Nathan couldn’t have cared less. Or so he said. “Sure, I’ll be there. The guy’s got a great set of muscles. ‘Bout time we got some special treatment. The rest of Parkerson’s class is for the dodos. Wilde and the prof are going nuts. The old guy’s called me half a dozen times. I get dibs on the fancy paper when they croak from excitement. Dress up? Me? Fat chance.”

Fancy paper? He already knew about it. So much for secrets.

Christine was harder to nail down.

“Dress up? We’re going to play dress up? In what? Those Renaissance push-up things? Wonderful. It ought to knock my young stud’s eyes out when he gets a load of these shoved-out knockers reaching out to touch someone. Wilde and Angeli will be properly appreciative, but Antonio is a healthy growing boy and just might shake up my smug, self-satisfied young buck by making a pass at me.”

“Hey, Amanda, you think you could drop a hint? He’s fair game, right? The naked hunk? You’ve staked out Mr. Horn rims, right? Don’t be greedy, now, love.

“See you on the Central Park greensward. Didn’t Cissy tell you? The wicked witches are roughing it today. She packing a picnic basket. Spring has sprung and she’s ready to spring at it.”

And Amanda thought the unusually warm day was just her.

“ISN’T THISwonderful? I’m so clever.”

Cissy shook out the blanket and spread it on the cool ground. Christine, champagne glasses dramatically pressed to her bosom, surveyed the surrounding landscape punctuated with outcroppings of rock and newly-budding trees and sighed deeply.

“Olmstead really knew what the hell he was doing. This place is great.”

Amanda dug out the plates and sandwiches. Cissy’s idea for a spring picnic in Central Park was truly wonderful. Amanda hadn’t tracked down Marc to tell him their plans- and after berating him for not letting her know his exact whereabouts. He expected the ladies to be safely lunching behind locked doors or in some very public place. But Amanda had convinced herself a glowing, expectant spring day in the park would ensure a mass outpouring of winter-wearied New Yorkers and they would be well chaperoned.

Cissy had chosen a rise overlooking the small Conservatory Pond where model boat aficionados were already out in force. The sky was clear- the color of his eyes in late afternoon- with large, fluffy, picture-postcard clouds. It was just what Amanda needed: quiet chattering friends, delectable goodies, and friendly debate, in a lovely setting. It was perfect.

And from the way the conversation was going, she wasn’t going to have to do much explaining of herself. Christine and Cissy had their own agendas and Amanda’s romantic decisions were pretty low on their lists.

“Jimmy really is adear man.” Cissy sliced off slivers of cheese to go with their fruit dessert. “And he has a very good career going, doesn’t he, boss lady? I mean, as an office manager, he could go practicallyanywhere in the corporate world, right? And move right up the ladder, right?”

“Cissy,” Amanda held out her champagne glass to be refilled, “Jimmy loves his job. He’s very happy in the graphics publishing world and he’s especially good with creative people.”

“Oh, I know, that does take aspecial gift. Umm…” She munched delicately on a cheese-laden cracker, thinking.

Christine laughed. “You’re worried about explaining a New York up-and-comer who makes a living doling out X- rated picture books for grown-ups to your folks. Afraid Daddy won’t like?”

Cissy gasped. “They arenot X-rated. They are very dramatically illustrated. Some people consider themart. There’s a huge number of collectors…” She looked back and forth between her two friends, both of whom observed her askance. She giggled.

“Cissy, he’s a great guy. Cute as all get out. He’ll be a very satisfying companion.” Amanda was feeling very worldly. Yes, she had made the right decision.

“Well, he is energetic, I’ll say that.”

Both Amanda and Christine looked appropriately impressed.

“You’ve done it? Tell all.” Christine leaned in lasciviously. “Explain ‘energetic’.”

Cissy’s head ducked coyly. “Well, you never come home anymore, Miss Amanda. And one thing did lead to another. He was…” She savored a piece of ripe pear, her eyes sparkling. “Very…sweet.” She stretched luxuriously, flinging her head back. “Verythoroughly sweet.” Her delighted laughter caused a couple passing nearby to look over and smile.

“Haw! Cissy-belle’s caught herself a live one. Well, if there’s anything my kid ain’t, it’s sweet. Tough as nails. Power-packed. Just an old broad’s style.” Christine downed the pale sparkling wine in a dramatic swoop.

Amanda gave her a thoughtful look. “What happens when he moves on? You’ve said he will. You expect it.” How would she survive without Marc? She had no choice. She would survive.

Christine sighed. “You’re damn right he’ll move on. I can’t keep up. Some nights I just want to kick off my wedgies and veg out in front of the TV, but he’s gotta get out and ‘make the scene.’” Her hands drew the scene in the air. She whooped. “I’ll make a great corpse.”

Amanda thought Christine seemed truly pleased with her lot. Resigned, but pleased. Not too unlike the way Amanda felt. She had made her decision based on the available information. A good corporate decision. Eventually, the emptiness would fade.

“Oh you silly.” Cissy patted Christine’s hand indulgently. “You’re just beingdramatic. I know some May-December marriages that have worked very well.”

Christine washed down a slice of apple and handful of berries with a drink of champagne. “It’s December-May, honey bun, in that order and marriage is not an operative word.”

“You’re happy?” Amanda needed to hear it.

“It’s okay. Hell of a lot better than hope.”

“Well, I think I’m going to be happy,” Cissy chirped. “It’s about time I settled down. Goodness knows, I’ve tried it all. And I feel Jimmy is someone I cancount on. You know, through thick and thin. Sickness and whatever…”

Amanda knew her roommate and her assistant were about as alike as oil and vinegar, but though the two ingredients don’t exactly mix, the combination can make a satisfying merger. She gave Cissy the thumbs up and wished her well.

All three women were quiet. Each lost in thought. Amanda reviewed her very practical reasons for not continuing the relationship with Marc. Cissy and Christine glanced at each other and turned to her.


“It’s going to be fine. It can’t last because he’s very occupied with his work, just as I am with mine. And,” she shrugged, “I’m not ready to settle down and I’m sure, neither, is he. So, that’s that.”

Christine made an effort to keep it light. “Is it good?”

The pause wasn’t to remember whether it was good or not. It was to give Amanda time to force the knot in her throat back down where it didn’t interfere with her speech.

“Yes. It’s very good. I will miss him tremendously. But,” she sat up and toasted her companions, “the fat lady hasn’t sung yet and until she does, we’re having a great time.”

Christine patted Amanda’s knee. “Atta girl.”

“Maybe something will work out.” Cissy’s lip trembled.

“Hey!” Christine sat up and lightly punched Amanda on the shoulder. “What about the naked hunk? You made it with him yet? He sure as hell doesn’t look ready to settle down either and how much of a career can a buck naked beauty have? Even if he is a damned spectacularposeur. When Horn Rims takes off, it wouldn’t be a bad shot to have Mr. Gorgeous Butt waiting in the wings.”

Amanda laughed. “Christine, you do know how to put things in perspective. I’ll keep that in mind. And, by the way, I did speak to Gorgeous Butt and he’s going to make a pass at you tomorrow, just as you requested, so be sure you strip Nathan of any sharp objects in case he rises to the jealously bait.”

Christine flopped back, her eyes rolling. “Strip Nathan. Now there’s a thought to block my neural transmitters. What were we talking about? Y’know, the kid does have a great…”

Amanda and Cissy tossed crumpled napkins at her.

“Leavesomething for us to speculate on, Christine.” Cissy’s laughter was light and

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