'I haven't known what to say,' she admitted, then nodded toward the back. 'We can talk in my office.'

He frowned. 'So there's a problem.'

'Let's talk in private.'

He followed her into the small, crowded space. There was a desk, a file cabinet and not much extra room. Especially with them both standing.

'What's going on?' he asked. 'You haven't returned any of my calls. I went by your grandmother's place this weekend and she said you were out of town.'

She'd hated to ask Gloria to lie for her, but she hadn't been ready to face Alex yet. She still wasn't

'I'm not ready to deal with this,' she admitted.

'Deal with what? What are you talking about? Dammit, Dani, why are you avoiding me?'

'Because I don't want to see you,' she snapped back. 'Can I make it more plain than that? I don't want to see you.'

He stiffened as if she'd slapped him. 'All right. You going to tell me why?'

She couldn't. She couldn't say the words without crying and she refused to break down in front of him. She turned away.

'Just go,' she said softly. 'It will be easier that way.'

He grabbed her by the arm and turned her to face him. 'Maybe I'm not interested in easy. Maybe I want the truth.'

'You want bullshit, because that's where you live,' she snapped.

'What the hell are you talking about?'

His eyes were the color of a midnight sky. She hated that she could be angry and hurt and still notice that.

He swore then and crossed his arms over his chest. 'I can't believe it,' he said. 'I expected better of you.'


'You saw the shows on Sunday. You've been reading the papers. You know the numbers are falling and you're running away, just like you said you would. You're taking the easy way out. I never thought you'd get political so fast.'

She went from sad to furious in two nanoseconds. 'Welcome to my world of disappointment. That's what I've been thinking about you. For starters, I haven't gone political, but how kind of you to judge me. As for why I've been avoiding you, here's the reason. I'm tired of lying, cheating, rat bastard men in my life, of which you are apparently the latest in a long chain. You talk a great game. You played me like a pro. Congrats on that, by the way. You make Ryan look like an amateur.'

He dropped his arms to his side. “I have no idea what you're talking about.'

'Drop the act. I've talked to Fiona. I know the truth.'

'What truth? There's no truth.'

'Right. You're a lawyer. Everything is relative. If that works for you, great. But it doesn't work for me. How incredibly pedestrian of me to expect the man I'm sleeping with to sleep with only me. I suppose you can get out of it on a technicality. We never had the 'it's exclusive' conversation. My bad. No, wait. Your bad. You're a disgusting person. I'm sorry I got to know you, I'm sorry I slept with you and I can't tell you how much I regret that because Mark's my father, I can't just walk away from you and never see you again.'

He took a step toward her. 'You think I’m seeing someone else?'

'I know you are. Fiona. She told me. Are you excited about the baby?'

He stiffened and looked stunned. 'She's pregnant?'

Dani stared at him. 'She didn't tell you? Gee, I spoiled the surprise. Yes, Alex. You're going to be a daddy. In the end you get everything.'

“I’m not sleeping with Fiona,' he said, but he sounded distracted.

“That's convincing. Look, you don't have to play the game. She told me everything. It's obvious she's been in your house and in your bed. I'm too tired to keep fighting this battle. I give up. I'm so over men. I thought you were special. Better… But you're not.'

'I don't deserve that. I haven't done anything.'

'Let me guess. You're sorry I had to find out this way.'

His gaze narrowed. 'If that's really what you think of me, then we have nothing to talk about.'

'Didn't I tell you that when you first walked in?'

He stared at her for a long time. She braced herself for the apologies, the explanations. She desperately wanted him to prove her wrong. That's how gone on him she was. She wanted him not to have cheated so they could be together again. Talk about sad.

But in the end he didn't say anything else. He walked away and never looked back.


It was the worst possible time to be practicing a speech she didn't want to give, but Dani couldn't come up with a good excuse for changing her appointment with Katherine. It was only after she'd parked and walked to the front of the house that she realized she could have simply phoned and said she wasn't feeling well.

Apparently, along with her heart, she'd also lost her brain.

The thought flashed in and out of her head so quickly that it took her a second to understand its meaning. When that sank in, she slowed, then stopped, right in the middle of the walkway.

She'd lost her heart? Was that possible? Did she love Alex?

She stood there, waiting for the answer to the question, then realized she already knew the truth. Of course she loved Alex. Not loving him would have made what he'd done so much easier to take.

'The hits just keep on coming,' she murmured to herself, then continued up the wide path to the front door.

All she'd ever wanted was to find where she belonged. Instead she'd made a mess of everything.

As she knocked, she did her best to clear her head. She had to focus on her meeting with Katherine. She would deal with Alex-pain when she got home.

'Dani!' Katherine opened the door and smiled. 'Come in, come in. Are you nervous yet? I hope not. You're going to do great and I'm going to be able to say I knew you when.'

Dani stepped into the large house and instantly felt the welcoming warmth reaching out to comfort her. Katherine was lovely and gracious as always.

'I'm trying not to think about the speech,' she admitted as she followed Katherine into her office. 'When I let myself go there, I feel like I'm going to throw up. It's not pretty.'

'Vomiting rarely is. Can I get you something? Coffee? Soda? Water?'

'I'll take a water.'

Katherine walked to an antique chest which opened up to reveal a small refrigerator. 'One of my indulgences,' she admitted as she removed two bottles of water. 'When I get working on a project, I hate to break my concentration. I'm terribly spoiled.'

'You're great,' Dani said and instantly felt stupid. As if she was babbling around someone she admired. Which she kind of was.

'Thank you,' Katherine said..'You're very kind.' She pointed to the folder on the coffee table. 'There it is. The infamous speech.'

Dani held in a groan. She picked up the folder and flipped through the pages. There were only five of them, double-spaced. The opening told a story of a working single mother who found out she had stage four breast cancer and her quest to find the right family to take her children.

Maybe it was the placement of the moon or the fact that she was due to get her period in three days or the hellish trauma she'd been suffering, but Dani found herself suddenly fighting the need to cry.

She sank onto the sofa as she struggled to keep from bursting into tears. Breathing slowly didn't help, nor did swallowing or thinking about something else.

Katherine moved closer. 'Dani? Are you all right?'

'I'm fine. It's just stress.' She blinked several times and tried to smile. 'Sorry. I won't be like this when I give

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