with him.

She didn’t know Cruz, and now they were going to be in the same house together. They would run into each other at all times of the day and night. She’d never lived with a man before and didn’t know the rules or expectations.

“I won’t be late,” he told her. “Do you need help unpacking?”

“No, thanks.”

“Then I’ll see you later.”

Was that a promise or a threat? Either way, her nerve endings tingled in anticipation of all the wonderful things “later” could mean. The most feminine parts of her stirred with excitement. They had missed Cruz.

But Lexi’s brain was more concerned about her survival in this impossible situation. She knew he expected them to sleep together that night, but she wasn’t ready. Giving herself to him would be dangerous. She needed time. Lots of time to figure out how to keep herself safe from how he got to her.

Was telling him an option? she wondered as she climbed the stairs to the master bedroom. Or would she have to find another way?

CRUZ RACED THROUGH his business dinner, barely able to focus on the conversation. He kept thinking about Lexi back at his house…in his bed…waiting.

He wanted her. While that wasn’t news, the need pounded in his brain over and over, keeping time with his heartbeat.

He parked in the garage and hurried inside, then took the stairs two at a time. He walked down the long hallway and pushed the half-open door.

Lexi was already in bed. Blood surged, making it difficult to think as he studied her long, blond hair, the way she bent over the book she was reading. She wore a long-sleeved T-shirt kind of top, nothing sexy. Not that she needed silk and lace to look beautiful and erotic. She did that all on her own.

He couldn’t see the title of the book, but it must have been a fascinating work as she barely glanced up at him.

“How was your evening?” she asked, still focused on the book.

“Fine. Good.”

He waited for her to give him her full attention. He thought about crossing the room, leaning over her and kissing her until she couldn’t ignore him, but something held him where he was. Something unfamiliar.


Now that he had her, he didn’t know what to do with her. Insist that she notice him? Demand that she have sex with him? That had never been his way. Women were easy-as were the words or actions that best got him what he wanted. Except for tonight.

Suddenly he was that poor kid again, the one who faked his way through a world he didn’t understand, operating on bravado rather than confidence.

Finally she looked up and closed the book. “Did you want us to have sex tonight?”

It was the question that should have made his evening. Instead he found himself fighting anger. It was her tone. She might have been asking him if he wanted another cup of coffee. The service was implied. There was no interest on her part.

“It’s fine,” she continued. “We have a deal. I believe your exact words were ‘in my bed.’” She motioned to the space next to her. “Here I am.”

It was fine? Fine? Sex with him was a whole lot more than fine. He prided himself on knowing how to seduce a woman until she had no choice but to surrender. He was confident in his abilities. More than confident.

Go get her, he told himself. Take what is yours.

Only he couldn’t. There was something coolly assessing in her gaze. Something that made him turn away and leave. Round one to her, he thought grimly. But the ultimate victory would be his.

Lexi watched Cruz walk away. When she was alone again, she managed to draw in a shaky breath of relief. Apparently he hadn’t seen how hard she’d been trembling. Talk about winning on a bluff.

She’d escaped for tonight, but how long would her luck hold? Cruz wasn’t a man to be put off, and she was a woman who desperately wanted to be with him. The only problem was the voice in her head that kept warning her that sleeping with him could change things forever.


THE SPRING afternoon was cool and clear. The air was still and the sound of the horses’ hooves echoed like thunder. Lexi rode next to her sister. Skye’s daughter, Erin, rode in front of them. At an age when most kids would still be on ponies, seven-year-old Erin rode her horse with an ease that spoke of long hours in the saddle. She was fearless. Right now Lexi could use a little of that courage.

They crested a slight rise and came to a halt. Lexi looked around at the land spreading out before them. Except for the Cassidy spread to the west, everything she could see was Titan land.

This was why they did it, she thought, not sure if that was good or bad. This land was in their blood. It had influenced them when they’d thought themselves immune to things like destiny and tradition. She could no more walk away from the prize of Jed’s legacy than she could cut off her arm.

“How are things with Cruz?” Skye asked.

“Fine,” Lexi lied. “He’s so wonderful. I’m really lucky we got back together.”

“Your story is so romantic,” Skye murmured, sounding slightly envious.

Which made Lexi feel small. Nothing about her story was romantic. She was still dodging Cruz every chance she got. She’d deliberately stopped taking her birth control pills so she would get her period. That was giving her all of a week’s reprieve. She would go back on them in a couple of days and then would be forced to find another excuse to keep him out of her bed.

She had a bad feeling that making love with Cruz was going to be better than she remembered. The thought of it terrified her.

“Mommy, can I go see Fiddle?” Erin asked.

The girl looked a lot like her mother, all red hair and big eyes. A little of her late father showed in the angle of her chin, but mostly she was a miniature version of Skye.

Skye laughed. “Is she always going to be Fiddle?”

Erin grinned. “Uh-huh. Can I?”

“Sure. Have Fidela call when you’re heading back.”

“I will.”

The girl waved, then urged her horse forward. The small gelding broke into a trot, then a canter.

Fidela was the housekeeper at the Cassidy place. Lexi and her sisters had been frequent visitors there when they’d been growing up. Fidela always had fresh-baked cookies to offer lonely girls. Apparently Erin had discovered them as well.

“I haven’t seen her in forever,” Lexi murmured.

“You should stop by. She’d love to see you.”

“You get by much?”

“Every week. You should make the time. She used to matter.”

Which given Lexi’s sensitive state sounded a little critical. Without thinking, she snapped back. “Mitch still gone?”

As soon as she asked the question, she felt badly about it.

“I guess,” Skye said. “Last I heard.”

Mitch Cassidy had been perfect crush material for the Titan girls. Handsome and strong with an easy smile that left them all quivering. But it had been Skye who’d won his heart eight years ago.

Won it and walked away from it and him when Jed had insisted she marry someone else. Given the choice between her father and the man she loved, she’d chosen family. Days later, Mitch had joined the navy. From there, he’d become a SEAL.

“Has he been back at all?” she asked.

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