'Mommy?' Maggie had looked up and seen her in the doorway. 'I'm eating all my cereal.'
'Good for you.' Ashley raised her chin slightly. 'Jeff, may I speak to you for a second?'
He nodded and rose to his feet, then joined her in the hallway. 'Is there a problem?' he asked.
She stared into gray eyes. She couldn't read him any better than she had when she'd first arrived. 'I talked to someone from the city just now. Did you know my apartment building had been condemned?'
His gaze never wavered. 'No, but I'm not surprised. The water damage looked extensive.'
'I have to find a new apartment.'
He folded his arms over his chest. 'Do you have the money?'
She waited for him to pounce-to again make the offer of a job she was going to have to take. Because in some strange way, she was testing him.
'All right. I'll write you a check to cover the costs. Pay me back when you can. After you graduate from college is fine.'
Not the offer she'd expected at all. She sagged against the door frame. 'Who are you, Jeff?'
'Why does it matter?'
Because he was making her want to believe in him and she'd learned to never believe in anyone but herself. Besides, he couldn't have made it more clear he wasn't the least bit interested in her skinny self.
A knock at the front door interrupted them. Maggie rushed past, eager to greet Brenda. Ashley turned away from Jeff without answering his question and hurried after her daughter.
Brenda was already inside the house and hugging the little girl. 'It's raining this morning,' she said. 'You're going to need a jacket.'
'I know where it is!' Maggie announced, turning around and racing toward the stairs. 'I'll get it, Mommy.'
'Thank you, sweetie,' Ashley called after her, then went to speak with Jeff's assistant.
Brenda smiled at her as she approached. 'I know you're feeling better, but I appreciate you letting me take her to school this morning. I just adore her.' The older woman sighed. 'Grandkids are the best and Maggie is just as sweet as my daughter's little girl.'
'You're more than welcome.' Ashley glanced over her shoulder to make sure they were still alone, then invited the other woman into the living room. 'I need to ask you a question,' she said. 'It's probably going to sound a little strange and I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable.'
Brenda settled on a beige sofa and grinned. 'Now I'm wildly intrigued. Go ahead.'
Ashley checked again to make sure no one lurked in the hallway, then joined her guest on the couch. 'To be blunt, can I trust Jeff? Through an assortment of circumstances, I'm in a difficult situation right now. Jeff has offered me a job as his housekeeper. It would mean living here with my daughter. On the one hand it's a great opportunity. The money is good, the house is terrific. But I don't know him very well and I do have a young child to be concerned about.'
'Don't worry about Jeff at all,' Brenda said, lightly touching her forearm. 'I know he's a little formidable and he doesn't talk about himself, but he's a great guy. I've known him for nearly five years and I would trust him with my life. Better, I would trust him with my grandkids'.'
Which was what Ashley needed to know. 'Thanks for telling me.'
Brenda tilted her head slightly, then tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear. 'At the risk of being presumptuous, I do have one more thing to say.'
'Which is?'
'He's not a people person, so don't expect witty banter. And he's very solitary. As far as I know, he hasn't had a serious relationship in the past five years. So don't even think about giving away your heart.'
Ashley smiled. 'Not a problem. I'm not interested in getting involved.'
While she might find the man sexy and appealing on a physical level, emotionally she knew better than to risk her feelings again. If she ever did that again, it was going to be with someone who could love her more than anyone else in the world.
'Then you should be just fine.'
Maggie burst into the living room. She had her jacket dragging from one arm and her backpack trailing from the other. 'I'm ready,' she announced.
Ashley laughed. 'Not exactly, young lady. Come here.'
In less than five minutes, Maggie was ready to leave for school. Ashley kissed her goodbye and promised to pick her up promptly at two. Brenda gave her a quick wave and a thumbs-up, then they left. Ashley was alone with Jeff. It was decision time.
She found him in his office, packing his briefcase. Had he worked into the night? she wondered. She hadn't been able to sleep much, mostly because she'd been thinking about his offer and how badly she'd acted. What had kept him up through the long dark hours?
She knocked on the open door, then stepped inside. 'Do you have a minute?'
'Of course.'
He motioned for her to take one of the seats in front of his desk. She did, choosing the one she hadn't sat in the night before. He relaxed into his chair.
She licked her lips. 'I want to ask if your offer is still open.'
'For the loan?'
'No. The job.'
He raised his eyebrows and nodded instead of speaking.
Good. At least she hadn't blown it so much that he'd changed his mind.
'I'm interested,' she told him. 'But I need to know why you're bothering. You could get someone in here a couple of times a week to do the cooking and cleaning. Why a full-time live-in housekeeper and why me?'
He didn't answer right away. Instead he seemed to consider the question. Which made her squirm in her seat. Was she being inappropriate with her questions? Would he get angry? Did she want to work for him if his temper had such a short fuse?
'I know you well enough to trust you in my house,' he said at last. 'Besides, I like your daughter.'
Her nerves were frayed. One snapped. 'Then have a couple of kids of your own.'
Thoughtful gray eyes turned toward her. 'I can't.'
She'd been expecting half a dozen answers, but not that one. 'I don't understand.'
'I have a low sperm count. It makes conception highly unlikely.'
She blinked. Her mind seemed to sway slightly as a couple hundred questions formed in her mind. How had he known? That wasn't the sort of information one learned in a routine examination. He had to have been tested for fertility. Which meant what? That he'd been trying to get someone pregnant at one time? So at one time…
'You were married?'
A slight smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. 'I know that's hard to believe.'
'No, it's not that.'
Although it was. She couldn't imagine Jeff on bended knee, proposing. And married? As in living with a woman? Being casual in jeans, maybe, or walking around unshaven, wearing a robe? It boggled the mind.
'I was married for several years. We tried to have children. When she didn't get pregnant, we were both tested. The fault was mine.'
Was that why he wasn't married anymore? Was that- She realized that it was none of her business. 'I'm sorry,' she murmured. 'I didn't mean to pry.'
'I understand your concern. While I like Maggie, I don't think of her as a substitute daughter.'
He picked up a pen and studied it. On anyone else, Ashley would swear the action was a stall for time. Finally he set the pen down.
'I don't make a habit of being a nice guy, which is why I'm doing this so badly,' he said. 'You work for me. I have no intention of firing you. If you want a loan for relocating to another apartment and your old job back, you're welcome to both. If you'd like to try being my housekeeper on a trial basis, that's fine, too. I don't want anything from you or your daughter.' He paused. Something dark passed across his face. 'If you're looking for an explanation for my actions, think of them as atonement.'
'For what?'
He shrugged. 'I'm damn good at what I do. I was better as a soldier. That comes with a price.'