His mouth twisted. “You’re saying you can’t be bought.”

“Amazing, isn’t it?”

He stunned her by grinning. “You’re tougher than you look.”

“Gee, that’s nearly as nice as saying I’m smarter than I look.”

“That, too.”

“You’re a bastard, Zach.”

“Not technically, but maybe in spirit.” He released her and shoved his hands into his slacks pockets. “I had to try, Katie. He’s my son. I love him.”

Two seconds ago she would have sworn there was nothing he could say that would have made her want to do anything but hit him upside the head with a two-by-four. But with six simple words, he knocked the mad right out of her.

“Then tell him you’re worried. Won’t he listen?”

“No. He already knows what I think.” Zach shook his head. “I tried to keep it from him, but I didn’t do much of a job. He’s determined to marry your sister, and I know it’s going to be a disaster.”

“What if you’re wrong?”

“I’m never wrong.”

The mad returned. “I’m guessing no one has ever accused you of being humble.”

“Not really.”

“Color me surprised.” She shifted her briefcase to her other hand. “I won’t get between them. David and Mia want to get married, and I think it’s a great idea.”

“Are you open to persuasion?”

She hated that her first thought was sexual. This man was slime and she still found him attractive and intriguing. There was definitely something wrong with her.

“I’ll listen,” she said, “but only if you’ll give equal time to the opposition.”

“Fair enough.”

As he made his living arguing his side, it didn’t sound fair to her at all.

“You still doing the party?” he asked.

She narrowed her gaze. “Are you going to threaten me again?”

The smile returned. “I was bluffing. I wanted to see how far I could push you.”

That had been a bluff? What would he do if he was serious? “Don’t do it again.”

“Agreed.” He looked at her. “Friends?”

She reached for the door. “Uneasy business associates.”

“I was hoping for more.”

“Hope away,” she said as she stepped into the hallway and walked toward the elevator.


Mia stepped out of the bridal shop dressing room and headed for the platform in front of the three-way mirror. The stiff satin gown flowed out around her as she walked.

“Shoes will help,” Katie said, grabbing a pair with three-inch heels from a row of bridal pumps in front of the mirror.

Mia held up her skirt, then slid into the shoes. They were too big. Like a little girl playing dress up, she shuffled the last couple of feet to the platform and stepped up. Katie moved around her, adjusting the dress.

“How are you two doing?” the salesperson asked as she breezed in front of the mirror. She tilted her head as she studied Mia. “She’s just lovely. What a beautiful dress.”

Katie agreed with her on both counts. The strapless satin gown hugged Mia’s full breasts, rib cage, and waist before flaring out to the floor. The heavy fabric flowed into a train. The dress was a little big on Mia, so Katie reached for a box of pins tucked on a shelf by the side mirror.

“We’d like to see what it would look like if it was fitted,” she said to the saleswoman. “Is that all right?”

“Of course.”

The woman watched for a couple of seconds, then smiled. “You seem to know exactly what you’re doing. I’ll leave you two to discuss possibilities.”

Katie circled Mia, taking in a bit of fabric around the waist, then fluffing out the skirt. “What do you think?”

Mia looked at her reflection. “I like the style, but there’s something wrong.”

Katie nodded. Mia looked like a princess, despite her streaked hair and big eyes. The white satin set off her skin. Yet it didn’t look…perfect.

“What do you like about it?” she asked.

Mia shrugged. “That it’s strapless. I like the lace.” She brushed her hand against the lace sewn across the waist and rising toward her breasts. More lace decorated the hem and the train.

Katie squinted, trying to imagine her sister walking down the aisle of a church. The way she would move and the dress would move with her. The flow of the fabric. The-

“The satin’s too heavy,” she announced. “It’s not going to look right on you. We should have seen it before. You’re only five foot three and despite having the biggest boobs in the family, you’re really small. Don’t move.”

She hurried back to the dressing room, where they had already tried on and discarded five other wedding gowns. She returned with one covered in tulle and lace.

It was an off-the-shoulder style that had made Mia’s neck look as wide as a fullback’s. But the fabric was perfect. Lace decorated the bodice of the dress, becoming more scattered closer to the bottom. A lace trim finished the hem.

“Imagine the dress you’re wearing,” she continued, “but with this material. It’s soft, it flows better, and it won’t overwhelm you. I would do a band of satin at the top, to give the bodice structure, but the rest of the gown could be in this lacy tulle. What do you think?”

Mia kicked off her shoes and spun around on the platform. “Yes. That’s exactly right. It will be perfect for summer, too. I love all the lace.” She beamed at her sister. “You’re the best.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Katie couldn’t help smiling. “Okay. If you’re sure, then go get changed and we’ll grab some lunch. After that, I want to have you pick out the lace.”

Forty-five minutes later they sat across from each other at a Beverly Hills bistro. While Katie didn’t normally shop in this part of town, she’d wanted Mia to see as many lovely gowns as possible before making her choice.

“Are you sure about the dress?” Katie asked after they’d given their order. “We can keep looking.”

Her youngest sister tucked her shoulder-length hair behind her ears. “I swear, I love your idea. I’ll have to start working on my arms, though, so they’re buff.”

“They’re pretty buff now.”

“Thank you.” Mia picked up her soda and took a drink. “I can’t wait to see the look on David’s face when he sees me walking down the aisle. He’s gonna die.”

“Let’s hope not.”

Mia grinned. “You know what I mean.” Her smile faded a little. “Katie, are you okay? You’ve been kind of distracted today.”

“I’m fine.”


Katie nodded because there was no way she was telling the truth. What Zach had done yesterday still made her furious every time she thought about it, which was far too often. Okay, he loved his son and was worried about him, but that didn’t excuse threatening her or wanting her to betray her family.

Whatever his plan had been, he’d blown it, because she was more determined than ever to see Mia and David happily married.

“Are we counting calories?” she asked to distract her sister.

Mia shook her head. “Not even close.”

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