'I can arrange it.'

'I understand from Dr. Blake that you have a flight to Anchorage tomorrow. Is it a big plane?'

'Too big,' said Black the accountant. 'A 737. Only one available tomorrow., Why?'

'One or more of us might want to hitch a lift,' Dermott answered. 'We could, among other things, pick up those reports. Seats would be available?'

Black said, 'Yes. No more questions, I trust?'

'One. You received this threatening Telex message from Edmonton today telling you to close down the line or else. What do you propose to do?'

'Carry on production, of course.' Black tried to smile sardonically, but 'the moment was wrong. 'Assuming, of course, that the criminals have been apprehended?'

'Where's the Telex?'

'Bronowski had it. It may be on his person. Or in his desk.'

'I'll find it,' Dermott said.

'I don't think Bronowski would like you rummaging about his desk.'

'He's not here, is he? Besides, he's a security man. He would understand.' Dermott shook his head. 'I don't think you ever will.'

'No,' Black said. 'Good night.' He turned on his heel and left. No one said 'good night' to him.

'Well, well.' Brady exclaimed. 'A friend for life in three minutes flat. Don't know how you do it, George. Pity he acts so suspiciously ? otherwise he'd have made a splendid suspect.'

'Badly ruffled feathers,' Morrison said. 'To put it in a restrained fashion, ruffling other people's feathers is his speciality. A martinet of the first order, they say, but an extraordinarily able man.'

Dermott said, 'Not, I gather, universally popular. Does he have friends?'

'Professional business contacts, that's all. Socially, nothing. If he has any friends, he hides them well.' He tried to conceal a yawn. 'My normal bedtime lies well behind me. In the FBI, we try to get to bed by ten P.M. Can I be of any assistance before I go?'

'Two things,' Dermott said. 'The maintenance crew at Pump Station Four. Fellow called Poulson in charge. Could you have their backgrounds investigated as rigorously as possible?'

'You have a reason for asking?' The FBI man sounded hopeful.

'Nothing really. Just that they happened to be there when the sabotage occurred. I'm clutching at straws. We have damn little else to clutch at.' Dermott smiled wryly.

'I think we can do that,' Morrison said. 'And the other?'

'Dr. Blake tells me that the two dead engineers were brought back here today. Do you know where they were put?'

Morrison knew and told them, said his good nights and left.

Brady said, 'I think I shall go and rest lightly in my room. Notify me if the heavens fall in. But not after the first half hour or so. I take it you two are about to indulge your morbid curiosity in viewing the departed.'

Dermott and Mackenzie looked down at the two murdered engineers. They had been covered in white sheets. No attempt had been made to clean them up since they last saw them at Pump Station Four. Perhaps it had been impossible. Perhaps no one had had a strong enough stomach for the task. Mackenzie said, 'I hope they're going to be sewn up in canvas or something before being taken to Anchorage tomorrow, or their relatives are going to have the screaming heebie-jeebies. Whatever you're looking for, George, look for it quick. I'm not enjoying myself.'

Nor was Dermott. Not only was the sight revolting, but the smell was nauseating. He lifted the hand of the man he'd briefly examined before and said, 'How would you say that forefinger got that way?'

Mackenzie bent, wrinkled his nose and said, 'It sounds crazy, but it could have been broken by a pair of pliers. The trouble is that charring's obliterated any marks that might have been made on the skin.'

Dermott went to a wash basin, soaked his handkerchief and cleaned up the charred area as best he could. The black carbon came off surprisingly easily. It didn't leave the skin clean ? the pitting was too deep for that ? but clean enough to permit a closer examination.

'No pliers,' Mackenzie said. 'To break the bone, pliers would have had to close right into the flesh and would have been bound to leave saw-tooth marks. No saw-tooth marks, so no pliers. But I agree with you. I'm sure that bone was deliberately broken.'

Dermott rubbed some carbon off the charred clothing and smeared it on the cleaned area so that it did not look as if it had been wiped. He opened the jacket and slid his hand into the inside pocket: it came out empty. Mackenzie said, 'The papers and cards have taken wing and flown. With assistance, of course.'

'Indeed. Could have been Poulson or one of his pals. Could have been Bronowski when he was out there yesterday. Could have been the kindly healer himself.'

'Blake? He does look like a first cousin of Dracula,' Mackenzie said.

Dermott raised the damp handkerchief again and started to clear the area around the bullet in the forehead. He peered closely at the wound and said to Mackenzie, 'Can you see what I imagine I see?'

Mackenzie stooped low and peered closely. Still stooped, he said softly, 'With the hawk eyes of my youth gone forever, I could do with a powerful magnifying glass.' He straightened. 'What I imagine I see is the brown scorch marks of burned powder.'

As before, Dermott smeared some carbon back on the cleaned area. 'Funny ? my imagination runs the same way. This guy was shot at point blank range. The scenario reads that it was a very close thing indeed. The killer had a gun on this engineer and was probably searching him. What he didn't know was that the engineer not only had a gun of his own, but had it out. However it was, he must have seen it just in time and shot to kill ? there could have been no time to indulge in any fancier gunwork. The engineer's gun hand must have gone into muscular spasm ? irreversible contraction; not unknown at the time of violent death. To free the gun, the killer had to wrench it so violently that he snapped the trigger finger. Don't you think that fits in with the peculiar angle at which the finger was broken?'

'I think you have it. It fits, anyway.' Mackenzie frowned. 'There's only one thing I see wrong with your scenario. Why should the killer take the gun in the first place? He had a gun of his own.'

'Sure he had, but he couldn't use it anymore,' Dermott said. 'More accurately, he couldn't afford to keep it anymore. Having seen no exit holes at the back of the head he knew he had left two bullets in the region of two occiputs, and that the police could match up the bullets with the gun he was carrying. Which meant he would have to get rid of it. Which meant that he would be gunless, at least temporarily. So he took the engineer's gun. My guess is that he will have got rid of both guns by this time, and he's almost certainly got another weapon by now. In these United States ? and don't forget Alaska is the United States ? getting hold of a hand gun is extremely simple.'

Mackenzie said slowly, 'It all fits. We may well be up against a professional killer.'

'We may well be up against a psychopath.'

Mackenzie shivered. 'My Scottish Highland ancestry. Some ill-mannered lout has just walked all over my grave. Let's take counsel with the boss. Counsel and something else. If I know our worthy employer, he'll already have had half the.contents of the jet's bar brought to his room.'

'And you want his ideas?'

'I want some of those contents.'

Mackenzie had exaggerated somewhat. Ferguson hadn't brought across more than a tenth of the plane's stock, but even that represented a goodly amount. Mackenzie had already had his first scotch and was on his second. He looked at Brady, propped up in bed in a pair of shocking heliotrope pyjamas, which served only to accentuate his massive girth, and said, 'Well, what do you make of George's theory?'

'I believe in the facts and I also believe in the theory, for the adequate reason that I see no alternative to it.' Brady contemplated his fingernails. 'I also believe we're up against a trained, ruthless and intelligent killer. I don't doubt that he might be a psychopath on the loose. In fact, there may be two psychopaths ? an even more unpleasant prospect. The trouble is, George, I don't see how this advances us much. We don't know when this nut will hit again. What can we do to prevent it?'

'We can scare him,' Dermott answered, 'that's what we can do. I'll bet he's already worried by the fact that we're raking in fingerprints and records all over the shop. Let's try to worry him a little more. I'll go down to Anchorage tomorrow while you and Mackenzie stay here and do some work.' Dermott sipped his scotch. 'It should be a change for at least one of you.'

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