The combination of sensations made her gasp for breath. She’d been prepared to like what he did but not to fall so hard and so fast. She could barely breathe. Her muscles tensed and she dug her heels into the bed. Good manners insisted that she wait at least a couple of minutes before losing herself in her orgasm, but she wasn’t sure she could hold on that long.

He felt too good. When he stroked her, he seemed to know exactly the right speed. That relentless finger continued to move in and out, teasing, pushing, promising bigger and better things to come.

He circled her most sensitive spot, then caressed it with the flat part of his tongue. He blew on her and made her shiver. He covered her with his lips and gently sucked until she knew her release was as inevitable as the tide they’d watched earlier.

He began to move a little faster. The finger, his tongue. Pressure built and built until she had no choice but to give way. She clutched at the sheets, raised her chin to the ceiling and gasped out her release.

The waves came one on top of the other. He continued to stroke her, to move in and out and she found herself carried along as the pleasure stretched out endlessly.

At last the need slowly died away. He drew back and kissed her thigh, then pushed up to his knees. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

“I have another F,” she said lazily. “Fabulous.”

“I like that F.”

“Me, too.”

She patted the mattress and waited until he stretched out next to her before standing and walking to get the bottle of champagne from the dresser.

Riley gave himself over to enjoying the show. From the back Gracie was all swaying hips and graceful curves. From the front-he swore silently-she was a goddess.

Her long blond hair covered enough of her breasts to make him want to see more. Her narrow waist only emphasized the swell of her hips. He liked the fullness of her thighs, the length of her legs and that secret place between them that gave her all the power.

When she returned to the bed, she waved the bottle. “Mind if I ignore the glass?”

“Help yourself.”

She knelt beside him and took a sip of champagne. He had to admit that a beautiful naked woman kneeling next to him, drinking out of the bottle just before they got to the next round was going on his top ten list of erotic moments.

After setting the bottle on the nightstand, she bent down and pressed her mouth against his belly. He groaned as he felt her warm mouth followed by the cool, bubbly sensation of the champagne. Her tongue swirled against his skin.

“I like this,” she murmured.

“Me, too.”

She picked up the bottle and took another small sip. This time she moved lower and he braced himself for what was to come.

But all the preparation in the world couldn’t stop his body from reacting as she knelt between his parted legs, reached down to hold him still and then took him in her mouth.

He forgot to breathe through the sheer pleasure of her lips and tongue caressing him even as the cool champagne tickled and aroused and her long hair brushed his belly and thighs. She swirled her tongue around, then licked the very tip of him.

He swore out loud, grabbed for control and had a feeling his grip could slip at any second.

“Gracie, you can’t.”

She raised her mouth, swallowed the champagne, then tilted her head. “Technically, I can.”

“Okay, yeah. I’m begging you not to.”

She gave a heavy sigh. “Oh, all right. What would you prefer?”

“Me inside of you.”

Her blue eyes widened slightly as she smiled. “I guess. If you insist.”

“I do.”

He reached for the nightstand and pulled open the top drawer. “Want to stay in control or want me to take you?”

She laughed. “I think I’d like to be taken.”

“Consider it done.”

He grabbed a condom and quickly slipped it on. When she stretched out next to him, he turned toward her and gathered her in his arms.

They kissed. She tasted faintly of champagne and mostly of herself. He claimed her, even as he stroked his hands all over her body.

She was sensitive, squirming as he brushed his fingers across her tight nipples. She was wet, moaning as he slipped his fingers between her thighs. She parted instantly and even though he’d thought to make it last longer, he couldn’t help shifting so that he could kneel between her legs and push his way home.

As he plunged inside of her, she tightened around him. Her arms drew him closer. He drove in as deeply as he could, losing himself in the slick heat. He withdrew, then pushed inside again. This time he felt a quickening to the tightness, a tension in her muscles.

He braced himself, then bent down and kissed her mouth even as he began the steady rhythmic thrusting designed to take them both over the edge. She wrapped her legs around his hips and held him in place. Her hands grabbed for his butt and pulled him in deeper.

Faster and faster, pushing, reaching, needing, plunging until he felt her shatter beneath him. She broke the kiss and gasped for air, then screamed his name. As the contractions pulsed through her, he let go, shuddering as his climax claimed him and her body milked every drop of pleasure from him.

LATER, when they were both lying curled up together under the covers, he buried his fingers in her hair and kissed her forehead.

“It’s late,” he said. “Want to sleep here?”

She stirred, lifting her hair from his shoulder and blinking sleepily. “You don’t strike me as the sleepover type.”

“I’m making an exception.”

She put her head back and closed her eyes. “That would be nice. But get me up early so I can head out before your neighbors wake up.”

“I thought you hated morning.”

“I do, but I don’t want to make things worse for you.”

He rubbed his other hand along her bare back. “It’s fine,” he said. “You don’t have to get up early for me.”


She spoke slowly, as if barely able to stay awake. He squeezed her.

“Go to sleep.”


Her breathing slowed.

Riley reached up and turned off the light, then pulled the covers around them both. He stared up at the dark ceiling.

She’d been right. He wasn’t a sleepover kind of guy. Considering all that was happening right now, including the fact that Gracie might be pregnant, he should be running for the hills. Funny how he didn’t want to.

He wanted to stay right where he was-with her.

He continued to stroke her back, then moved higher to play with the ends of her hair. Had he ever spent the night with a woman before? Had he ever let one stay with him? He frowned as he tried to remember, then decided it hadn’t happened since his brief marriage to Pam.

Why now? Why Gracie? He didn’t have any answers. Or maybe he didn’t want to find them.

GRACIE WOKE UP as she usually did, slowly and with a great appreciation for having slept well. She stretched, rolled over and found herself in an unfamiliar bed.

“That can’t be good,” she said as she raised herself into a sitting position and pushed her hair out of her face. She spotted a note on the pillow next to hers and as she reached for it, memories flooded back.

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