the duke, too.’
There was no more approbation that Hervey could have wished for. ‘That is gratifying.’
Howard now brightened. ‘But see, this news of command – splendid, splendid!’
Hervey smiled likewise. ‘It is splendid news indeed, though it would be more so if the regiment were not reduced.’
‘Oh, so you’re not acquainted with recent events?’
Hervey quickened. ‘As you perceive.’
‘The estimates have been restored, and with interest. Such a year of trouble it’s been: Ireland, the manufacturing districts – even violence in the country. Not only are the Sixth and the others to have been reduced restored to full strength, an extra troop is added to the establishment.’
A year of trouble: Hervey could only be thankful – Reform, Catholics, Luddites or whatever they were. He smiled broadly as the full measure of his restoration was revealed. ‘An ill wind.’
Howard smiled again. ‘Quite. I raised a glass in White’s to the place across the road when I heard the news.’
‘Why not? The Reformists raised their standard there.’
‘An ill wind indeed!’
‘Dine with me tonight – and Fairbrother. Where is he?’
‘Resting after his bath. He’d be delighted to dine. At White’s? The name amuses him.’
‘He’s a good fellow. Shall he return to the Cape?’
‘I very much hope not. I tell you frankly, I’ll have need of him at Hounslow.’
The coffee was brought, two cups. Howard took his, sat back and contemplated his old friend admiringly. Then he took a leather case from his pocket. ‘Lord Hol’ness left this in my charge for you.’
Hervey opened it. The gilt shone bright. ‘You’ll know what it is? The gorget worn by the Sixth’s first lieutenant-colonel. It’s been passed to every one since.’
‘Hol’ness said it had been his greatest wish to pass it to you in person.’
Hervey smiled, but a little wryly. ‘That, indeed, would have been to break with tradition rather. But it was very decent of him to say so – the major-general.’
Howard leaned back in his chair again. ‘You’ll have the devil of a year ahead if things go on as they are. I wonder how you’ll do it; I shall watch keenly from the vantage of the Horse Guards. What first, I wonder?’
‘That is very simple – promote my groom to corporal.’
Howard smiled. ‘
‘At this moment he’s probably roundly cursing me atop a waggon full of baggage on the Dover road. But see, when do you think I might call on Lord Hill?’
‘Tomorrow morning.’
‘So soon? I’d have imagined his day replete enough with these troubles.’
‘I shall arrange some respite. And you must then, of course, go and see the fellows who disburse the Secret Vote. They’re much interested in your acquaintance with Muffling, and this Moltke – and, of course, Princess Lieven. Shrewd of you to chronicle your contact with her as you did.’
‘It’s just that I must go and see Agar’s people before I get myself to Hounslow.’
‘Of course … You know, by the way, that Lord George Irvine is here?’
Hervey brightened. ‘I did not.’
‘Recalled for consultation with Lord Hill on the Irish trouble.’
This was news of the very best: he would be able to call on the Sixth’s Colonel – under whom he had served since a cornet – before, so to speak, walking on to parade; as was only proper. ‘Capital.’
Howard turned somewhat solemn. ‘No doubt you’ll want to call on all manner of people – take leave, by rights. But as far as the Horse Guards is concerned, you’ve been commanding for three months already. Don’t tarry too long.’
Hervey frowned. ‘The troubles, you mean?’
Howard laughed, put down his cup and clapped a hand to Hervey’s shoulder. ‘My dear old friend, I mean that I’m sure you shan’t have an eternity to enjoy it. I’ll wager it won’t be long before the
Although the action of
But this was a complicated region, as of course it remains. There is no shortage of books that promise to enlighten, but one of the most recent and thought-provoking is from the pen of that most entertaining of contrarians, Norman Stone, whose skelesi (in the same unpoetic way that Bombay is now rendered unhistorically and ultra-nationally as Mumbai, and, worse, Madras as Chennai). The treaty was one of mutual assistance in the event of attack by a foreign power, which in the case of the Porte was limited to closing the Dardanelles to all non-Russian ships.
Britain (and France) was suspicious, even alarmed, that the treaty gave Russian warships passage through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, and her efforts to clarify the status of these two narrow stretches of strategic water culminated in the (London) Straits Convention of 1841, which closed them to warships of any nation except those of the allies of the Porte in wartime.
War between Russia and Turkey broke out again in 1853 for reasons that Professor Stone calls ‘surreal’ (these, he writes, ‘lay ostensibly in Jerusalem, and concerned the guardianship of the Holy Places of Christianity’). In 1854 Britain and France, and later Italy (Sardinia), joined the war on the side of the Porte. The Russians occupied Moldavia and Wallachia, and in the spring of 1854 invested Silistria once again and crossed the Danube into the Dobrudscha. An Anglo-French force (an astonishing innovation) landed at Varna in June, and the Light Brigade, under the command of Lord Cardigan, made a three-hundred-mile reconnaissance of the Danube and its environs, including Silistria and Shumla, in seventeen days (the ‘Sore Back Reconnaissance’). It found no Russians –