
Dani felt totally out of the loop. She glanced at Mark. 'You gave an interview? About me being your daughter?'

He smiled. 'It seemed the best way to handle things. Heidi, get Dani a copy of the interview.' He turned back to Dani. 'You can watch it at home.'

'Sure.' Because she'd been planning to get to know her father on video. It could be a new hobby.

The other suit-guy said, 'The senator always comes across as sincere. The voters like that.'

Dani wondered if there was a difference between coming across as sincere and being sincere.

'He told the interviewer he'd wanted some private time to get to know his daughter, but a reporter tricked Bailey into telling him about you. The reporter looked mean, Alex is painted the hero and everyone loves the senator,' suit-guy concluded.

'Poll numbers jumped after that,' John added with a grin. 'Good for us.'

'It is good,' Mark said.

Dani didn't know what to think. On the one hand, she was sorry her presence had caused a problem. On the other, she felt a bit used-as if her situation had been spun or exploited, which probably wasn't fair. Presidential campaigns weren't won by being retiring. Still, it was overwhelming. Too much had happened too quickly.

'We were thinking you could do an interview.'

Dani had reached for her sandwich. Now she left it untouched on the paper plate and stared at nameless suit- guy. 'Excuse me?'

'An interview. Maybe with People. You're exactly the kind of story they'd jump on,'

He kept talking, but Dani wasn't listening. An interview for People magazine? All the blood rushed to her head. Or maybe it was away from her head. Either way, she got a little dizzy and her heart started pounding.

'I don't want to do an interview' she whispered. A charity event with Katherine was one thing, but People magazine? Not in this lifetime.

Mark met her gaze and grinned. 'Breathe, Dani. You don't want to pass out in your egg salad sandwich.'

'What?” She sucked in a breath. Her head cleared.

Mark turned to suit-guy. 'Let's hold off on interviews for now.'


Mark shook his head. 'No interviews. Leave Dani out of things.'

'Fine.' Suit-guy scribbled on a pad.

The meeting continued. Dani risked nibbling on her sandwich. She couldn't seem to get a handle on Mark. One minute he seemed distant and totally political, the next he was saying she didn't have to do a national interview. So who was the real Mark Canfield?

A few minutes later, the meeting wrapped up. Mark motioned for her to stay after everyone left.

'How are you handling this?' he asked. 'Katherine mentioned it had to be difficult for you.'

The door opened and Alex stepped into the room. 'Am I interrupting?' he asked.

Dani stared at him. Something was wrong- she could feel it.

'No,' Mark said. 'What is it?'

'It's official. I'm going to be charged with assault. The particulars haven't been worked out by the D.A.'s office.'

Dani stood. 'That's just wrong. How can someone do what that man did and it's okay, but when you defend your sister, you're the bad guy?'

'I appreciate the support,' Alex said. 'But I hit him. Not a good thing.'

Mark held up a hand. 'Don't worry. Either of you. This isn't about what happened with Alex. It's about the campaign. It's a distraction. We'll get it fixed.'

Dani might not be a political expert, but she wasn't sure the charges had anything to do with the campaign. And she didn't think Alex would appreciate something that could end his career being called a distraction.

'I'll fix it,' Alex said.

'We'll talk,' Mark told him. 'Fortunately we both have access to excellent legal counsel.' He glanced at his watch. 'I have another meeting.' He smiled at Dani. 'That's how I spend my days. Going from meeting to meeting. Thanks for coming by. I'm glad we were able to spend some time together.'

'Right,' Dani said, thinking that thirty-seven seconds alone with her father wasn't exactly bond-building.

'Alex, walk Dani out, will you?'


Dani waited until Mark left before standing and turning to Alex. 'I can find my own way to my car. It's daylight, so I should be safe.'

'I don't mind.'

'Ooh, now I'm going to fall for you, for sure. How smooth and seductive. ‘I don't mind.' Words every woman lives to hear.'

He smiled. 'Have I mentioned you're not easy?'

'Yes, and thank you for the compliment.'

He put his hand on the small of her back. 'Come on. Let's fight those snipers and get you to your car.'

His touch was warm and made her want to step closer. They'd nearly made it out of the building when Heidi called Alex.

'The senator needs you to sit in on the meeting,' she said.

Alex looked at Dani. 'Think you can make it on your own?'

'I'm wearing body armor.'


He took her hand in his and squeezed lightly. There was something in his eyes, something that made her think about sex and being naked. Two good things. Dangerous, but good. Then he was gone.

Dani sighed heavily. At least her life was never boring. That had to be worth something, didn't it?

The not-boring continued as she stepped into the parking lot and nearly ran into Fiona, the beautiful. The tall, perfectly dressed stunner paused, a tiny frown drawing her fabulous eyebrows a little closer together.

'Dani?' she asked. 'It is Dani, isn't it?'

'Yes. Hi. I was having lunch with the senator.'

'Good. I think it's great the two of you are getting to know each other. Family is everything and I'm thrilled to have you part of mine.'

Dani stared. Part of hers? As in, the Canfields were Fiona's family, too? But she and Alex were divorced.

'I didn't think you were married to Alex anymore,' she said carefully.

Fiona shook her head. 'I know. We went through a bad patch. Have you been married? You know how that happens, right? We were young and reckless, but so in love. Desperately in love. We've started talking and spending time together again. I'm hopeful.' She held up her right hand, showing her fingers crossed. 'Alex is, too.'

'That's great,' Dani said, feeling sick to her stomach. Fiona had to be playing her. Alex wouldn't be kissing Dani and making time with his ex-wife, would he?

She wanted to think the best of him, but honestly, how well did she know the man?

'It's not just Alex,' Fiona continued. 'It's the whole family. Katherine and I are like sisters. I love working with her. We're making a real difference. Plus, I've never brought trouble to the family. Trust me. The Canfields don't like that sort of notoriety. In case you were wondering.'

'I wasn't,' Dani said as she shifted her purse to her shoulder.

'Don't hate me,' Fiona told her. 'I'm simply the messenger. It's just everyone would be really upset if you were the reason Mark didn't get the nomination.'

With that, she smiled and walked into the warehouse.

Dani was left standing in the parking lot, feeling grateful she hadn't eaten too much at lunch. It meant there was less for her to throw up later.

When Dani's cell phone rang, she considered ignoring it. She didn't need any more hits in one day. But when she glanced at the number, she didn't recognize it and curiosity won over apprehension.


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