back of the skull. The skin was unbroken.

'Bullet's lodged in the head,' Dermott said. 'Rifling marks on it should be of interest to the police ballistics department.'

'I suppose,' Bronowski agreed reluctantly. 'But Alaska covers just over half a million square miles. I'm afraid optimism is not my long suit.'

'We're agreed there.' They lowered the body to the ground and Dermott tried to unzip the shredded green parka, but it, too, was frozen. There was a slight crackling of ice as he eased the jacket away from the shirt beneath and peered into the gap between the two layers of clothing. He could see some documents, including a buff-colored envelope, tucked away in the inside right pocket. By sliding his hand in flat he tried to extract them with his fore and middle fingers, but because he could achieve so little grip, and because they seemed frozen ? not only together but also to the side of the pocket ? they proved impossible to move. Dermott straightened to an upright kneeling position, looked at the dead man thoughtfully, then up at Bronowski.

'Could we have the two bodies moved to someplace where they can be thawed out a bit? I can't examine them in this state, nor, by the same token, can the doctors carry out their postmortems.'

'John?' Bronowski looked at Poulson, who nodded, albeit with some reluctance.

'Another thing,' Dermott said. 'What's the quickest way of clearing away the snow here from the floor and machinery?'

'Canvas covers and a couple of hot-air blowers. No time at all. Want me to fix it now? And the two men?'

'Please. Then there's a question or two I'd like to ask. In your living quarters, perhaps?'

'Straight across. Be with you in a few minutes.'

Outside, on their way, Mackenzie said, 'Your hound-dog instincts have been aroused. What gives?'

'Dead man back there. Index finger on his right hand is broken.'

'That all? Wouldn't be surprised if half the bones in his body are broken.'

'Could be. But this bone appears to have been broken in a rather peculiar fashion. Be able to tell better, later.'

Bronowski and Poulson joined them around the table of the comfortable kitchen living quarters. Poulson said, 'Okay, fixed. Snow in the pump room should be gone in fifteen minutes. About the two engineers ? well, I wouldn't know.'

'Considerably longer,' Dermott said. 'Thanks. Now, then. Bronowski, Mackenzie and myself think it likely that the murderers were employees of the trans-Alaska pipeline. What would you think of that?'

Poulson glanced enquiringly at Bronowski, found no inspiration there, looked away and pondered. 'It figures,' he said at last. 'The only living souls for ten thousand square miles around here ? a hundred thousand as far as I know ? are employed by the pipeline. More than that, while any mad bomber could have blown up the pump station, it took an oilman to know where to locate and destroy the bypass control valve.'

'We also theorize that the engineers ? what were their names, by the way?'

'James and James. Brothers.'

'We think that the bombers gave themselves away in one fashion or another, that the Jameses recognized them and had to be silenced for keeps. But you and your men didn't recognize them. That's for sure?'

'For sure.' Poulson smiled without much humor. 'If what you suppose is correct, it's just as well for us that we didn't. But then it's not surprising that we didn't. Don't forget that up here in Number Four we're no better than hermits living on a desert island. The only time we see anybody is when we go on leave every few weeks. Travelling maintenance engineers like the Jameses ? or, come to that, Mr. Bronowski here ? see ten times as many people as we do, and so are likely to recognize ten times as many people. Which makes your idea that it was an inside job all the more likely.'

'You and your men are certain there wasn't the remotest peculiarity about them, either in speech or dress, that struck a chord?'

'You're flogging a dead horse, Dermott.'

'I suppose. There's a possibility that those saboteurs came by helicopter.'

'Damned if I can see how else they could have come. Mr. Bronowski here thought he saw skid marks. I wasn't sure one way or another. It was a bad night for being sure of anything… dark, with a strong wind and drifting snow. Circumstances like that, you can imagine almost anything.'

'You didn't hear this helicopter approaching ? or imagine you heard it?'

'We heard nothing. Don't forget we were all asleep and ? '

'I thought you mounted a radar watch?'

'In a fashion. Any errant bleep triggers off an alarm. But we don't sit with our eyes glued to the screen night and day. Then, because of the extremely heavy insulation, it's difficult for any sound to penetrate from outside. The generator running next door doesn't help much either. Finally, of course, the wind was blowing ? as it still is ? almost directly from the north and would have carried away the sound of any craft approaching from the opposite direction. I know that a helicopter is one of the most rackety bits of machinery in existence but ? — even though we were wide awake then ? we didn't hear Mr. Bronowski's chopper coming in from the south. Sorry, that's all I can tell you.'

'How long will it take to repair the pump room?'

'A few days, a week. I'm not sure. We'll need new engines, switchgear, pipelines, a mobile crane and a bulldozer. All those we already have at Prudhole except the engines, and I expect a Here will fly those in this evening. Then a chopper or two can fly the stuff out here. The repair crews will be on the job in the morning.'

'So a week before the oil starts flowing again?'

'No, no. Tomorrow, with luck. The bypass control valve is not a major repair job… parts replacement mainly.'

Dermott said, 'You might look at all this as just a minor disruption?'

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