'Madame, I took the liberty.'
The mistress of the house extended her hand and said to him: 'You are very kind, M. Duroy, to come to see me.' She pointed to a chair. The ladies chatted on. Visitors came and went. Mme. Walter noticed that Duroy said nothing, that no one addressed him, that he seemed disconcerted, and she drew him into the conversation which dealt with the admission of a certain M. Linet to the Academy. When Duroy had taken his leave, one of the ladies said: 'How odd he is! Who is he?'
Mme. Walter replied: 'One of our reporters; he only occupies a minor position, but I think he will advance rapidly.'
In the meantime, while he was being discussed, Duroy walked gaily down Boulevard Malesherbes.
The following week he was appointed editor of the 'Echoes,' and invited to dine at Mme. Walter's. The 'Echoes' were, M. Walter said, the very pith of the paper. Everything and everybody should be remembered, all countries, all professions, Paris and the provinces, the army, the arts, the clergy, the schools, the rulers, and the courtiers. The man at the head of that department should be wide awake, always on his guard, quick to judge of what was best to be said and best to be omitted, to divine what would please the public and to present it well. Duroy was just the man for the place.
He was enjoying the fact of his promotion, when he received an engraved card which read:
'M. and Mme. Walter request the pleasure of M. Georges Duroy's company at dinner on Thursday, January 20.'
He was so delighted that he kissed the invitation as if it had been a love-letter.
Then he sought the cashier to settle the important question of his salary. At first twelve hundred francs were allowed Duroy, who intended to save a large share of the money. He was busy two days getting settled in his new position, in a large room, one end of which he occupied, and the other end of which was allotted to Boisrenard, who worked with him.
The day of the dinner-party he left the office in good season, in order to have time to dress, and was walking along Rue de Londres when he saw before him a form which resembled Mme. de Marelle's. He felt his cheeks glow and his heart throb. He crossed the street in order to see the lady's face; he was mistaken, and breathed more freely. He had often wondered what he should do if he met Clotilde face to face. Should he bow to her or pretend not to see her? 'I should not see her,' thought he.
When Duroy entered his rooms he thought: 'I must change my apartments; these will not do any longer.' He felt both nervous and gay, and said aloud to himself: 'I must write to my father.' Occasionally he wrote home, and his letters always delighted his old parents. As he tied his cravat at the mirror he repeated: 'I must write home to-morrow. If my father could see me this evening in the house to which I am going, he would be surprised. Sacristi, I shall soon give a dinner which has never been equaled!'
Then he recalled his old home, the faces of his father and mother. He saw them seated at their homely board, eating their soup. He remembered every wrinkle on their old faces, every movement of their hands and heads; he even knew what they said to each other every evening as they supped. He thought: 'I will go to see them some day.' His toilette completed, he extinguished his light and descended the stairs.
On reaching his destination, he boldly entered the antechamber, lighted by bronze lamps, and gave his cane and his overcoat to the two lackeys who approached him. All the salons were lighted. Mme. Walter received in the second, the largest. She greeted Duroy with a charming smile, and he shook hands with two men who arrived after him, M. Firmin and M. Laroche-Mathieu; the latter had especial authority at the office on account of his influence in the chamber of deputies.
Then the Forestiers arrived, Madeleine looking charming in pink. Charles had become very much emaciated and coughed incessantly.
Norbert de Varenne and Jacques Rival came together. A door opened at the end of the room, and M. Walter entered with two tall young girls of sixteen and seventeen; one plain, the other pretty. Duroy knew that the manager was a paterfamilias, but he was astonished. He had thought of the manager's daughters as one thinks of a distant country one will never see. Then, too, he had fancied them children, and he saw women. They shook hands upon being introduced and seated themselves at a table set apart for them. One of the guests had not arrived, and that embarrassing silence which precedes dinners in general reigned supreme.
Duroy happening to glance at the walls, M. Walter said: 'You are looking at my pictures? I will show them all to you.' And he took a lamp that they might distinguish all the details. There were landscapes by Guillemet; 'A Visit to the Hospital,' by Gervex; 'A Widow,' by Bouguereau; 'An Execution,' by Jean Paul Laurens, and many others.
Duroy exclaimed: 'Charming, charming, char--' but stopped short on hearing behind him the voice of Mme. de Marelle who had just entered. M. Walter continued to exhibit and explain his pictures; but Duroy saw nothing-- heard without comprehending. Mme. de Marelle was there, behind him. What should he do? If he greeted her, might she not turn her back upon him or utter some insulting remark? If he did not approach her, what would people think? He was so ill at ease that at one time he thought he should feign indisposition and return home.
The pictures had all been exhibited. M. Walter placed the lamp on the table and greeted the last arrival, while Duroy recommenced alone an examination of the canvas, as if he could not tear himself away. What should he do? He heard their voices and their conversation. Mme. Forestier called him; he hastened toward her. It was to introduce him to a friend who was on the point of giving a fete, and who wanted a description of it in 'La Vie Francaise.'
He stammered: 'Certainly, Madame, certainly.'
Madame de Marelle was very near him; he dared not turn to go away. Suddenly to his amazement, she exclaimed: 'Good evening, Bel-Ami; do you not remember me?'
He turned upon his heel hastily; she stood before him smiling, her eyes overflowing with roguishness and affection. She offered him her hand; he took it doubtfully, fearing some perfidy. She continued calmly: 'What has become of you? One never sees you!'
Not having regained his self-possession, he murmured: 'I have had a great deal to do, Madame, a great deal to do. M. Walter has given me another position and the duties are very arduous.'
'I know, but that is no excuse for forgetting your friends.'
Their conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a large woman, decollette, with red arms, red cheeks, and attired in gay colors. As she was received with effusion, Duroy asked Mme. Forestier: 'Who is that person?'
'Viscountess de Percemur, whose nom de plume is 'Patte Blanche.''
He was surprised and with difficulty restrained a burst of laughter.
'Patte Blanche? I fancied her a young woman like you. Is that Patte Blanche? Ah, she is handsome, very handsome!'
A servant appeared at the door and announced: 'Madame is served.'
Duroy was placed between the manager's plain daughter, Mlle. Rose, and Mme. de Marelle. The proximity of the latter embarrassed him somewhat, although she appeared at ease and conversed with her usual spirit. Gradually, however, his assurance returned, and before the meal was over, he knew that their relations would be renewed. Wishing, too, to be polite to his employer's daughter, he addressed her from time to time. She responded as her mother would have done, without any hesitation as to what she should say. At M. Walter's right sat Viscountess de Percemur, and Duroy, looking at her with a smile, asked Mme. de Marelle in a low voice: 'Do you know the one who signs herself 'Domino Rose'?'
'Yes, perfectly; Baroness de Livar.'
'Is she like the Countess?'
'No. But she is just as comical. She is sixty years old, has false curls and teeth, wit of the time of the Restoration, and toilettes of the same period.'
When the guests returned to the drawing-room, Duroy asked Mme. de Marelle: 'May I escort you home?'
'Why not?'
'Because M. Laroche-Mathieu, who is my neighbor, leaves me at my door every time that I dine here.'
'When shall I see you again?'
'Lunch with me to-morrow.'