MATTHEW PAULINUS HERVEYBOMM: 1791, second son of the Reverend Thomas Hervey, Vicar of Horingsham in wiltshire, and of Mrs Hervey; one sister, Elizabeth.

EDUCATED: Shrewsbury School (praepostor)

MARRIED: 1817 to Esady Henrietta, Lindsay, Ward of the Marquess of Bath, (deceased 1818).

CHILDREN: a daughter, Georgia-no,, born, 1818.


1808: Commissioned cornet by purctiase in His Majesty’s 6th Light Dragoons (Princess Caroline’s Own.)1809-14: served Protugal and Spain; evacuated with army at Corunna, 1809, returned with regiment to Lisbon that year: Present at numerous battles and actions including Talacera, Badajoz, Salamanca, Victoria.1814: present at Toulouse; wounded. Lieutenant.1814-15: served Ireland, present at Waterloo, and in Paris with army of occupation.1815: Additional ADc to the Duke of Wellington (acting captain); despatched for special duty in Bengal.1816: saw Service against pindarees and Nizam of Hyderabad’s fordes; retrurned to regimental duty. Brtvet caption; brevet major.1818: saw Service in Canada; briefly seconded to US forces, Michigan Territory; resigned commission.1819: reistated, 6th Light Dragoons; caption.1820-26: served Bengal; saw active service in Ava (wounded serverly); present at Siege of Bhurtpore; brevet major.1826-27: detached service in Portugal.1827: in temporary command of 6th Light Dragoons, major; in command of detachment of 6th Light Dragoons at the Cape Colony; seconded to raise Corps of Cape Mounted rifles; acting lieutenant-colonel.

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