

He said her name with a low growl that made her shiver.

Two clear choices. Be sensible or give in. She knew what she should do and what she wanted to do. In the end, it wasn’t a choice at all.

Slowly, carefully, so there could be no question of her intent, she rose on tiptoe and kissed him.

Chapter Eleven

Maggie waited what seemed like a lifetime before Qadir responded to her kiss. She was just starting to think she’d made a huge mistake when he drew back and stared at her.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he admitted.

Relief was as sweet as it was intense. “I can handle it,” she said with a smile.

“So you claim.”

“Test me.”

He took her hand in his and led the way to an open French door halfway down the long balcony. They stepped inside what she assumed was his room, but didn’t get much of a chance to explore.

The second the door closed behind them, he pulled her close and claimed her with a kiss that burned her down to the soles of her feet.

His lips took all she offered and more. His tongue swept inside, exploring, claiming, urging. She met him stroke for stroke as need grew, filling her, making her ache and want.

He touched her everywhere, first up and down her back, then down her rear where he cupped the curves. She moved against him, feeling his erection, loving how hard he felt, wishing he were inside her already.

He broke their kiss long enough to pull off her T-shirt, then he cupped her bare breasts in his hands.

Even as his fingers worked their magic on her sensitive nipples, he kissed her all over her face. His mouth moved along her jaw, then down to her neck where he licked and nipped and made her gasp.

Liquid desire poured through her. She was already wet and swollen and when he bent down to suck on her breasts, she gasped her pleasure.

She touched him where she could. His hard muscles rippled in response to her caress. She was about to tell him to take off his shirt when he dropped to his knees. At the same time he unfastened her jeans, then jerked them and her panties down to her ankles.

She was trapped by her clothing, unable to step away or spread her legs very far apart. Still he kissed her stomach, then parted her with his fingers before kissing her intimately.

The feel of his lips and tongue was exquisite. She had to hang on to him to keep from falling to the floor. He found her center and licked it over and over again as he moved his hands behind her and squeezed her curves.

“Qadir,” she breathed, wanting what he was doing to go on forever, but needing more. A bed, she thought frantically. A sofa. The floor.

Still loving her between her thighs, he helped her out of her shoes, then eased her clothes from her body. She opened her legs more, giving him access, desperate to give in to the building pressure.

She put her hands on his shoulders and hung on for the ride. But just as she was about to surrender and lose herself in pleasure, he stood.

“You can’t stop,” she gasped.

“I’m just getting started.”

He led her down a hallway, into a large bedroom. She had a brief impression of dark, masculine furniture and a bed that could sleep twenty. Then Qadir pulled back the covers, turned to her and began to touch her.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured, stroking her back. “All of you. It’s maddening to watch you prance around in your coveralls with those little fitted T-shirts. I have dreamed about you in that T-shirt and nothing else.”

Heat filled her as his words aroused her to the brink. He’d fantasized about her? Was that possible?

“I don’t prance,” she said, trying to tease rather than give in to unexpected tears. She couldn’t figure out why on earth those words would make her want to cry, but they did.

“You excite me beyond what I can say.”

He was doing a pretty good job of exciting her, as well.

She reached for the buttons on his shirt, but he pushed her hands away. As she watched, he undressed, revealing his hard, honey-colored skin.

As he pushed down his briefs, she saw his arousal-all jutting maleness that called to her. Her pulled her close and they tumbled onto the big bed, a tangle of arms and legs and need.

Even as he took her breast into his mouth, he reached between her legs and stroked her.

He found that one sensitive spot instantly and circled it. She didn’t know what to think about first-his mouth or his fingers. Both were exquisite, pushing her higher, driving her closer to her release.

The steady rhythm-his sucking, his touching, her body pulsing-threatened to push her over the edge. She held back, not wanting to give in so quickly. Then he shifted so he was between her thighs, kissing her with his tongue again. He pushed a finger inside of her, circling, thrusting, rubbing and she was lost.

Her release carried her to the edge of the world and let her go. Every muscle shuddered with pleasure, making her cry out. On and on until she floated back to earth, back to his bed where she opened her eyes and found him watching her.

Despite the fact that she might never be able to move again, fire still burned. Without saying anything, she held open her arms. He eased between her legs, his hardness filling her, stretching her, making her cling to him.

He made love to her like a man starved. Deep thrusts claimed her as his and she held on for the ride of her life. His excitement pulled her along, making her hungry, as well. Her body tensed and ached and when he stiffened, she, too, cried out, feeling more satisfied than she’d ever been before.

Later, when they were together under the covers, her body pressed against his, his hands stroking her head, he kissed her.

“I am sorry,” he said. “I tried to hold back. I did not want to hurt you.”

“You didn’t.”

“I took you roughly.”

He wouldn’t meet her gaze, as if he was ashamed.

She rolled on top of him, pressing her body to his, then kissed him. “Qadir, didn’t you feel me responding? I’m not saying I want to be hurt. Your passion excited me. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?”

“I should have more control.”

She smiled. “No, you shouldn’t.”

He put his hands on her hips and eased her down. He was hard again. She slid over him, taking him inside of her. She gasped at the pleasure of it.

“Perhaps if you were in charge,” he told her, need once again burning between them.

She braced herself on the bed. He reached for her breasts, then lightly teased her nipples. Sensation shot through her. She rode him up and down, then moving faster and faster. They both groaned.

It was, she thought as her body clenched in anticipation, going to be an amazing night.

Maggie supposed that technically she walked back to her room the next morning, but in truth it felt like floating. Her whole body seemed to hum with contentment as individual cells continued to sigh their pleasure.

Qadir sure knew his way around a woman’s body. She felt as if she’d stepped onto a new plane of sensual pleasure and she couldn’t wait to go back again.

“Not a good idea,” she told herself as she stepped through the French doors and back into her room.

Last night had been amazing and fifteen kinds of a mistake. She’d been determined to hold her heart safely out of reach. Making love with Qadir for hours on end was not going to help her cause.

She couldn’t get over how concerned he’d been about hurting her. He hadn’t, of course, but the worry had been sweet. And the passion had been mind-altering.

“I am a mature woman,” she told herself as she headed into the bathroom. “I can handle this.”

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